Thursday, July 29, 2010

BIG achievement!

Jayden's mummy :- "I forgot to mention in my last two posts about one of the greatest skills my son had accomplished during his holiday in Kuching this time. I was deeply amazed and felt really proud of him. He finally wanted to use the toilet bowl to pass motion wilingly. It happened on 25th June, a Friday afternoon after he woke up from his afternoon nap. As usual, we were having tea in the kitchen and all of a sudden he told me that he wanted to 'ng-ng' (baby language for wanting to poop!).

So i got ready to bring him upstairs to the bathroom in our room because the potty was there. But he showed signs of hesitating, as if not wanting to go upstairs. Then i asked him again if he wanna pass motion and his answer was definate, so i told him if he wanna poop, we'll have to go upstairs so tat he can use the potty. As if not hearing what i told him, he went to the bathroom downstairs. Then he pointed to the toilet bowl, indicating tat he wanna poop using the toilet bowl. I didn't put any high hopes at first, because my son has a tendency to ask for certain things and when he can have it his way, he'll then resist it!

When i carried him to sit on the toilet bowl, he showed less sign of fear. Perhaps the toilet bowl was lower or nearer to the floor, so he felt more secure. I held on to him all the same, and asked him to try if he can manage to poop. I didn't push or nag at him. Instead i juz squatted down on the floor while holding onto him, and waited patiently. Finally I heard the 'plop' sound! I was amazed and praised Jayden for making a big achievement. The 'plop' sound seemed to attract him as well! He was beaming... proud of himself as well. Immediately i sent an sms to hubby telling him our boy had really grown up. Even daddy felt so happy to hear that.

Since that day, i tried my best to let him use the toilet bowl whenever he had to poop. This will make things easier especially when we are away from home. Even his phobia of pooping seems to be past-tense finally.

I juz wanna tell all the other parents out there that milestones are really different in each and every child. It's useless to force and push your child into accomplishing a task which he or she isn't ready to face yet. I remembered the times when i had to undergo so much pain and stress everytime my child was constipated. Hopefully this will be a meaningful lesson to me, that i have to be less demanding in future."

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