Tuesday, April 15, 2008

my Little Toes..

Jayden's mummy: 15th March 2008 – Today I noticed Jayden accomplished another hand skill. He had been grabbing at his feet n toes lately, and finally today I saw him grabbing his left foot and slowly put his foot into his mouth to taste his toes. =)) Yucks!! Yes, you might think it’s gross, but I find it funny and amusing while watching him, cox I know my baby had finally accomplished another hand skill.

My little toes & me : "Look at me making a grab at my feet!" (15.04.2008)

Jayden is 7mths old now. Last week we brought him to see his pediatrician again. In less than a month, he had been sick twice and again it’s cough, flu, runny nose and wheezing. It’s the wheezing tat really terrifies me, cox he sounded as if he’s having difficulty breathing and u can actually hear him wheeze from the very end of a hall! Wheezing is one of the symptoms for asthma.

In 3 mths time he oledi had tis wheezing episodes 3 times. When we went to see Dr. Liaw, he explained tat it’s very likely Jayden has “viral-induced asthma”. If a baby had tis attacks for more than 3 times in a period of less than 6 mths, then he’ll be diagnosed wid viral-induced asthma, meaning to say if anyone around haf cold or flu, then he’ll most likely catch it easily and start to wheeze. Sigh!!

Dr. Liaw said tat there’s a medication for tis type of asthma and baby will need to take a medicine called ‘Singulair’ for a period of 2mths and after tat we won’t haf to worry if he’ll catch a cold easily in future. Ah Den took tis medication before for a period of 7days when he was only 3mth old, and oso he had to use a nebulizer then. I took a friend’s helpful advice of recording baby’s entire medication intake in a handy notebook; the consumption period, dosage, etc. It’s really a very good practice cox u’ll be able to monitor if your child is allergic to any specific medication and also if u happen to change his current pediatrician, then it’ll really help to haf all his previous medication record. So when the doc mentioned ‘Singulair’, I immediately remembered Jayden took tis medicine before. Though the doc said the only side effect of tis medicine is its cost, I still hope my baby doesn’t haf to consume medicine daily for such a long period so I opted to juz stay to his normal medicine for cough n runny nose for the time being.

Tis ah Den is really getting naughtier n naughtier. He’s owest so happy when he see Dr. Liaw, even though he’s sick. Most probably because the doc has a very friendly face and he’ll keep smiling and looking at him. Now he even starts to pull at the doc’s stethoscope when the doc carried him around, =)) til Dr. Liaw commented tat he’s one ‘Happy Wheezer’! Ha ha…

After 1 week Jayden is getting better. After he finished his ‘Ventolin’ and ‘Cetirizine’ syrup, I tot of bringing him bek to see his doc to get some more medicine because he still doesn’t get any better. Luckily we consulted a church friend who is also an experienced mum after service last Sun, and she suggested not giving ah Den too much medication, instead bring him to see a chinese physician or juz let him drink more water. So we brought ah Den to see a chinese physician straight after church.

Well, the chinese physician here is kinda different from wat we normally haf in Kuching. I don’t quite trust him actually. He told me to go home tat nite and smashed a shallot, then add some sesame oil, and rubbed tis mixture on ah Den’s back in the motion of left hand side up, and right hand side down. It’s like rubbing in a circular motion on his back. I followed his advice since it’s not harmful so it’s worth a try. Once again my ah Den became “Orang Bawang” cox he smelled of onions whole nite long!

Besides tis, the chinese physician oso prescribed us with a packet of herbal tea called “7 Star Tea” and oso another small bottle of powder which can be bought over the shelf in almost any Chinese medicine store. Tat small bottle of powder is really expensive, it costs RM18.80. It is common tat these chinese medical powder are expensive, probably bcox of its herbs content. Just like the small bottle of “Jing Feng Shan” we bought for ah Den last time, one small bottle costs RM19.90.

When I opened the packet of herbal tea, I was so shocked. One of it’s content was some kind of dried insects. It looks like wasps to me. So we threw the whole packet of “7 Star Tea” (‘chi xing cha’) away. I don’t even dare to drink it myself, what more to give to ah Den. Yucks!! Luckily the powder is effective, and very fortunately ah Den seems to like it. The Chinese physician said ah Den might throw up if we feed him wid the bitter powder so he suggested us to rub it on his gum and tongue. Ha ha… but when I rubbed it on the inside of his mouth, he was sucking and smiling at the same time. I wonder if he finds the powder tasty or he juz like the feeling of my finger inside his mouth. ;)) I did taste the powder myself; it’s a bit salty and bitter at the same time. After a few consumption, it seems to reduce the phlegm in his throat. Perhaps Chinese medication suits him more… but anyway, I juz hope he gets really, really fine soon.