Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Jayden's mummy :- "Today we went back for a follow-up session with Dr. Chan and the medical bill costs even more today. I thought after the week long of tight medication schedule, we could at least have a few days of proper rest finally.

The same medicine were given to Jayden again this week including the Ventolin evohaler and Flixotide evohaler since he is still wheezing. Poor boy! He still have to go on with his antibiotics. The probiotics Lacto GG were given to him too, and i finally saw the price today. It is sold at the price of RM4 per capsule. *_*"'

Today's additional medicine mainly focus on his constipation problem - the familiar Duphalac, Dulcolax & an additional nose spray called Nasonex. Let's just hope he'll be better before CNY. The poor parents are getting pretty tired and very much lack of rest! "

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Jayden's mummy :- "Today we finally decided to bring ahDen to see another child specialist since his cough and flu had gotten from bad to worse. After more than 6weeks, he hadn't got better and when the wheezing sound was even clearer now, we were really worried. Finally we went to Dr. Chan Yue Sun clinic. We heard from friends tat she's a very good child specialist.... and so we went this morning at 10am.

When we reached, the nurse told us the doctor was not there yet, and asked if we made any appointment. We said no, so she put us on appointment at 2pm. Around noon time, the nurse called me back and asked if we can go to the clinic then since the doctor is free then, and they planned to close early. *_* "'

Luckily hubby is free, so off we went. My first impression of the paediatrics is she's more like a stern school teacher than a child specialist. ;)) She told us to answer her question with a direct 'yes' or 'no' and no maybe. Very nervous parents but for the sake of our child, we must tolerate. Another time she gave us some options of which type of medication we wanted, and before we think it over she was saying 'Faster.. give me an answer and don't waste time!" Hahahaha.... really like school teacher!

The final thing was the bill. RM 379!!! Wah lau.... luckily we brought enough money. Really hope ahDen can get well soon. He is quite serious now cox of his prolonged sickness and the doc said he's likely to have asthma. Besides the costly bill, there's a tight schedule of medication tat we have to follow... even waking up at 3am! Sigh! Really get well soon please, my darling son!"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

ahDen's jargon!

Jayden's mummy :- "Lately ahDen have his chain of very weird but really funny vocab. Hubby & I juz couldn't help giggling when we listen to him talking.... although we understand sometimes, but it juz sounded so funny! This is call ahDen's jargons.... at times when he wanna say a sentence, he juz purposely roll his tongue a few times making some funny noises then he'll insert one understandable word like 'car' to end his sentence!

He might be slow for speech at his age, but we juz never stop teaching and encouraging him. This is ahDen lists of ahDen-talk :-

(1) Tomato = Mo-ta-to
(2) Bellybutton = But-ton-ton
(3) Donald (as in donald duck) = Don-ner-ner
(4) vitamin = Vit-ta-ten

Still some of the wordings but i cant remember now. Partly cox i keep on giggling... will add it in when i can recall!"