Jayden's mummy: "Tis is a page specially posted by mummy to remind ah den-den of the gifts and toys others had bought for him. When he's older and can read wat i wrote here, it'll be important to teach him to appreciate other's love for him and to be thankful for everything tat he has. These are only 'some' of his gifts... not all, coz i only took snapshots of some of it. If i am to snap all his gifts, which includes new clothes and his stuffs, tis is gonna be a real long post! And i intend to update tis post from time to time..."

from: my daddy
info: tis is a gift tat daddy had bought me when i was only 1m+. It's a rattle from Anakku, and besides making rattling sound when it's being shake, it can oso squeak when it's being squeezed. It owest amused me wid all the different sounds tat it makes.

from: mummy
info: tis cute piggie actually belongs to mummy. It was a farewell gift from auntie cass for mummy when she left her job as an IT exec. Mummy & auntie cass are very good frens, and auntie cass miss her alot when she wanted to leave her job. Maybe because i'm born in the year of the Pig, so daddy owest commented tat the pinky piggie and me are 'abang & adik'... or perhaps there are some slight resemblance..!!??.. hee...
name: Little Dino
from: auntie piang ('ah piang yee')
info: tis gift is from mummy's close fren, auntie piang. she bought it for me from spore, and dino has a spring attached to it's head, so it can 'boink-boink' when it's being pulled. When mummy first saw it, she still tot tat it's a rooster... wahahahaa....

from: uncle ngeebang ('ah bang chek')
info: when mummy 1st told uncle bang tat she was pregnant, he was so happy. =) he kept on telling mummy to haf a bb boy, bcoz he likes bb boy more. finally he promised mummy tat if she gave birth to a bb boy, he'll collect all the ferrari toy car models for me, and gif it to me when i'm born. However, i can only play wid my toy cars when i'm 3yrs old, as these toys are considered hazardous for children below 3. =p

from: auntie peishan ('peishan yee')
info: tis is a Nici bear which auntie peishan purposely brought back from spore as my christmas gift. Mummy luv bear bear alot, and tis teddy of mine is especially cute wid it's scarf tightly wrapped around it's neck to show tat it's winter time. One more thing special about a Nici toy is tat most of its toys will haf a miniature red heart and a small pocket where u can put its heart back into the pocket. Perhaps it's a special sign from the teddy telling me tat he's giving all his heart his owner.

name: ellie (elephant rattle)
from: auntie ah ming
info: tis is another xmas gift which is from auntie ah ming, mummy's sis. it's a foot rattle actually, and auntie ah ming gave it to me when i was about to board the flight from kuching to kota kinabalu on 25th Dec 2008. auntie ah ming said she's gonna miss me very much. Well, a foot rattle is a rattle tat you can wrapped around bb's foot, and when bb kicks his foot, it'll make an attractive rattling sound. And my ellie's ear makes a funny crackling sound when it's pinched. It owest attracts me. Mummy seldom wrapped my ellie around my foot, but she owest wrapped it around my wrist so tat i can see wat i'm holding and sometimes chew on my ellie's long nose!
name: sesame street teether
from: auntie ah ming
info: tis is a water-filled teether. Auntie ah ming bought it for me even before i was born. Mummy says i can chew on the teether when i start teething. I start to use tis teether when i am about 5m old. Mummy's fren told her tat she can put tis teether in the fridge n cold it b4 giving me to chew on it. It'll be more soothing cox it's cooling. =)

from: mummy & daddy
info: Patrick actually belongs to daddy. Mummy gave it to daddy long time ago when daddy is still studying in UK. When i first saw Patrick, he was hanging on top of the dressing table in daddy & mummy's room. I was only 1m+ and i could hardly make out wat Patrick look like. I juz know tat he's RED. The colour red owest attracts bb cox bb can spot things in red better. Bcox it attracts me alot, so mummy took it down from the dressing table, washed it and gave it to me as my toy.

from: auntie ah ming
info: tis is a gift from auntie ah ming. She gave it to me on the 3rd day of CNY. Auntie ah ming owest buy me new toys. She said she got it from a new departmental store in kch. Tis car car is actually a rattle cum a teether. It has 3 key-shaped teethers, and mummy says i can hang this car car rattle teether in my stroller. When the car car is shook, it gave a nice sound like a windchime chiming.
name: smiley face teether
from: mummy & daddy
info: tis is another teether of mine. actually mummy and daddy got tis from one of my full-month hamper. Tis is a much lighter teether, compared to the water-filled teether. It's made of non-toxic plastic and in the shape of a flower. I can chew on each and every one of it's colourful petal. =)
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