Friday, February 20, 2009

new toys!

Mummy & daddy brought me to Signature, Karamunsing last Sunday. We went there to look for baby walker for Uncle Pau's baby Nathan actually. Ended up mummy & daddy didn't see any preferable walker for the new baby, but instead they bought me some toys.

Mummy told daddy before tat she'd been searching for some animal toys for me, cox she wanna me to learn the words for these animals. The store was full of so many wonderful toys. I was so excited to see all those toys, especially those tat can make wonderful sound and music. My little hands were so busy too, as i kept on touching everything tat was within my reach.

Finally daddy found some animal toys. It was a pack of 6 cute rubber animals, but mummy said 'no' cox the animals doesn't look real enuf. They were more like bath toys, like my rubber duckie type. Then off mummy went to look at some stacking cups for me. She said i'd been learning to stack things up lately, and she wanted to buy me some toys which i can stack. (Ahem... it started during CNY when i was busy stacking up Tupperwares at ppl's house whenever i go visiting!)

Tis time daddy showed mummy a pack of farm animals and finally mummy nodded her head saying "Yes! I can haf tat pack of toys for they seem real enuf!". Hooray.... I was so happy and immediately i held on to my pack of toy animals tightly, else mummy changes her mind... hehe.... As for the stacking cups, mummy was comparing between the one wid 5cups or 7cups; as one was priced at RM13.90 and the other RM17.90. In the end she chose the one wid 7cups for me, so tat i can stack higher she said. My pack of farm animals costs RM11.90. I was so happy tat i haf so many new toys tat nite.

The following day, mum recycled one of my Anmum milk powder box into a 'home' for the animals. ;)) She doesn't want me to start throwing all the animals around. She even made some word cards for me, writing down the wording for each and every animal... Cow, Sheep, Horse, Goat, Donkey & Bull. Wow... i hope i can recognise all these words for each animal one day, hmm... i wonder when... :))

The 'farm' which mummy recycled from one of my old storage box.

The 6 farm animals - Horse, Goat, Cow, Sheep, Bull & Donkey

Some of the word cards mummy made for me, and the animal to go wid it.

My colourful stacking cups, wid a teddy head on top!

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