For a baby to be able to roll from his back to his sides is consider as one of the gross motor skills to be achieved from 3mths onwards. Mummy said ‘Minzhe koko’ is able to roll completely over at the age of 2 and half months. Tat’s incredible…. I guess I’m just too big and too heavy to be able to do so. Moreover I haf a BIG head, and when I roll from my back to my sides, I still couldn’t lift my head up. If I am able to lift my head up, I’m sure I’ll be able to roll completely over very soon.
27th Feb 08 – Yippee! Today I had finally managed to roll completely over. It was around 6pm and I had juz reached home after daddy & mummy brought me shopping at City Mall. When we reached home, mummy placed me on the bed. I was sleeping in mummy’s arm when daddy was driving us home, but I woke up once daddy’s car stopped. Once mummy put me on the bed, I was smiling at her and then I started to roll to my sides. Then with a little more effort, I finally rolled completely over. I wonder if the place where mummy placed me on the bed was uneven so it made me easier to roll over. Mummy was so excited and when she rolled me back to lie on my back, then I once again rolled completely over. This time daddy saw me rolling completely over by myself. Both my parents were so excited… today I can rolled over by myself twice!
tis is a clip showing me trying my hardest to roll myself over. Hooray! I finally did it!
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