Sunday, January 10, 2010

ahDen's jargon!

Jayden's mummy :- "Lately ahDen have his chain of very weird but really funny vocab. Hubby & I juz couldn't help giggling when we listen to him talking.... although we understand sometimes, but it juz sounded so funny! This is call ahDen's jargons.... at times when he wanna say a sentence, he juz purposely roll his tongue a few times making some funny noises then he'll insert one understandable word like 'car' to end his sentence!

He might be slow for speech at his age, but we juz never stop teaching and encouraging him. This is ahDen lists of ahDen-talk :-

(1) Tomato = Mo-ta-to
(2) Bellybutton = But-ton-ton
(3) Donald (as in donald duck) = Don-ner-ner
(4) vitamin = Vit-ta-ten

Still some of the wordings but i cant remember now. Partly cox i keep on giggling... will add it in when i can recall!"

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