Friday, June 5, 2009

Double Pacifiers!

Jayden's mummy :- " Whenever i saw ah Den doing this wid his pacifier, it juz reminds me so much of my younger brother who used to do so when he was about tis age too. I haf a strong memory of this cox i remembered my dad took a photo of my bro sucking 2 or 3 of his rubber pacifier all at the same time! And now, ah Den is playing the same trick! Just like his 'qiu qiu' (uncle)... as naughty and as cheeky and they both have big head!

Normally when ahDen got hold of both his pacifiers, (i usually only give him one... the other acts as a back-up) he'll hold one in each hand. Alternately he'll put the pacifier on one hand into his mouth, then pull it out and put the other one in his other hand into his mouth again. He'll be doing tis repeatedly, and it owest makes me wonder if it is really so fun to play like tat."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Jayden's mummy :- "
At the age of 20 months, one of the most wonderful two-syllable word tat Jayden can utter, other than 'mummy' & 'daddy', is no other than 'Amen'. It happened somewhere after 18th May, after we came back from Kuching this time.

That time he was sitting in his daddy's car and we were on our way home. While listening to the Kid's Prayer CD, which we had finally taken the initiative to place into one of the CD changer slot in the car, he surprisingly uttered 'Amen'. He was looking at me as he said 'Amen' while i was craddling him in my arms cox he was feeling sleepy then.

It sounded so wonderful and touching. I was feeling down then, and when he said that amazing word to me, i felt like crying. I was very happy hearing him saying 'Amen', and it instantly made me feel so much stronger. I kissed my adorable son on his forehead and replied 'Amen' to him as well.

He must haf realised how his newly achieved vocab thrilled both his parents, for he kept on saying 'Amen' non-stop after tat until we reached home! =))"

Monday, June 1, 2009

going Round & Round...

Jayden's mummy :- "
Lately Jayden just have this funny habit of turning himself around in circles. He really enjoys playing like this... even if he gets dizzy after his spin, he still enjoys going round and round in circles. Sometimes when he couldn't spin any longer, he'll just dropped himself on the bed and lie there giggling to himself. I guess he must be wondering why the world around him was spinning. Hahaha.... kids are just so curious.

Oh ya, and there's this funny act of playing with his shadow as well. I don't think i can record tis as the room will be quite dark when we dim the lights at nite. Whenever it's bedtime, we usually don't switched off all the lights. We'll leave one of the light on, the one on the way to the bathroom. So little Den den will be walking to and fro from the light. At first both of us were wondering wat he was doing marching to and fro in front of our bed, and then we finally come to realise tat he was noticing his shadow.

He tried moving away further from the light and saw the little shadow in front of him grew and grew. Then he tried moving towards the light, and even looking behind him to see if his shadow was tagging along. Then he'll sway his body from left to right, and giggled when he saw his shadow moving from side to side as well. Sigh... juz how cute kids can be!"