Jayden's mummy :- "
Mum & my youngest sister ahNi came to KK to visit us last week. So fast this one week had passed and now tat the continuous days of having fun, going places, eating good food, going shopping had past; suddenly everything seemed to be back to our usual pace... boring & ordinary. Time to get some rest for jayden and oso his parents!
26th February 2009 - On this cloudy morning we decided to go to Manukan Island. Jayden's 'nye-ma' (mum's side grandma - mummy's mummy) and ahNi 'yee-yee' (auntie) just arrived late last nite, reaching almost midnite, and today we r off to the island. ahDen's first time riding on a speedboat, and first time going to the island.
I was wondering if the sound of the speedboat's motor will scare him, but thank God he wasn't afraid. Just tat it was past his nap time, and he was kinda drowsy while on the boat on tat drizzling morn. It was a good thing too tat it was actually drizzling, else we'll all be scorched and maybe it'll make us feel even more tired, especially when u haf kids around and u need to chase them... it makes u feel worse than working out for u can't stop even when u r tired! When we were waiting for the boat to arrive at Jesselton Point, ahDen was oledi roaming here & there & everywhere! RM25pax for the boat ride and RM3 for the entrance fee to Taman Tunku Abdul Rahman - Manukan Island. When we were on the boat, ahDen managed to catch a short nap with his daddy hugging him tightly. This boy was really tired but still didn't want to rest for everything seemed to be so exciting.
When we reached Manukan Island, ahDen was impressed with the feel of soft white sand beneath his tiny feet. We let him walked around barefoot, giving him the opportunity to feel the difference threading on the beach. He was delighted and very impressed, chuckled as his daddy tried to bury his feet beneath the white sand. This clip was taken at Manukan, showing how frantic ahDen was when his feet got buried underneath the sand. He was kicking his foot frantically, really made me laugh out loud seeing his expression, so pardon me if u keep on hearing my laughters all thru the clip!
28th February 2009 - Around 11am on this Saturday morn, we started driving to Kundasang. Again we'll be overniting at Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa. Mum had never been up to Kundasang before and the last time we went with Uncle KingChing, I'd promised her tat i'll bring her there next time to overnite. The trip was tiring and the road tat day was kinda full wid big trucks and buses, which initially slowed down our journey. Around 12+pm, we stopped at Fairy Garden to haf our lunch.
After we checked in, we went out for a ride to Temperate Garden to buy fresh mushroom. Really cheap if we buy it here than at the market in KK. We went to Desa Farm and tis time we were lucky for we saw all the black & white cows on the other side of the fence by the roadside. Shud be it was their feeding time then and ahDen was saying 'moo moo' when he saw all the cows there.
Later we drove on to Mesilau Resort but since they charged fees per entrance, we didn't get to go inside. Just tat my sis took lots of photos, stopping by the roadside whenever we saw nice view while ahDen took his nap in the car. Then we went to the Kundasang market to look at all the fresh veggies and oso fruits.
When it started to rain at 5pm, we rushed back to our resort and prepared the ingredients for our steamboat session tat nite. We planned to haf a simple steamboat there tat nite rather than driving out for dinner again. The temperature started to drop as nite falls, and it was starting to be cold. We bathed ahDen once we got back, and this time in the shower he wailed like hell. He was afraid of the humming from the water heater! =))
2nd March 2009 - Today hubby said to bring all of us to Lok Kawi Wildlife Park to see animals. My first impression on hearing tat we will be going to the zoo was -_-"' . I didn't expect much from the Lok Kawi zoo but it turned out to be far better than i expected. Hubby had promised ahDen quite a number of times about bringing him to the zoo to show him all the animals there, (for he seemed to be showing interests in animals lately!) and finally today wid 'nye-ma' and 'ahNi yee' around, we can all go together.
Even my mum said the zoo was nice for they had quite a lot of animals, even tiger, elephants, orang utans, rhino, sun bears... It was a good walk for all of us, exercising in the midst of green nature and thankfully hubby thought of bringing ahDen's stroller along, else we'll really faint from exhaustion! The had an animal show at 1115am and for a new zoo like Lok Kawi, it was really good enough. They are still upgrading and hopefully in a few more months to come, they'll be more to see there."