Tuesday, March 25, 2008

my 1st yummy 'mum-mum'

Jayden's mummy: "Introducing solid food to babies is a major stage in a baby’s development. Jayden is 6m+ now, and still he hasn’t tasted any solid food. This is because he’s overweight for his age and normally babies can start on solid food at the age of 4-6mth. Pediatrician advised to start feeding him later because of his weight.

Well, lately his appetite seems to grow and he starts to be curious at wat we eat. He’ll be eyeing our plates at the dinner table every time we carry him in our laps during our meal and sometimes he’ll even reach out to make a grab at our plates. Before this, I did try to give ahDen Rusks biscuits (which is considered as semi solid food) to chew on bcox my sis told me tat it helps babies teething process. He likes the biscuits, and it seems to soothe his gums when we rubbed the biscuit on his gum and he was giggling while trying to chew on it. Ha ha… My mum told me to try give him a grain of rice to see if he’ll swallow it. But everytime I try, ahDen wil juz either leave the rice on his tongue while staring blankly at us or push it out wid his tongue. I read tat tis is called the “extrusion reflex”, and when babies had learnt to keep the solids in their mouth and swallow it, meaning to lose tis reflex of theirs, then they are ready for solid food. Welcome to the world of the grown ups then!

When we brought ahDen to his pediatrician here in Kota Kinabalu a week ago because he wasn’t feeling well, Dr. Liaw advised tat we can start giving him solids. So I planned to start introducing ahDen to solid food after he gets well. Finally today, he had his first taste on solid food and tis is how the experience went for him."

25th March 2008 - Today i haf my first taste of solid food. Mummy cooked some porridge from the Bario fragrant rice which she bought for Rm5.70 per kg. She dunno what rice is the best to cook porridge with, so she juz get the best rice for
me. After the porridge was cooked, she mashed it somemore by filtering it thru a sieve to make my baby food really 'gooey' and sticky for me.
Mummy placed me in my walker around 3pm and fed me. After tat around 7pm, mummy reheated the porridge and fed me some more. Mummy said i did quite well today cox i finished about 2 tablespoon of my 'gooey' porridge. Haha... sometimes when mummy fed me, i blew the porridge on my spoon making bits of my food flying around. I know i'm being naughty, but i juz couldn't help myself by trying to blow my food on the spoon. It makes such a wonderful sound! Hee... and some of the porridge will be splattered on mummy's face!

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