Thursday, July 15, 2010

June 2010 Trip Back to KCH!

Jayden's mummy :- "On 23rd June 2010, i brought Jayden back to Kuching by Airasia all by myself. I must be a very lucky woman for every trip on the plane with Jayden, i'll sure to be accompanied by hubby. I finally told myself that Jayden is really a big boy now (nearing 3 years old) and I must learn to be more independent too. So, we flew back to Kuching by ourselves in order to attend baby Jairo's 'mua guek' (full month) party and to help around.

Before that day, we had tried to brainwash ahDen. Whenever we asked him if he wants to go back to Kuching, he'll answer with a definite "NO!". He really loves his 'happy house' so much now, and the idea of leaving it kind of make him feel uncomfortable. Even when i told him tat mummy will be in Kuching and if he wants to come along, still the answer was a definite "NO!". That morning when he woke up, again daddy asked him and he started to cry while answering with a "No! No! No! No!". I told hubby to quit asking him first, for he juz woke up and since it was around 5+am, his mood must be terrible. Wait until we reach the airport, then we can start to brainwash him again.

Thank God when we reached the airport, he started to be excited. It must had been quite sometime since he last flew. He couldn't wait for me to finish scanning our luggage, and he was desperate in the queue. After we checked in, we still had some time so daddy was busy chasing ahDen while i took my rest first. He told me i'll need my energy for later! =)) Daddy bought ahDen a small toy train with jellybeans inside, and told him he had to be a good boy on board. Ohh... so tis is daddy's trick to brainwash ahDen, or should i say daddy's bribe! That morning on the plane, we had sandwiches for our breakfast. Overall he was a good boy on the plane. He even told me he had to pee, so i brought him to the lavatory. When we landed at Kuching airport, he started to get excited. I had to keep on reminding him to wait for mummy when we were at the immigration counter and while waiting for our luggage at the conveyors.

We had lots of fun at Kuching this time, although it was partly fun because i have my mum, sis & frens helping me to babysit everytime i went out. Without their help, i'll be terribly exhausted. My son juz has too much energy most of the time!

I bought him this Foogo water bottle from Parkson, The Spring. I'd tried searching for it in KK but it must have sold out since i couldn't find any. I saw my fren using this bottle for her son, and she told me that you can store warm water for longer period of time. Since Jayden is always having running nose & cough, i thought i might as well get one for him. The price was RM80 before the 20% discount. After hesitating for quite awhile due to it being quite pricy, i finally bought it for him since i had been hunting for it from KK until Kuching. Hope it'll be useful!

We flew back to KK on 30th June, using the 1155 flight. Luckily mum and ahNi ee-ee helped to look after Jayden while i queued to check in my luggage at the very packed counters. This time on the plane, ahDen was being even more cooperative. I bought him for some light snacks at the airport's McD before we departed. Thankfully i did, for he napped most of the time on plane tat day! He sat all by himself tat afternoon and even insisted to buckled his safety belt by himself.

While waiting for the plane to take off, he started to get weary and when the plane finally took off, he too had dozed off to sleep! He woke up slightly before the stewardess announced our arrival. He told me he wanna pee, so again i brought him to the lavatory. When we got back to our seats, the stewardess announced tat the lavatory could no longer be in use. Phew!!! I was greatly relieved.

Hubby bought ahDen a bicycle from Signature a few days ago. I told hubby to get the bicycle for him, since we'd made up our mind to get him a bicycle, it might as well be a surprise for him when he gets back home. When he saw the bicycle, he was happy. However, he didn't immediately play with it... maybe still being a little unfamiliar with its existence. After a while, he started to push it around. And during those few days when we brought him out, he'll ask to go back home to play with his bicycle! Ooo... the bicycle costs RM150 and we used part of his angpow money to get it for him. And the toy tiger is the bike's honk and there's a small white button on the side which you can press to play a cute song. I juz hope my son will treasure his new very costly toy! "

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