Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting Smart!

Jayden's mummy :- "

24th October 2008 - Tonite was a rainy and cold nite. As usual on tis Friday evening, i went off for aerobics class. Although the weather was cool tonite, i still sweat like crazy and was terribly exhausted. My stamina had worsen so much compared to previously when i was so devoted to modern dance at PowerMoves. Wow... i felt so lack of oxygen during my workout, and after tat i felt terribly sleepy when i climbed in hubby's LandCruiser to drive myself back home. Moreover the weather was rainy and cool and wid the pitter-patter on my windscreen, i felt even drowsier. So on the way home, i took out my handphone and called ngeebang. As usual, ngeebang will make some silly jokes, and wid his laughters accompanying me, i can at least keep myself awake.

When i reached home, i dragged myself to 102. Then i greeted my hubby and my darling son. Jayden was so happy to see me, and as usual he'll crawl over to my legs to greet me. Luckily he didn't insist me to pick him up and give him a hug today, for i was terribly wet from all my sweat. Then i went over to another corner to place my bag and my stuff. When i looked at Jayden, he was standing facing our shelf, and his cute little finger pointing to my bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar while smiling mischieviously at me. Hahahaha... i couldn't help but burst out laughing. I understand immediately wat he was trying to tell me.

I bought this bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar some way back a few months ago to make seakelp pickles. I only needed a little amount of vinegar though, but apple cider are quite expensive and getting the bigger bottle was a better deal. So i bought the bigger bottle of the vinegar and ended up, I have to start drinking it before it's expiry date. I read tat consuming apple cider vinegar can oso help our health in alot of ways such as lowering blood sugar, cholesterol perhaps, maintain weight, and alot more which i couldn't really remember. So I make it a habit to drink a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with Amway's Acerola Cherry everytime after my workout when i reach home. Moreover, my throat owest feel so dry for i must be quite dehyrdrated from all the exercise, and a glass of tangling and refreshing drink definately helps me to cool down before i go and take my bath.

I guess ahDen must be monitoring me for quite some time now, without me realising. He was pointing to my bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar to ask me to start making my usual drink! He is really so, so, so cute! Somemore he was chuckling and giggling at the same time. When i told hubby wat ahDen was trying to tell me, hubby seemed a little unconvinced. So he asked Jayden, "What is ahDen trying to tell mummy?". In response, Jayden point again to the bottle of vinegar and both hubby and I bursted into laughters. Sigh... he is really starting to understand our speech more & more. Besides tat, he oso starts to pick up our daily practices and beginning to understands more.

Another cute encounter happened yesterday. I washed his shoes on Wed noon for it was very dirty now. Then yesterday morning, i brought them out to dry on our balcony, right under the hot sun. When ahDen saw his shoes outside on the balcony, he seemed confused. He must be wondering wat are his shoes doing out there on the balcony. He must had felt funny at the same time, for he was chuckling to himself while looking wide-eyed at his pair of shoes out there under the sun. After a while he went off to play wid his toys. Then i took the opportunity to ask him, trying to test if he understood wat i was saying, "ahDen, WHERE are your SHOES?"

I observed him for awhile, and then he pointed his little finger in the direction of the balcony and point to his shoes on the ground! Hahaha.... so cute! I told hubby wat ahDen juz did, and again hubby asked him the same thing and again he gave us the same response, pointing to his shoes trying to tell us his shoes were out there on the balcony. =))

Tat time i was beaming all over. Deep in my heart, not only did i feel happy bcox my baby is getting smarter day by day, ironically I oso felt a tiny pang of sadness. Knowing tat my baby is growing up day by day, I kinda miss the time when he was juz a little helpless baby, relying so much on me. Those days are bound to be over pretty soon... as a matter of fact, REAL SOON! ;( But of cuz, i need to view all these from the positive aspect. Jayden is growing up fine day by day and yes, although he's venturing into toddlerhood now, he'll forever be my little baby in my eyes! ;)) "

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