Thursday, January 15, 2009


Jayden's mummy :- "
13th January 2009 - As usual on this Tuesday evening i was bathing ahDen. He was playing in the big bathtub, and i'm proud to say since 18thDec08, i had been using the shower to bathe him and i needn't used the old 'scoop & pour' method anymore. ('Scoop' by scooping up the water and 'pour' by pouring the water over his little body). We figured out tat he's old enuf to use a shower to bathe him, and if we happened to travel elsewhere, it'll be easier for Jayden to take his bath using the shower. Else, we'll need to find a place tat provides bucket so tat the baby can take his bath... which is really quite troublesome.

Around 5.40pm, ahDen's daddy came back from work. We heard the door opened and closed, and i continued shampoo-ing Den Den's hair and body. When he was all full wid suds and bubbles, the daddy came into the bathroom. Seeing ahDen's hair full of foam, daddy suddenly had a nasty idea. Daddy clasped both his hands together, holding Den's hair in the midst of his palms, and started pulling them upwards!

Den's hair was quite long then, and it started standing up with the foam holding it in place. The naughty daddy juz kept on laughing and laughing at his poor son, and ahDen juz stared at his daddy, laughing too to entertain his daddy. He must be wondering why daddy was so happy to see him in tat state then... After tat, daddy said he must snapped ahDen's photo.

It was pretty funny too, seeing tis new hairstyle on ahDen. Haha... okie... i may be mean, but i find it rather cute and hoping to share wid all ahDen's aunties, i had to post it here. I kinda think he looks like ultraman, except tat he doesn't haf the egg-shell eyes on him and he was naked! Don't worry, both the parents oledi make sure private part not seen at all in the photos posted. "

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