Friday, July 11, 2008

proud of my bb!

Jayden's mummy: "

5th July 08 – We came bek to Kuching again on the 3rd. It was an unplanned trip, and definitely out of our budget. Though it did burned a huge hole in our pockets, but hubby’s health is above anything else. As long as he’ll alright, everything else is secondary.

Today baby Jayden made another great achievement. Both daddy & mummy had to go to Kuching Specialist Hosp tat morning and hospitals are definitely not a place for babies. We tot of leaving ah Den back at home wid my mum-in-law, since he’s closest wid her here, but the day before, my mum-in-law hurt her fingers. She had her wound bandaged, and we really don’t want her to haf to carry ah Den around and it’ll juz cause her fingers to bleed some more. In the end we decided to leave ah Den wid ‘nye-ma’ (my mummy) instead. Tat morn, we placed ah Den in Esther’s baby carseat, which I borrowed from my sis the day before. It’s his first time to sit in a baby carseat, and he was chuckling when we buckled him up. He looked so cute sitting there and giggling to himself. I drove to mum’s place tat morn while ah Den’s daddy sat in the back seat. Looking once in awhile to my baby seated beside me while I was driving, I really felt tat my baby is a big boy now. He can seat by himself now, and he was being a good boy not making any fuss while seated there. He enjoyed looking at all the traffic and the view he was getting.

When we reached mum’s place, we quickly carried ah Den inside and I made some milk for him. While he was drinking his milk, both daddy & mummy quickly sneaked out while ‘nye-ma’ looked after him. We were running late for daddy’s appointment at the hospital, and I really hope my baby will be fine under the care of his other grandma tis morn.
At the hospital while waiting for hubby, I kept on calling bek home to check on my baby. My sis told me tat ah Den’s fine, and he was playing wid them. Wat a relief when I heard tat. After a while, I called bek again. I juz couldn’t help feeling so worried about my baby. Sis told me tat they are planning to go out and bringing ah Den along for a car ride. Sounds like Jayden was doing fine and I heaved another sigh of relief. Some time later, I called bek again (My mind was so troubled tat I lost track of time) to check on my bb. Tis time mum answered and told me tat they were still in the car but on their way bek home. Jayden fell asleep in the car and was sleeping soundly in her arms at tat time. Okie… another sigh of relief from me when I heard tat.

When hubby’s checkup was done, we quickly go to haf our breakfast. It was already almost noon, and I felt like I hadn’t seen my baby for such a long time. =)) After breakfast at Foody Goody, we walked over to Sweet Babies to buy a baby gift hamper for hubby’s fren’s newborn. There, my sis called me. I asked her how is Jayden doing, and she said he was fine. My mum had helped to bathe him, and now he was playing wid them. I felt so relief tat my baby was being such a good boy. Really felt so proud of him. When we reached mum’s place to pick up Jayden, he was all smiling when ‘nye-ma’ carried him in her arms and when he saw us. He didn’t cry but instead kept on smiling at daddy & mummy as if greeting us. I really felt so proud of my little baby… ah Den is really growing up now. I really hope I can train my baby to be more familiar wid his relatives, and not too clingy to daddy & mummy. We had such little time spent wid our families here in Kuching, I really hope he can develop close bonding wid them whenever we haf the chance. "

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