Monday, September 28, 2009

another MINOR achievement

Jayden's mummy :- " Since the time we were back from the Langkawi-Penang trip, Jayden can finally take his afternoon nap without using a cradle net. Perhaps during the trip and while we were away from home, he had to nap by juz sleeping on the bed. It was a really good practice for him and when we were back from our trip, he started showing signs tat he can nap without using a cradle net at Kuching home.

Well, he's really old enough to not be using the cradle anymore. Some kids totally don't sleep in cradle net at all. So when we came back to KK, i let him take his afternoon nap by juz sleeping either on our bed or on his own mattress, and it went pretty well for the first few days. So finally the day came when daddy disassemble the metal cradle frame in our room and we kept it in the storeroom for future use, hopefully. Finally there is more space in the room and now we placed each of ah Den's Mammut chair and stool there, and it became a small play area for him.

Honestly this isn't such a big achievement for him. I'd consider quitting his midnite feed, giving up his pacifier and also potty training as truly MAJOR achievement for a 2 year-old, but sorry to say ah Den seems to be still pretty far away from any of those.

Sigh! One step at a time... every kid is different, I truly understand tat. So no pressure towards my little toddler.... juz pray tat he'll quit midnite feeding soon. I had forgotten wat it felt like to haf a full nite sleep without waking up to make milk! Wat to do... parents are the greatest beings on earth! Right now, seeing him being able to do without his cradle, i'm oledi feeling really proud of him. Jayden is growing up! "

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