My name is
JAYDEN HII CHING WUN. Hmm... well, mummy and daddy had a long list of names to select months before i was born. It was quite a headache for them, especially when picking my chinese name. Both mummy and daddy don't read chinese character, and they keep on referring to a chinese dictionary to pick my chinese name.
For my christian name, actually auntie Ah Ming suggested it. She purposely emailed a list of names to mummy for her to choose. Some of the christian names tat attracted mummy and daddy most were
Ethan, Dylan, Nathan... Besides making sure tat the names goes well with my surname which is '
Hii', mummy and daddy oso hope to pick a rare name so tat it'll be special and unique only for me. ;)) At first, mummy and daddy agreed on Dylan but when auntie Ah Ming suggested Jayden, it seems to go quite well wid my surname as well. Since mummy and daddy wanted a unique name, they finally agreed on Jayden. I can be called as 'Jay' for short or even simpler juz 'J'. haha... Back at home, my family members normally call me as
'ah den',
'den-den' or
'ah no' (meaning 'little one' in foochow).
Well, my name Jayden is actually a modern name derived from the name 'Jay' or 'Jai'. In Sanskrit, Jay means 'VICTORY' whereas in Old English Jay carries the meaning of 'a bird'. Other form of spelling for my name can be found as 'Jaedon', 'Jaiden', 'Jaden', and 'Jaidon'. Mummy and daddy prefered the spelling
J-A-Y-D-E-N the most for my name. According to Baby Name Network, the name 'Jayden' holds the meaning 'God has heard'. (Pls refer to if interested.)
As for my chinese name, it's actually pronounce as
'jin4 wen2'. For my generation in the Hii family, my chinese name is supposed to start wid the word '
jin4'. Because my cousins' names were all spelled as 'Ching' in English, so tat's how my name is supposed to be spelled as too. '
jin4' holds the meaning of -- advance, promote, increase.
Mummy and daddy listed a few of their prefered name and gave it to grandpa to choose. Grandpa said he like the word '
wen2' the most as it means culture and literature.
In Msia, parents will need to register their babies birth within 2 weeks from the bb's DOB to prevent a fine. Since the word 'wen
2' can actually be used for both sexes, mummy and daddy keep on thinking about my chinese name and whether if it's too girlish to me. At last they agreed to respect my grandpa's decision, so daddy only went to register my birth 2 days before the last date. At first my chinese name was supposed to be spelled as 'Ching Wen'. As mummy was thinking over and over, she finally called auntie Ah Ming to ask for her opinion. Auntie Ming suggested to change the spelling 'Wen' to 'Wun' since it sounds better for a boy.
Without hesitating, mummy immediately called daddy and luckily daddy had not submitted the registration form yet. Daddy was about to submit the form and the registration officer was right in front of him then, and phew... mummy had called just in the nick of time.
So finally my name turned out to be 'Jayden Hii Ching W

taken on 10th Sept 2007. Wat a big mouth i have!
taken on 11th Sept 2007.
these were some of the very early pics when i first opened my eyes.