Monday, June 16, 2008

recent Updates

Jayden's mummy :- "

15th June 2008 - Sunday nite, as usual i was lying beside ah Den waiting for him to fall into slumber. Today it's the 1st Father's Day our small family celebrated together. It's juz like any other day for us, and there wasn't any special celebration juz tat i made some sushi for hubby the other day, telling him to accept tat as a gift from little Jayden... :D

Jayden did sth really sweet tonite. It really melted my heart and i felt so, so, so loved by him. =)) While both daddy n mummy were waiting for little ah Den to venture into dreamland, daddy went over n hugged ah Den, but ah Den didn't pay any attention to him and kept on playing wid his toys. Then daddy pretended to be hurt cox ah Den neglected him, so daddy came over and hugged me instead. This finally caught ah Den's attention, and he turned around and looked at us. When he saw his daddy hugging his mummy tightly, he seems to start to feel left out by us. So he slowly reached out his tiny hand, and grabbed my hand. Then he pulled my hand towards his cheeks and placed my hand on his cheeks while hugging tightly on my hand, as if telling his daddy not to take his mummy away. We both laughed seeing him being so 'manja'. Our baby is really learning a lot of new habit lately, and seeing him being so possesive over me really make me feel so special. I juz had tis unexplainable fortunate feeling. Mummy loves u alot too ah Den!


8th June 2008 - Today is the soft opening of 1Borneo, the largest hypermarket in East Msia. Since hubby's mum, grandma and also his aunt were here in Kota Kinabalu, he decided to bring them over to 1Borneo to haf a look. Moreover, hubby's cousin is renting a small stall there, selling name stickers so we decided to pay him a visit. Ah Den's great grandma, grandma & grandaunt followed us back from Miri on the 4th. All the grandmas really love him alot, and they were so happy to be around Jayden.

At 1Borneo, hubby told me tat he noticed tat ah Den keep on eyeing other kids' balloons. Not only 1Borneo but alot of other shops were giving out balloons in celebration of their grand opening, so almost every kid has at least one balloon. Ah Den really seems to be attracted to the floating balloons, and seeing him glaring at other ppl's balloons really make both me & hubby wanting to get one for him. So we walk around trying to hunt for free balloons but it was kinda hard cox the place was packed wid ppl.

Finally, we gave up and decided to go home because we fear all the grandmas would be exhausted if we walked too long. When we neared the exit, I turned back n saw one of 1Borneo's staff carrying a big bunch of balloons. So I immediately rushed over to him, carrying ah Den in my arms and asked if i can haf one balloon. The man gladly gave me one beautiful apple green balloon, then ah Den's daddy and grandma and even great-grandma rushed over and asked the guy for some more balloons. Haha... ah Den ended up having 4 balloons instead of none. Everyone really 'sayang' him lor...

From left to right: ah Den's grandaunt, great-grandma & grandma

8th June 2008 - ah Den wid great-grandma @ 1Borneo

8th June 2008 - ah Den wid grandma @ 1Borneo

~ Photos of Jayden wid his balloons ~


3rd June 2008 – Pictures of ah Den wid ‘chat (7) chai’. We went to Miri on 31st May to attend SH’s cousin brother’s wedding dinner on the 2nd June. We stayed at Park City Everly Hotel, a 4-star hotel, and since it was Gawai during tat period, the hotel was packed. The first few days there at Miri we were really tired out, and meeting a lot of his other relatives whom little Jayden hadn’t seen b4.

However, on the 1st, which was hubby’s bday, his aunts & relatives purposely held a simple bday celebration for him. It was simply unforgettable. We were supposed to dine at Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club where the wedding dinner will be held the next day. SH’s uncle purposely invited all the relatives to dine there to show them the venue for the wedding dinner and also to let everyone comment on the dishes. Before the dinner started, hubby’s 3rd aunt brought out a cake and lit 28 candles for him. Then they all gathered around us and we all sang bday song. It’d been a really long time since so many ppl celebrated hubby’s bday for him. Since his b’day is on Gawai Day, almost every year it’s either we r not at home or he’d to work at hotel to replace the Iban staffs on leave. It’s his 1st bday celebrated wid ah Den around tis year. Jayden keep on looking at his daddy’s cake, and he was smiling when he saw all the lit up candles. After hubby cut his b’day cake, his aunts had another surprise for him. They gave him a big soft toy – CJ7, and it was really such a funny gift for a grown-up man like him. Everyone had such a good laugh, and ah Den again keep on staring at CJ7 (‘chat chai’) and of cuz tat belongs to him now. =))

After dinner tat nite, we stopped by SH’s cousin’s new house and after tat both of us, together wid ah Den of cuz, sneaked down to town to Coffee Bean to buy 2 pieces of yummy cake and an ice-blended Caramel back to our hotel for another b’day celebration of our own. So tat’s how ah Den got his new ‘chat chai’ lor… and luckily he’s not afraid of it. Juz tat he’ll feel quite ticklish of his furry head, and sometimes he’ll shudder when we stroke him wid CJ7’s fur! "


These are the name stickers we bought for Jayden and my niece, Esther, from hubby's cousin brother. It's really cute & nice. Now i can stick these stickers on ah Den's belongings. I chose the Disney cartoons for ah Den and Pooh & Friends for Esther. I really dunno if she likes Pooh or Mickey Mouse better, cox she loves them all. She can even name each & everyone of the Disney cartoon character and even Pooh & Friends as well. She's really smart! I tried before telling her tat it's Mickey Mouse while pointing to Goofy. She'll look at u wid her cute adorable eyes and tell u "no... tat's Goofy!". Haha... who sez u can fool a kid. I hope ah Den will turn out to be as smart as her!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Some new tricks

Jayden's mummy: "My baby had learnt some new tricks in these past few months. About 2 weeks ago, when I woke up one morning, as usual ah Den was playing by himself on his mattress beside me. He woke up before I did, and it’s quite funny to see him entertaining himself while waiting for me to wake up. I rolled over to watch him, and in order to see him clearly, I had to put my face really near to his (cox of my short-sightedness). Then I start to blink at him. I wonder if he’ll give me any response, and then I blinked my eyes again slowly thrice. He gazed back at me, and slowly he start to blink his eyes too… very clearly and slowly. I chuckled seeing him trying to imitate me. I keep on doing it, and he responded to my action by blinking back at me. However, a few days later when I played this same trick wid him, he seems to have forgotten how to do so… or maybe he find tis trick ‘stupid’! Ha ha…

At the age of 6mths plus, ah Den had learnt how to shake his head. And yes, he had also learnt to recognize his name. If u called out ‘Jay-den’ or ‘ah-Den’, he’ll turn and look at you. He can sit up by himself now, although still not tat stable and he’ll tumble over once in a while. He loves to watch his nursery rhymes video CDs and whenever I played it for him, he’ll keep on shouting at the tv once in awhile whenever he sees a familiar picture… or perhaps he’s trying to sing together wid them… I have no idea!

Another funny thing is how he sucks his pacifier. Lately he has tis habit of sticking his finger into the hole in his silicone pacifier. It’s like he can suck both his pacifier and his finger at the same time, and he really enjoys it. One more wonderful gesture he had learnt is to wave. When we say ‘bye-bye’ to him and start to wave at him, he’ll respond by trying to wave his arm as well. Haha… maybe bcox when we go out for breakfast every morning, the ladies at the reception counter downstairs will wave and greet him ‘bye-bye’. So slowly ah Den had also learnt to wave back at them. Babies do learn really fast… way to go!"

Some recent snapshots :-

22nd May 2008 - ah Den playing wid his pacifier, see the way he sucks his pacifier now! Really creative!

4th May 2008 - ah Den chewing his Patrick the Red Dog!