Thursday, July 30, 2009

1st KL Trip

Jayden's mummy:- "

8th-13th July 2009: This was Jayden's first trip to Kuala Lumpur, but it was first time for all of us to actually be flying from Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur. Before this, we always flew from Kuching to KL which only takes about 1hr45minutess and tis time flying from KK it actually took us 2hr30minutes. All those long hour in the plane made us kinda uncomfortable and little Jayden juz didn't wan to put on his face mask. Before this we were all wondering if we should juz canceled this family trip, but with all the payments made for the hotels and oso our flight tickets, we juz got on wid our plan.

Hubby always insists tat it's really good to bring kids traveling more often because it's a chance they'll learn more things. Honestly wid each trip we had, we really noticed tat Jayden will learned sth new. Like tis KL trip for example, it was his first time to board so many different types of transportation.... namely LRT, cable car, taxi & buses! He was thrilled when we brought him on the cable cars on the way up to Genting, although he seemed to be terrified in the first place but he got over it real soon when daddy taught him to wave at he passing-by cable cars. He started waving and saying 'bye bye' to all the cable cars tat went pass and it was really cute. Even when he saw picture of the cable car on a banner days after, he will still wave and say 'bye bye' at it!

Jayden's first time on the LRT and monorail was really cute as well. He was amazed at the moving train, and it reminds him so much of his favourite cartoon 'Thomas & Friends' and he will start to say 'wheeeeee....' whenever the train starts moving. Although it was terribly tiring for all the adults especially daddy, for we need to carry heavy Jayden along all the way to catch LRT, catch buses, all the public transport; but we were truly happy seeing Jayden being so excited.

At Genting, Jayden was still too young to play most of the rides so we only brought him on the Busy Bug Monorail. We paid RM8 per adult juz for this ride alone, and we ended up being stuck up there for 40minutes cox sth went wrong wid the monorail. So it was worth our money after all for we actually paid RM1 for 5minutes! =) The worst thing was ahDen actually poo-ed in his diaper before we board the bug, but the queue was way too long for us to re-queue again, so we insisted riding it before giving him a diaper change. It was embarassing for the poor lady and her son in the same cabin with us had to suffer with ahDen's shit smell for tat long! We didn't predict tat sth will went wrong wid the bug... rotten luck for them i guess!

We stayed at Genting Theme Park Hotel, and our rooms were so far away from its lobby. It was situated at the other wing of the building and it was terribly far! For tis trip we really WALKED alot, and WALKED so far! It it was walking alone, it'd still be fine for all of us but it was including carrying loads like our backpacks & our kids! Phew!

We went to Ikea on tat Saturday and spent more than RM500 there. Ikea was amazing but not the ride we took there. It was our first time there, and all the stuff there seems wonderful and we wanted to get alot of things for our future house. We ended up spending the most on Jayden, for daddy said he didn't spend any money on the rides at Genting so we used tat money to buy his favourite toy for him. We spent RM110 on 2 different types of wooden toys for him, and nearly RM200 on the Mammut stools and chairs for the kid's room we plan to haf in our house next time.

The most comforting encounter was actually finding a toy tat Jayden can focus on for so long. Before this we had friends commenting about Jayden being a little to the hyperactive type and the risk of him being attention deficit. Tat really worries both daddy & mummy. We spent more time then bringing him to the beach and playground, hoping he can use up his excess energy daily. Finally tat day at Ikea, he found tis wonderful toy. Although it was such a simple toy, it managed to keep ahDen focus for the whole afternoon while we shopped in peace. We put both Jayden and the 'Mϋla Bead Roller Coaster' toy inside our shopping cart, and he stayed in there playing with it until we were done wid our shopping. Both daddy & mummy felt so much comforted and happy wid ahDen's progress tat afternoon, so ended up daddy really don't mind spending so much on him! The other toy tat we got for him was the 'Mϋla Crane with Blocks'. We really wished we could get him all the MULA toys but they were quite costly.

'Mϋla Bead Roller Coaster'

'Mϋla Crane with Blocks'

Another new encounter for Jayden was he finally had his first taste of strawberries. Auntie Ming bought a box of strawberries and okie, it was kinda sour but still greedy Jayden ate one after another! Tis trip to KL we noticed tat Jayden starts to show interest in toys, and he will insist holding on to a toy tat he likes in the departmental store. But we know tat we mustn't spoil him and buying him everything tat he likes. Since Jayden can understand more now, we had better start educating him. "

Jayden's Fun Time with his Ikea Bead Roller Coaster :-

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

shopping cart!

Jayden's mummy :- " These are some cute photos we took at Tong Hing here in Kota Kinabalu, back on 2nd June 09. Jayden was playing with the kid's shopping cart, and he was particularly amazed at the size of the shopping cart which is juz the right size for him. He must be imagining tat little Jayden too can shop like an adult, pushing the shopping cart around all by himself. It's really very hard to get some still photos of him, for he was far too excited to be able to keep still for a second. These are some of the best shots that i have."