Friday, February 19, 2010

mastering the pee-pee skills!

Jayden's mummy :- "As a mum, I truly enjoy every moment with my son. Even though there are times when u get angry and frustrated; or sad and down with your child; eventually the pro will still even out the con!

Before this, i rem putting in my Windows Messenger that it was 'So hard training a child' and friends were like asking wat sort of training am i trying on my child!

I tried to toilet-train ahDen somewhere in the 3rd week of December. I really felt so suffocated that time. I was merely trying to teach him to pee into the potty, so he need not wear any diapers during daytime. I was totally pissed off and on the verge of giving up during the 3rd day of the training. I didn't scold him or beat him when he wetted his pants. What made me felt guilty was that he would rather juz stay inside the toilet when he realised he doesn't have his diaper on! He'd go naked from the waist down and juz wait inside the toilet, and i really felt i'm being so cruel to him. I kept on pondering "Is it time yet to toilet train him???" But this is a question that no one else will know the answer better than myself!

I really shed tears of anger and frustration during that few days, and thankfully hubby was ever so supportive and reasoning with me. The funny statement tat hubby made was (I really wan to share this here) 'Try to understand tat he has his diapers on since the day he was born until now, which was 2+years, and suddenly he doesn't have it on now... how will he feel! Imagine you not wearing your underpants!!!'

This really made me laughed and laughed so hard! It's very reasonable, so i juz keep repeating hubby's statement whenever i saw ahDen's fear of not having his diaper on! Actually i know tat my son is a very strong-willed person, tat is the better way of phrasing it; or better known to everyone else is the word STUBBORN! If he doesn't like sth, you really can't force him to do it your way! That is why a lot of ppl will comment tat Jayden has very bad discipline!

Thankfully in less than a week's time, he kind of accept the fact that he need not wear his diaper all the time. During tat first few weeks of training, we let him wear his diaper during his nap and bed time, or when we go out shopping or to places where we need to be for at least more than an hour. Now (in Feb), he definitely has improve his 'peeing' skills and he'll tell us if he wanna go 'pee-pee'! That's wat he'll say -- pee-pee!

Now he only wears his diapers during nap & bed time still, but when we go out shopping we can forget about his diaper! Some pretty funny things to jot down here during this period of trying to help him to get rid of his diaper habit :-

(1) There was once when we were at sunday school, and ahDen insisted of going back home because he wanted to pee. Without the potty, he juz cant pee. He's afraid of wetting the floor. He had his diaper on then, but he didn't wan to wet his diaper either. So in the end, thankfully there were buckets around! and so he pee-ed into one of the plastic hand scoop!

(2) Another time was when he pee-ed into the potty in our bathroom, then he point to his stream of urine while peeing, saying "Wao.... fountain!" =)) It really made me chuckled and laughed... while telling him, "no... tat's not a fountain!"

(3) ...seeing him trying to aim at the potty which was on the bathroom floor. He was half squatting down and making sure his 'little birdie' gets as close to the potty as possible! His facial reaction was really cute!

Of cuz there are still more stories to share, but at this point i can't really think of anything else cause ahDen had finished wid his afternoon nap. Time to pen off! "

Happy CNY 2010!

Jayden's mummy :- "We went back to Kuching for CNY on 10th Feb this year. This time we'll be flying wid Malaysia airlines and first time boarding through Terminal 1 KK.

Honestly i felt so lazy to update ahDen's blog and my own blog lately, due to ahDen being sick for so long and not really getting any better. When we went back to Kch, on 11th we brought him to see a Chinese physician. He was given some medicine considered as tonic to improve his lungs. On the 12th, hubby said to bring him to Kuching Specialist Hospital to see a paediatrician called Dr. Siew Hueh Fen. Not really putting on high hope, we went early tat morning, as early as 8+am!

Dr. Siew is a very nice doctor... no tension really as like meeting your 'discipline teacher'! I showed her my little booklet of ahDen's previous record of all the medicine he took. It's really a very good habit of jotting down all the medicine names and dosage, so to all mothers-to-be, if you happen to be reading my blog, do make it a practice to jot down all your child's medication record even if it's juz merely flu & cough!

Her first comment was 1st week of taking antibiotics and since it showed no improvement in the child, we should stop the antibiotics cause it means tat it have no effect on the child. But ahDen was taking the same antibiotics for 2weeks! Juz to cut things short, he was 'neb' 2 times tat morning.... with a difference of 5minutes in between. He was wailing and kicking and struggling, and it was really terrible but thankfully after being nebulized, he was so much better. The wheezing sound lightens, and he was breathing much easier then.

The most surprising thing was the BILL! With all the medicines given PLUS using the nebulizer twice, it costs us RM131.80. It was really so much more reasonable. When i realised tat the Flixotide and Ventolin evohaler wasn't prescribed, i went back to the doctor and asked for her prescription. It was totally different from Dr.Chan where she juz prescribed me with all the medicine, not considering or asking even if i still have any left. Totally a waste of money, and now i have tonnes of unfinished inhalers stacking up in my room here!

Another surprising thing is the charges for both the inhalers. Back at Dr.Chan's clinic, i remembered the Flixotide evohaler alone costs RM89. But tat day, for both the Flixotide and Ventolin evohaler it only costs me RM76.45! So much more extras for the overcharging doctor and yet my son didn't get any better!

We went back for a follow up on the 17th Feb, and truthfully the antibiotics prescribed this time really does work on Jayden. It's pretty obvious he is feeling so much better now. I dunno how relieved i felt, and hubby too.

From medical aspects, Kuching really do have better doctors than KK. No offence, but we have more medical centres and specialists in Kuching than in KK. Perhaps tat's why you'll meet some ridiculous paediatrics here. Of cuz, i don't mean all the paediatrics in KK are like that. I still like Dr. Terry and Dr. Liaw who are always more reasonable and to me, it's more professional!

Sigh! I juz hope ahDen will be healthy always and growing up fine in this year of the Tiger. "

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ahDen's Don-ner-ner!

Jayden's mummy :- "Felt so lazy to update on how much we had spent on ahDen's medical bill at Dr. Chan. The last visit costs us another RM319. So in 3 weeks time, we had spent more than RM1k for his flu and cough only at Dr. Chan's clinic alone. Sigh!

Last nite we went for a walk at Wawasan Plaza since there's Parkson warehouse sale going on. When we reach Api-api Centre and after hubby parked the car, i heard ahDen talking. He was seated at the back seat and he said sth like 'I wanna go...' continued by 'Over there...' and finally he said 'Don-ner-ner'.

The final phrase of 'Don-ner-ner' made me realised wat his whole sentence meant. He was actually telling us tat he wanted to go to McDonald's! This naughty boy seems to start recognising some familiar places in KK. The funny thing was McDonald's was actually at the other end of our parking lot, totally not within our view but ahDen knew tat there's a McDonald's there alright.

When i told hubby tat he was telling us to bring him to McD, hubby asked him 'Where do you want to go?' Then again he replied 'Don-ner-ner' and he pointed to the direction of McD saying 'Over there...'
We both couldn't help laughing at him. Smart boy... knowing tat he can eat and play at McD. Hmmm... but we told him no, and tat we are going shopping and not to 'Don-ner-ner'! "