Wednesday, February 4, 2009

new discoveries!

Jayden's mummy :- "
5th February 2009 - I have this practice of writing a certain word on a small whiteboard which i purposely bought for Jayden. At times i'd changed the word, and if i'm not being lazy, i'll take a moment to teach him the word i wrote on the board. Two days ago, amazingly Jayden pointed to the word 'mouth' which i wrote on the board weeks ago, and said aloud "mouth". It took me a moment to realise tat he was actually reading the word on the board. He was looking at the board, and wid his right hand he swayed it in a motion from right to left then saying "mouth". He even pointed to his own mouth to show me tat's his mouth.

I was laughing out loud when i finally realised tat he is starting to read. The only thing he didn't do quite accurately was his motion of swaying his hand, for it shud actually be from left to right, and he was doing it the other way round. But it was already good enuf for me. I started Jayden on Dr. Titzer's Your Baby Can Read videoCDs when he was 9months old, to be precise i started it on 26th June 2008. I read about this program from a parent magazine, and figured out better than juz letting him watch cartoons on the tv, i rather if he watch this sort of educational program. I started searching everywhere for these CDs, even asking KC to help me search for it in Spore and also Hiewming to help me search in KL. In the end i found the CDs at Poppies The Spring back in Kuching.

I did noticed Jayden being able to recognize some simple words like 'clap', 'dog', 'cat' and a few times i heard him said 'duck' and also 'ball' when these words appeared on the tv screen. But whenever this happened, i owest wonder if it was juz merely a coincidence. And at times he did simply point to any parts of his body incorrectly though... juz mimicking the children in the tv i guess. =))

After the incident of him reading the word "mouth" from the board, i changed the word "mouth" to "yes". He did nod his head when i say tat's the word 'yes'. He responded too by nodding his head whenever he sees the word "yes" there. I think i'll juz let the word "yes" there for a few more days, and after tat sees if he still recognise the word "mouth" if i put it back there.

Another funny thing he started doing yesterday was learning to walk backwards. Hubby told me tat Jayden was learning to walk backwards when i got back from class last nite. I find it pretty funny for i wasn't sure if tat is suppose to be counted as a particular gross skill, and juz tis afternoon i saw ahDen really walking backwards by himself. He was practically juz playing around and giggling to himself as he was doing so and it was pretty cute. Too bad i didn't haf my camera here, else i'll start to video it.

Tis time back to Kuching for CNY, we all saw how much ahDen learned from his cousin sisters & brothers. It's really true tat children pick up the fastest around other kids. He'll try to mimic his elder brothers & sisters, and he had learnt to tap his mouth while making the sound "waaa..", like a little red Indian, in less than 5minutes once he saw his cousins doing so!

When we went to Aiwei's house tis year, ahDen oso took the initiative to shake hands wid MingZhe when i told him to. But apart from the being sociable part, i haf to really make sure tat he doesn't start bullying MingZhe for ahDen can be quite rough at times. Perhaps he really doesn't intended to be so, as for his age now, he still doesn't understand tat he'll hurt others if he's being too rough. Somemore ahDen is so big-sized and oso he's very impatient. Sigh! So mummy still haf lots to teach him and really must train his patience. Most important of all is to teach him to be gentle towards other kids, and oso learning to share and to take care of others especially those younger ones. Wah.... sounds like such a BIG BIG TASK for Jayden but it is really time to start training him and i hope God will bless me with the wisdom and patience to do so. Amen. "

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