Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TryinG 2 StanD

Jayden's mummy :- "
1st October 2008 - Today is the first day of Hari Raya. On tis public holiday morning, we went out for breakfast wid hubby's fren, ah Pau & his wife. We planned to go visit another fren after our morning breakfast, ShouMing & his wife. His wife had juz underwent in vitro fertilisation, and she needs plenty of rest and cant move around much yet.

These are the bunch of frens we normally mix around here. Today another couple, Daniel & his wife, and of cuz not forgetting their 3mth old baby boy are unable to join us. Ah Pau & his wife will haf a baby boy son soon early Jan next year. So among all of us, hubby & I are still the youngest but our son is the eldest. Seeing ShouMing's wife having to go thru so much in order to haf their own baby, really makes me feel i'm so much more fortunate, although i feel i really underwent alot of sufferings during my pregnancy.

Today at ShouMing's house, Jayden was so happy. I guess most probably it was because he finally has a much spacier and new place to explore. When we placed him down on uncle ShouMing's wooden floor, he was so happy and started chuckling. I kinda like his living room with wooden floor, because it's really a much better place for babies to crawl around. Tiles will be a much colder surface to crawl on, and it owest makes babies hands and feet so cold and chilly.

Jayden held on to the furnitures there and started going around the living room. Then he'll get down on the floor, and crawled beneath the dining table and chairs. Oh My God... wat a little monster. He'll stayed underneath the dining table once in awhile, and chuckled to himself as he sits there looking at the bottom of the table.

We found tat ah Den tried to stand on his own today. When i sat down on the floor, he stood up while holding on to my shoulders for support. Then he slowly let go his hands, and when he found tat he can stand on his own legs without holding onto anything for a few seconds, he was amazed. You can practically see his eyes lit up and a big smile forming across his face, as he laughed loudly at his achievement. We noticed he tried letting go his hands a few times and trying to stand on his own. Hmm... i guess ah Den most probably will start to walk around pretty soon. I wonder if it'll be before 2009. ;)) "

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

crawling on 4 limbs!

Jayden's mummy :- "
22nd September 2008 -
I hadn't realised cox ah Den had been cruising around lately wid his 2 little legs while holding on furniture for support, and he seldom gets down on the floor to crawl like he used to wid his on his tummy on the floor.

Tonite as usual i went for my aerobics class. When i got home, i straightaway went to shower. Jayden as usual will come looking for me, wanting me to carry and to hug him. I was all wet and sweaty and really don't feel like picking him up. So instead i went straight to take my bath. Tat time, hubby said he saw ah Den crawling really fast, on 4 limbs towards the bathroom door in order to look for me! haha....

Tat nite we had Western meal for dinner. Hubby asked our restaurant chef to prepare lamb chops wid mint sauce, chicken chop wid mushroom sauce, creamy mushroom soup, and we still have half a bottle of red wine which we opened the day before, just perfect to go wid our lovely dinner. How wonderful... the bottle of red wine was a gift from a friend and the wine was really so heavenly... i really enjoy drinking wine so much! Yummy...

I fed ah Den wid his dinner and when he's full, he wanted to get down from his baby chair so tat he can walk around by himself. Since it's our own restaurant at Casuarina, we put him down so tat he can venture around by himself. He was holding onto the chairs there and starts to cruise around. I was enjoying my dinner, and cutting my lamb chops slowly wid my fork & knife, when ah Den suddenly squat down on the floor, and wid his hands and knees on the floor, he crawled as fast as he could, as if making an escape from the restaurant, crawling wid all his might towards the entrance of the restaurant, heading towards our hotel lobby! Tat time it didn't come across my mind tat he was crawling on 4 limbs... no wonder he can crawl so fast in his attempt to escape from us. All i had in my mind then was to chase him back and to finish my lovely dinner. =)

I guess now tat he knows he can crawl faster on 4 limbs, he definately will not crawl wid his tummy on the floor again like previously. Now he can crawls faster than he used to, tat mean i'll haf to chase him faster next time! "

Friday, September 19, 2008

My New Shoes!

18th September 2008 - Yippee! Today i finally got a pair of shoes. Mummy & daddy had been hunting for a suitable pair of shoes for me since a long time ago. I have really BIG feet for my age, and it's tremendously hard to find suitable shoes for me. Since i'm juz learning how to walk, mummy said i should wear shoes with soft soles meant for younger babies. It's because my feet are still growing and if i put on hard soles shoes when i'm still learning to walk, it's not good for my growing bones.
Mummy & daddy really took so much time to find the perfect pairs of shoes for me. However, all the local made shoes are so tiny in size, and those soft soles shoes normally are juz of size 1 or 2. But i need size 3 shoes and most the size 3 shoes are hard-soles! I guess i'm juz way bigger in size than most other babies... haha...
Once mummy & daddy found a pair of shoes of the right size for me at Poppies, The Spring Kuching. But tat shoes costs RM89.90 and it was way too expensive for a pair of baby shoes. The reason it is so expensive was because it was made in New Zealand. Mummy said they'll haf to find shoes made in western countries for me because i'm an 'ang mo' size baby, so i will need to wear 'ang mo' size baby shoes!
Tonite mummy & daddy brought me to City Mall, Kota Kinabalu. It'd been so long since we came shopping at City Mall and also i miss riding in my stroller so much. After mummy & daddy had dinner at KFC, they immediately went to hunt for my shoes at the baby stores there. They found the perfect shoes for me at the first shop we went to - Peekaboo!

I was amazed when i saw the very big teddy bear sitting on the floor of the shop and i kept on chuckling at the big bear. When mummy asked the sales attendant for baby shoes, the 'tau-ke-nio' of the shop immediately brought mummy a pair of 'Next' baby shoes. Daddy says 'Next' is a popular brand in United Kingdom. Haha... 'ang mo' size again. Once i tried it on, it's juz of the right size; not too big and not too small. There's still some room for my growing little feet, so when the lady said the price was RM45.90, mummy & daddy immediately agreed to get it for me.

Daddy said to juz let me wear the shoes immediately, and no need to pack my new shoes back into the box again. So after tat i went shopping around in my stroller, wearing my nice pair of new shoes!

My First Pair of Shoes!

20th September 2008 - Jayden with his new shoes on!

20th September 2008 - Jayden walking around Casuarina's lobby.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Jayden!

Jayden's mummy :-

"Partly the reason we stayed in Kuching so long tis trip back was to celebrate ah Den's 1st bday. Jayden's bday falls on 7th September 2008 and tis year it falls on a Sunday. We planned to hold a bday party cum dinner for him at The Banquet, and hubby says according to Foochow custom we should at least treat a few tables and invite relatives and close friends.

At first we thought of celebrating his bday on the actual day itself, but when we think over, most of the kids (ah Den's cousins) wil haf to go to school early on Monday morning. Moreover, our relatives from Sibu most likely wont be able to join if it's on Sunday. Likewise, if we celebrate a day earlier, great-grandma and also hubby's brother and his whole family will be able to come. So finally we confirmed wid my sis-in-law (hubby's 2nd sis) tat we'll hold ah Den's bday celebration on the 6th September, Saturday. Hubby's sis works with SanChin Realty - owner of The Banquet - and she really helped us a lot in preparing for ah Den's bday celebration.

Snapshots of The Banquet and MUS Grill & Lounge

Instead of holding the dinner at the main hall, sis said she helped us to book the 1st floor of the lounge cum Western restaurant - better known as MUS Grill & Lounge. It's a smaller hall and definately more private. Besides that, she oso helped to arrange for the 2main tables to seats 15 person, and the 3 other tables to seats 12 guests. She said although we don't haf tat many ppl, don't worry so tat all our guests will haf a much spacier place and needn't squeeze. She purposely ordered another small table to be placed at the end of the room for kids to eat there, or to play there if they want to. On tat day itself, some of ah Den's cousin even bring their colour pencils and do their colouring there! (How thoughtful my sis-in-law is!)

Actually there wasn't really tat much to do, bcoz most of the things were oledi settled before tat day. I ordered ah Den's bday cake from Taka King Centre. The 'taukeh' is my sis's fren so she can get discount for me. I ordered a big cake - 3.5kg - of vanilla fruit cake. All my family members love the vanilla fruit topping cake from Taka because it's not too sweet, and my sis normally request for the 'taukeh' to make the cake on the very day itself, so tat the cake wil be so-very-very soft and FRESH! Another request is to gif us more fruits, but i think wid the design i chose for ah Den's cake tat day, he couldn't put too much fruit on it or else it won't be tat pretty. The 'taukeh' was supposed to send the cake over to Banquet on the day itself, but somehow he forgot, and i was oso careless too cox i din call to remind him, but luckily the cake still reach in time! Phew!!! The 3.5kg cake costs us RM 171.50 wid the wordings "Happy 1st Birthday Jayden" nicely written on it. Tat was the price before discount... hehe... i purposely post it here so tat next time ah Den can pay me back! =))

ah den's 1st bday cake!

Backdrop deco tat nite with the theme colour purple & white!

For the dinner that nite, I went thru the menu months ago and cracked my head to come up with the perfect list of dishes to be served to our guests. Sounded very "kua-cheong" rite, haha.... Actually we always have dinner at The Banquet, so i kinda haf a rough idea wat dishes might be nice. Of cuz besides from the dishes being presentable, the prices of the dishes also haf to be within our budget. Tat nite we had a 10 course meal - and for a total of 5 tables the bill was RM2095 with free flow of soft drinks and chinese tea.

Everyone was so full and it was a relief tat all our guests had more than enough to eat. =)) Besides that, a lot of our guests oso commented tat the dishes were very tasty and unique. There were some very new and unique dishes, like the prawns wid wasabi on the Cold Plate, and oso the Hot & Sour Midin which they only blanched the midin in hot water without 'stir-fry'ing the veggie beforehand. The list of dishes for that nite was :-

  1. 5 Variety Dishes Combination
  2. Fried Longevity Noodles with Shredded Chicken
  3. Braised Shark's Fin with Seafood Soup
  4. Hot & Sour Midin
  5. Deep Fried Fish Fillet with Butter
  6. Braised Mushroom & Vegetable
  7. Deep Fried Boneless Chicken with BBQ Sauce
  8. Baked Fresh Prawns
  9. Crispy Beancurd with Salad Cream
  10. Sweetened Yam Paste & Sweet Corn in Coconut Milk

I dressed ah Den up in his new Poney T-shirt & Khakis which all the 'da jie-jie' from KL, namely yunnyi, hiewming, karhooi & seelee got for him. I purposely keep tat set of new clothes for him so tat he can wear it on his 1st bday celebration. There were the lovely gift packets tat we made for all the guests who attended the dinner tat nite, as a token of appreciation.

Another big THANK YOU to my mum and my big sis Ah Ming, for the trouble helping me wrapped all the gift packets. Ah Ming sis even helped me to print 'thank you' cards wid the cute cartoon 'Pocoyo & friends' on it and placed it in each of the gift packets. The contents of the thank you gifts are chocolates and wafers which i asked nb to help me to buy from Labuan, egg muffins or better known as 'kay neng ko' in hokkien which we purposely import from Sibu, and oso red egg. All the children were thrilled with the chocolates, and kids are really so cute... they immediately noticed the different types of chocolates and wafers in each packets. =))

Below are photos of ah Den's gift packets which his auntie ah Ming helped to make:-

Tat nite, ah Den received a lot of gifts and angpows from friends and relatives. When we got home after the dinner, we brought home some of the balloons used for deco. He was thrilled wid the metallic white & purple balloons. Haha... U can actually see how his eyes lit up when he saw the balloons. When we helped him to unwrap his presents, his excitements grew even more. He was busy playing wid everything. =))

Jayden was so happy tat nite and he went to bed really late... almost midnite at 11.30pm. He still wan to play wid all his toys and the new stuffs he got. Great-grandma from Sibu couldn't make it tat day, but she purposely asked hubby's bro to bring along ah Den's gift from Sibu. She bought ah Den a gold necklace - pure 999 gold which costs almost RM700. Sigh... her health wasn't tat good lately and she owest saved up her money and at times even feel heartache to use her own money to pay for her medical bills, but if it's to buy a gift for Jayden, she never hesitated. So hubby & I thought over and we agreed to gif grandma an angpow in return. Hopefully we can find some time to travel back to Sibu to visit her next time. She'll be very happy to see ah Den being a big boy now!

Our family photo on ah Den's 1st Bday!

My baby is finally 1 year old. How fast time seems to zoom past by... previously the tiny & fragile bb lying besides me during my confinement period, is now so big and so active, owest trying to climb here & there & everywhere!"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"tis time bek to Kuching..."

Jayden's mummy :- "We had a long stay in Kuching tis trip back. It was for nearly a month. We went back to Kch on the 14th of Aug and came bek to Kota Kinabalu again on the 11th of Sept. A few days after we were bek to Kch, SH traveled to China for more than a week. When he came bek from China, he departed for Kota Kinabalu again 2days later and flew back to Kch again on the 4th of Sept. Instead of having ah Den traveling here n there, we opted for him to stay in Kch and spent some time in his grandparent's home.... of cuz, wid me by his side and being together wid him.

Tis round back to Kuching, we all can witnessed how naughty ah Den really is. Provided the space and attention he can get in Kuching, he had learnt and accomplished so many new tasks. On the 1st nite in our bedroom, he had successfully climbed up our bed on his own. Besides that, he had oso learnt how to slide down from the top of the bed - feets first - and stood up firmly when both his feet successfully touched the ground. While still holding to our bed, he'll laughed and chuckled happily at his own accomplishment. =))

Besides that, he oso had a spacier place to perform his crawling skill. Unlike the carpeted floor in Casuarina, our parquet floor back in Kuching provides him extra mobility as he can half crawl n half glide around. That time, he still crawl on his belly and all limbs on the floor. He was amazed when he used all his strength to crawl on the floor and found tat he actually moved further than expected on the new 'slippery' floor; and continued doing so going around our bedroom, exploring his new "wonderland".

The next day when we placed him downstairs in the living room in a walker, he was even more amazed at the speed he can go. With so much space plus the slippery marble floor, u can see him glide across the room at full speed. At first his little feet will be busily running - (frantically kicking backwards) - as he picked up speed, then he'll put both his feet down on the floor slightly and dragged his feet along as the walker starts to glide until his walker bangs on some furniture. When his walker came to a halt, he'll stood up slightly and turned his walker back in the direction he came, and once again he'll start to run and then glide freely and then 'BANG' and stop! He chuckled when his walker actually banged on sth hard, and watching him gliding around in the living room is like witnessing him riding in a bumper car!

Whenever we go out for breakfast, my MIL wil be sure to feed ah Den wid kolo mee. He loves to eat noodles, and finally he learnt how to say "mum-mum" when he wanted to eat sth. And oso, he learnt how to call "ma-ma" for grandma and most touching of all, he'd learnt how to call out for "mummy"! He'd accomplished so much tis trip back to Kuching, and besides feeling proud of him, i start to feel tat my baby is turning into a little naughty "monkey"! Haha... finally he learnt how to say words wid 'M' syllable - and it all happened one evening (18.08.08) when i suddenly heard him called out to me. Tat time SH was in China, and as usual around 8.30pm plus, i carried ah Den upstairs to clean him and let him changed into his pyjamas and get ready to go to bed. He was clinging onto me, and when i placed him down on his mattress, he still wanted me to carry him so he started crying. When he cried, he was actually calling out "MUM-MY" between his cries. I tot i heard wrongly, but guessed not, cox it was quite clearly pronounced. My heart melted when i heard his cute voice calling for me, so i asked him to call me again, but he stopped. Hmm... maybe he doesn't wan to please me so much!

Almost a month bek in Kuching, ah Den had grown up so fast. He can cling onto some furniture, and pulled himself up. Then he'll lower his butt, and 'thud' he'll be sitting on the floor, clapping his little hands as an applause for himself. Other than that, sometimes when he managed to pull himself up, he'll walk while holding onto that piece of furniture and going around it. He'd also learnt how to climb up the staircase, but only one way up, and still doesn't know how to climb down yet! When u say "No More", he'll shake both his little hands in a small gesture to show a sign tat some particular food had been finished. And oso he can clasps his hands together now, and shakes them up and down as a sign to congratulate "Gong xi, gong xi". Hee... We had been teaching him how to nod his head to say 'Yes' (previously he can only shakes his head to say 'No'), but his way of nodding his head is moving his body to and fro continuosly! Haha... i guess he thinks tat he's nodding his head but actually he's juz shaking his chubby little body!

Last but not least, his TEETH! He has 6 new teeth! All popping out at once, and his teeth were all so uneven. Sigh! I hope when his milk teeth drop in future, he'll grow nice and new straight teeth. Or else he'll haf to wear braces in future!"