Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Jayden's mummy :- "

4th September 2009 - Tonite we'll be departing for Penang from Kuching. Jayden's grandma & aunties planned to help him celebrate his birthday earlier as we'll be in Penang on his coming birthday. So my mother-in-law cooked her tasty Foochow Chicken Soup MeeSua with hard-boiled egg, and my sisters-in-law got ahDen a big cheese cake! This was the ordinary but homely birthday celebration we had for Jayden on his 2nd birthday. The meesua grandma cooked was as usual very yummy and ahDen managed to finish his bowl of meesua. As a pure Foochow boy, tis little guy juz loves to eat Chicken Soup Meesua. ;))

After dinner, we rushed to take bath and clean up before departing for the airport to catch our flight. Phew! Wat a rush...

Birthday Gift from Daddy tis year :-
Disney Deluxe Book Gift Set

There's a music player & a movie projector in there!

Birthday Gift from Mummy tis year :-
Nike Sandals size 10C (sigh... i got the size wrongly... the previous pair was juz a size smaller... blur mummy :p )

And thanks for all the angpows given by 'nye-ma' and all the 'yee-yee's. I'll deposit tat into ahDen's account one day...

On the 6th September, we planned to treat my family members to the Ramadhan Buffet Dinner at Hotel Helang as a bday celebration for Jayden, but we had to cancel the plan cox Jayden was down wid fever tat day. So ended up he went to bed before 7pm in Langkawi tat nite, and daddy even had to stay in the hotel taking care of him. Sigh! No point of us still feasting on the buffet, when the poor birthday boy was sick. I guessed he played too much and was too tired during the Langkawi trip. We juz hope he gets better soon.

The next day, 7th September was Jayden's birthday and we departed from Langkawi around 5pm. When we reached Penang, it was oledi 8pm+... we went to haf dinner at some place and it was hubby treat as a simple birthday celebration for Jayden. The meal was very, very cheap and thank God ahDen was feeling better then. As long as he's healthy and happy, no birthday celebration oso nevermind! "

ahDen's bday dinner in Penang on 070909

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