Friday, February 22, 2008

"funny moments in my cradle net"

After I had my fall from the ‘sarong’, mummy had phobia of cradling me in the cradle ever again. However, I couldn’t sleep well without using the cradle, and another problem is the shape of my flat head. I lied on my back too much while sleeping on the bed and when the back of my head became flat, mummy had no choice but to allow me to sleep in the cradle once again. I don’t like to sleep on my sides, and although mummy and daddy owest propped me wid lots of pillows and bolsters to make me sleep on my sides, I owest managed to roll back and lie flat on my back once again. This is the sleep position tat I preferred most.

When at last mummy allow me to sleep in the cradle net, (after making sure to take all the needed safety precaution), I can finally sleep longer. When I stirred at the slightest sound I heard while sleeping, my parents can easily rock me back to sleep once more! And the shape of my head was better too after they finally allow me to sleep in my cradle, tho it’s still kinda flat. However, there are some funny moments when they peep inside my cradle net and found the state I’m in. Here’s some funny snapshots to share wid my frens and relatives…. ta da…..

Scene 1

P/S: my ‘nye-ma’ or ‘wai po’(grandma – mummy’s mum) made me this small bolster. Mummy called it my ‘ah nau’ or ‘nau-nau’. (pillow is refered to as ‘jing nau’ in foochow) I owest haf it wid me whenever I sleep. Once when mummy look at me when I was inside my cradle net, tis is wat she found. I oso had no idea how my ‘ah nau’ ends up on my forehead.

Scene 2
Tis is how i sometimes look like when i sleep. Daddy say i look like batman! Ain't i cute? =)

Scene 3

and sometimes my pacifier ends up in funny way on top of my forehead too.... hee... ta da....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

"my preSenTs & GIftS"

mummy owest tells me how lucky i am. I haf so many ppl who luv me and owest care for me. From the day i was born, and even before i was born, family and frens had showered me wid gifts. According to mummy, a baby doesn't owest have to haf new toys. Tis is because bb grows up real fast, and watever new toys tat might attract them tis very minute wil be easily forgotten the very next minute. So mummy doesn't really spend on new toys for me. My daddy however owest seems to haf the urge to buy me new toys. Whenever we go shopping, he'll be drawn to cute & nice toys tat we see and thinking of getting those toys for me. Mummy owest stopped him and tell him i oledi haf alot of toys, or tat some of the toys are only suitable for me when i'm older.

Jayden's mummy: "Tis is a page specially posted by mummy to remind ah den-den of the gifts and toys others had bought for him. When he's older and can read wat i wrote here, it'll be important to teach him to appreciate other's love for him and to be thankful for everything tat he has. These are only 'some' of his gifts... not all, coz i only took snapshots of some of it. If i am to snap all his gifts, which includes new clothes and his stuffs, tis is gonna be a real long post! And i intend to update tis post from time to time..."

name: Chicky Rattle
from: my daddy
info: tis is a gift tat daddy had bought me when i was only 1m+. It's a rattle from Anakku, and besides making rattling sound when it's being shake, it can oso squeak when it's being squeezed. It owest amused me wid all the different sounds tat it makes.

name: pinky piggie
from: mummy
info: tis cute piggie actually belongs to mummy. It was a farewell gift from auntie cass for mummy when she left her job as an IT exec. Mummy & auntie cass are very good frens, and auntie cass miss her alot when she wanted to leave her job. Maybe because i'm born in the year of the Pig, so daddy owest commented tat the pinky piggie and me are 'abang & adik'... or perhaps there are some slight resemblance..!!??.. hee...

name: Little Dino
from: auntie piang ('ah piang yee')
info: tis gift is from mummy's close fren, auntie piang. she bought it for me from spore, and dino has a spring attached to it's head, so it can 'boink-boink' when it's being pulled. When mummy first saw it, she still tot tat it's a rooster... wahahahaa....

name: my ferrari...ssssssss
from: uncle ngeebang ('ah bang chek')
info: when mummy 1st told uncle bang tat she was pregnant, he was so happy. =) he kept on telling mummy to haf a bb boy, bcoz he likes bb boy more. finally he promised mummy tat if she gave birth to a bb boy, he'll collect all the ferrari toy car models for me, and gif it to me when i'm born. However, i can only play wid my toy cars when i'm 3yrs old, as these toys are considered hazardous for children below 3. =p

name: teddy
from: auntie peishan ('peishan yee')
info: tis is a Nici bear which auntie peishan purposely brought back from spore as my christmas gift. Mummy luv bear bear alot, and tis teddy of mine is especially cute wid it's scarf tightly wrapped around it's neck to show tat it's winter time. One more thing special about a Nici toy is tat most of its toys will haf a miniature red heart and a small pocket where u can put its heart back into the pocket. Perhaps it's a special sign from the teddy telling me tat he's giving all his heart his owner.

name: ellie (elephant rattle)
from: auntie ah ming
info: tis is another xmas gift which is from auntie ah ming, mummy's sis. it's a foot rattle actually, and auntie ah ming gave it to me when i was about to board the flight from kuching to kota kinabalu on 25th Dec 2008. auntie ah ming said she's gonna miss me very much. Well, a foot rattle is a rattle tat you can wrapped around bb's foot, and when bb kicks his foot, it'll make an attractive rattling sound. And my ellie's ear makes a funny crackling sound when it's pinched. It owest attracts me. Mummy seldom wrapped my ellie around my foot, but she owest wrapped it around my wrist so tat i can see wat i'm holding and sometimes chew on my ellie's long nose!

name: sesame street teether
from: auntie ah ming
info: tis is a water-filled teether. Auntie ah ming bought it for me even before i was born. Mummy says i can chew on the teether when i start teething. I start to use tis teether when i am about 5m old. Mummy's fren told her tat she can put tis teether in the fridge n cold it b4 giving me to chew on it. It'll be more soothing cox it's cooling. =)

name: Patrick the Red Doggie
from: mummy & daddy
info: Patrick actually belongs to daddy. Mummy gave it to daddy long time ago when daddy is still studying in UK. When i first saw Patrick, he was hanging on top of the dressing table in daddy & mummy's room. I was only 1m+ and i could hardly make out wat Patrick look like. I juz know tat he's RED. The colour red owest attracts bb cox bb can spot things in red better. Bcox it attracts me alot, so mummy took it down from the dressing table, washed it and gave it to me as my toy.

name: car car rattle teether
from: auntie ah ming
info: tis is a gift from auntie ah ming. She gave it to me on the 3rd day of CNY. Auntie ah ming owest buy me new toys. She said she got it from a new departmental store in kch. Tis car car is actually a rattle cum a teether. It has 3 key-shaped teethers, and mummy says i can hang this car car rattle teether in my stroller. When the car car is shook, it gave a nice sound like a windchime chiming.

name: smiley face teether
from: mummy & daddy
info: tis is another teether of mine. actually mummy and daddy got tis from one of my full-month hamper. Tis is a much lighter teether, compared to the water-filled teether. It's made of non-toxic plastic and in the shape of a flower. I can chew on each and every one of it's colourful petal. =)

Friday, February 1, 2008

"my name"

My name is JAYDEN HII CHING WUN. Hmm... well, mummy and daddy had a long list of names to select months before i was born. It was quite a headache for them, especially when picking my chinese name. Both mummy and daddy don't read chinese character, and they keep on referring to a chinese dictionary to pick my chinese name.

For my christian name, actually auntie Ah Ming suggested it. She purposely emailed a list of names to mummy for her to choose. Some of the christian names tat attracted mummy and daddy most were Ethan, Dylan, Nathan... Besides making sure tat the names goes well with my surname which is 'Hii', mummy and daddy oso hope to pick a rare name so tat it'll be special and unique only for me. ;)) At first, mummy and daddy agreed on Dylan but when auntie Ah Ming suggested Jayden, it seems to go quite well wid my surname as well. Since mummy and daddy wanted a unique name, they finally agreed on Jayden. I can be called as 'Jay' for short or even simpler juz 'J'. haha... Back at home, my family members normally call me as 'ah den', 'den-den' or 'ah no' (meaning 'little one' in foochow).

Well, my name Jayden is actually a modern name derived from the name 'Jay' or 'Jai'. In Sanskrit, Jay means 'VICTORY' whereas in Old English Jay carries the meaning of 'a bird'. Other form of spelling for my name can be found as 'Jaedon', 'Jaiden', 'Jaden', and 'Jaidon'. Mummy and daddy prefered the spelling J-A-Y-D-E-N the most for my name. According to Baby Name Network, the name 'Jayden' holds the meaning 'God has heard'. (Pls refer to if interested.)

As for my chinese name, it's actually pronounce as 'jin4 wen2'. For my generation in the Hii family, my chinese name is supposed to start wid the word 'jin4'. Because my cousins' names were all spelled as 'Ching' in English, so tat's how my name is supposed to be spelled as too. 'jin4' holds the meaning of -- advance, promote, increase.
Mummy and daddy listed a few of their prefered name and gave it to grandpa to choose. Grandpa said he like the word 'wen2' the most as it means culture and literature.

In Msia, parents will need to register their babies birth within 2 weeks from the bb's DOB to prevent a fine. Since the word 'wen2' can actually be used for both sexes, mummy and daddy keep on thinking about my chinese name and whether if it's too girlish to me. At last they agreed to respect my grandpa's decision, so daddy only went to register my birth 2 days before the last date. At first my chinese name was supposed to be spelled as 'Ching Wen'. As mummy was thinking over and over, she finally called auntie Ah Ming to ask for her opinion. Auntie Ming suggested to change the spelling 'Wen' to 'Wun' since it sounds better for a boy.

Without hesitating, mummy immediately called daddy and luckily daddy had not submitted the registration form yet. Daddy was about to submit the form and the registration officer was right in front of him then, and phew... mummy had called just in the nick of time.

So finally my name turned out to be 'Jayden Hii Ching Wun'.

taken on 10th Sept 2007. Wat a big mouth i have!

taken on 11th Sept 2007.
these were some of the very early pics when i first opened my eyes.

"my first cry"

I first came to this world on 7th September 2007 (Fri) at 11.26pm. My mum gave birth to me at Kuching Specialist Hospital through caesarean-birth. My daddy said he heard me cry in the OT just a few minutes after they wheeled my mummy in.

After tat the pediatrician and nurses wheeled me to the baby room, which was down the hallway. The doctor and nurses were wheeling me hastily then, and silently without any explaination as if in an emergency state. My daddy said it made him and oso my grandma and aunties worried tat there was sth wrong wid me.

When they reached the bb room, the nurses put some kind of a hose into my throat to suck out mucous. Daddy said he oso saw the doctor putting an oxygen mask to my face and oso the nurses there keep on spanking my bottom hard to make me cry out loud. My auntie ah ming commented tat my mouth was very big when i started wailing then. After tat, the nurses bathed me. Only then my pediatrician went out to explain to my family tat there was too much mucous in my throat tat i could hardly breathe. But i'll be alrite. My aunt said she saw the nurses combed my hair after they bathed me so u can imagine how much hair i had when i was born!

After they bathed and cleaned me, i was dressed up and wrapped with a warm blanket. Then they left me in the baby room together wid other babies there, to be seen by others through the big glass window.

some of my first snapshots after i was born.
it was taken on 8th sept 2007 00.23am and 00.25am.
I was sleeping snugly in my warm blanket.

I weighed 3.39kg and am 55cm long. I had lots of hair on my head, and back then i juz slept and slept. I was sooooo tired tat i rarely opened my eyes.

taken 00.36am and 00.38am (8th Sept).

taken 00.39am and 01.28am (8th Sept).

can u see tat i'm slowly sneaking my hands out? my hands were all wrapped out tightly in the blanket and i couldn't move. i was slowly sneaking my hands out of the blanket til the nurses spotted me. Then they wrapped me up tightly again and put a hanky under my chin cox i vomit a little after they feed me.

When i was first born, i drank 2 ounce of 'nen-nen' (milk). Mummy and daddy chose Enfalac A+ for me, and nurses there commented tat i'm very nice to feed cox i drink my 'nen-nen' without needing to stop and to be burped in order to drink more. I can finish my 'nen-nen' in ONE GO! Hooray!!!