Wednesday, March 26, 2008

m rolling over & over!

Jayden's mummy : "26th March 2008 - It's amazing how fast babies learn. Before this, i was so worried when Jayden seems to yet show any signs of him knowing how to roll over, but now he's oledi so good at it. Though his 10kg body shud be quite heavy for a baby, he still managed to roll himself over. Just early of this month he had learnt how to roll from his back to his side and finally to lie flat on his tummy. Today amazingly he can roll from his tummy to his back again. I didn't quite realised when he first successfully did it. He was making a fuss as usual when he rolled from his side to his tummy and was trying to keep himself in tat position as long as he can hold. It must be quite tiring for him cox he'll start wailing when he's tired. As i was standing by the bed watching him when he started to cry for help, before i rolled him over to lie on his back, he rolled over by himself.

I stared at him, thinking maybe it's juz a coincidence tat he suddenly know how to do it. Then for safety measure i placed him on the far left end of the bed when i went to prepare his bath water. When i get back, he was lying in the middle of the bed on his back. Hmm... tat seems to be quite far from where i'd placed him. So i carried him back to the end of the bed once again and stood aside watching him. First he rolled from his back to his left side then successfully landed on his tummy. After tat, he start to tilt his head back towards his right and TA-DA, he managed to land on his back again! I started laughing when i saw him doing tat. I was so proud of him. He is finally rolling over and over... but tat oso mean i must be extra careful when i leave him alone on the bed right now. Hooray! Today ah den finally mastered another skill! "

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

my 1st yummy 'mum-mum'

Jayden's mummy: "Introducing solid food to babies is a major stage in a baby’s development. Jayden is 6m+ now, and still he hasn’t tasted any solid food. This is because he’s overweight for his age and normally babies can start on solid food at the age of 4-6mth. Pediatrician advised to start feeding him later because of his weight.

Well, lately his appetite seems to grow and he starts to be curious at wat we eat. He’ll be eyeing our plates at the dinner table every time we carry him in our laps during our meal and sometimes he’ll even reach out to make a grab at our plates. Before this, I did try to give ahDen Rusks biscuits (which is considered as semi solid food) to chew on bcox my sis told me tat it helps babies teething process. He likes the biscuits, and it seems to soothe his gums when we rubbed the biscuit on his gum and he was giggling while trying to chew on it. Ha ha… My mum told me to try give him a grain of rice to see if he’ll swallow it. But everytime I try, ahDen wil juz either leave the rice on his tongue while staring blankly at us or push it out wid his tongue. I read tat tis is called the “extrusion reflex”, and when babies had learnt to keep the solids in their mouth and swallow it, meaning to lose tis reflex of theirs, then they are ready for solid food. Welcome to the world of the grown ups then!

When we brought ahDen to his pediatrician here in Kota Kinabalu a week ago because he wasn’t feeling well, Dr. Liaw advised tat we can start giving him solids. So I planned to start introducing ahDen to solid food after he gets well. Finally today, he had his first taste on solid food and tis is how the experience went for him."

25th March 2008 - Today i haf my first taste of solid food. Mummy cooked some porridge from the Bario fragrant rice which she bought for Rm5.70 per kg. She dunno what rice is the best to cook porridge with, so she juz get the best rice for
me. After the porridge was cooked, she mashed it somemore by filtering it thru a sieve to make my baby food really 'gooey' and sticky for me.
Mummy placed me in my walker around 3pm and fed me. After tat around 7pm, mummy reheated the porridge and fed me some more. Mummy said i did quite well today cox i finished about 2 tablespoon of my 'gooey' porridge. Haha... sometimes when mummy fed me, i blew the porridge on my spoon making bits of my food flying around. I know i'm being naughty, but i juz couldn't help myself by trying to blow my food on the spoon. It makes such a wonderful sound! Hee... and some of the porridge will be splattered on mummy's face!

b careful, i BITE!

15th March 2008 - Mummy felt my first tooth on this date. She was cleaning my mouth, like wat she did every nite, with wetted facial cotton. As she was rubbing my lower gums, she felt a jagged feeling on my gum. Then she quickly unwrapped the cotton around her finger, and ran her bare finger once again thru my gum. Tis time she really felt my tooth, even the shape of my tooth! Mummy was so excited, and keep on telling me tat i'm teething and finally my first tooth had popped out. When mummy called and tell 'nye-ma' (grandma or 'wai po') tat i finally have my first tooth, 'nye-ma' told mummy to watch out for my 2nd tooth cox normally when baby start teething, they'll haf a PAIR of tooth. The very next day when mummy was feeling for my teeth again, she really did feel my 2nd tooth. So now i haf my first PAIR of front teeth on my lower gums. Be careful, don put ur finger in my mouth... cox i'll bite!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

rrrroll-ing over...

21st Feb 08 – Today I can finally roll from my back to my sides easily. Before this I could roll to my sides but not much and I totally couldn’t roll over yet, and sometimes I needed mummy or daddy to help me wid this. However, if I rolled completely over I could manage to hold my head up.
For a baby to be able to roll from his back to his sides is consider as one of the gross motor skills to be achieved from 3mths onwards. Mummy said ‘Minzhe koko’ is able to roll completely over at the age of 2 and half months. Tat’s incredible…. I guess I’m just too big and too heavy to be able to do so. Moreover I haf a BIG head, and when I roll from my back to my sides, I still couldn’t lift my head up. If I am able to lift my head up, I’m sure I’ll be able to roll completely over very soon.

27th Feb 08 – Yippee! Today I had finally managed to roll completely over. It was around 6pm and I had juz reached home after daddy & mummy brought me shopping at City Mall. When we reached home, mummy placed me on the bed. I was sleeping in mummy’s arm when daddy was driving us home, but I woke up once daddy’s car stopped. Once mummy put me on the bed, I was smiling at her and then I started to roll to my sides. Then with a little more effort, I finally rolled completely over. I wonder if the place where mummy placed me on the bed was uneven so it made me easier to roll over. Mummy was so excited and when she rolled me back to lie on my back, then I once again rolled completely over. This time daddy saw me rolling completely over by myself. Both my parents were so excited… today I can rolled over by myself twice!

tis is a clip showing me trying my hardest to roll myself over. Hooray! I finally did it!

Ain’t I smart??

Jayden’s mummy: My little baby is growing up real fast. I’d written the following post especially for him and included his pics when he was dressed up smartly. How fortunate kids nowadays seems to be, with all these nice clothes made for them and Jayden is even luckier to have these beautiful clothes as gifts from others. Well, he’ll outgrown all this clothing in a few months time, and sometimes I just feel it’s kind of a waste to buy him nice clothing cox he won’t be wearing them for long. But from another point of view, it juz mean tat my little baby is growing up day by day and tat’ll matter more than anything else. =)

am I smart no.1

Mummy & daddy bought me this funky shirt, and I got this pair of jeans from my auntie Annie (daddy’s 3rd sis) as my xmas gift. Well, luckily she bought a bigger sized jean for me, cox I’m growing real fast and even my shirt is actually meant for a 1 year old kid. Mummy said she had to get bigger sized clothes for me or else I’d outgrown them real fast and although I’m only 5mths old now, I’m wearing clothes made for a 1 year old kid!
FYI, I was wearing clothes labeled 6-12mths at the age of 2mths! Wahahahaaaa….. part of the reason is because I got a real big head, and normally for slip in clothes, the hardest part would be to get the clothes over my head.

am I smart no.2
this brown overall is a gift from my auntie ah ming. She bought it for me as one of my full-month present. She’s an experienced mom, so she bought it a few sizes bigger so tat I can wear tis when I’m old enuf. I think I look like a ranger, but mummy owest say tat overalls are cute for babies!

am I smart no.3

haha…. Tis time I’m really smart! These are my new polo shirts and pants which my granduncle (mummy’s 3rd uncle) bought for me from Marks & Spencer UK. My granduncle and grandaunt bought it especially for me from UK and luckily they bought bigger size for me cox mummy told them I’m big for my age. The polo shirts are for baby at 9mth age and they costs £19.99pounds each! They oso got me 5 pieces of baby suits and a Thomas & Friends fisher hat for me. The other flowery fisher hat is for my cousin sister – esther ‘che-che’.