Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TryinG 2 StanD

Jayden's mummy :- "
1st October 2008 - Today is the first day of Hari Raya. On tis public holiday morning, we went out for breakfast wid hubby's fren, ah Pau & his wife. We planned to go visit another fren after our morning breakfast, ShouMing & his wife. His wife had juz underwent in vitro fertilisation, and she needs plenty of rest and cant move around much yet.

These are the bunch of frens we normally mix around here. Today another couple, Daniel & his wife, and of cuz not forgetting their 3mth old baby boy are unable to join us. Ah Pau & his wife will haf a baby boy son soon early Jan next year. So among all of us, hubby & I are still the youngest but our son is the eldest. Seeing ShouMing's wife having to go thru so much in order to haf their own baby, really makes me feel i'm so much more fortunate, although i feel i really underwent alot of sufferings during my pregnancy.

Today at ShouMing's house, Jayden was so happy. I guess most probably it was because he finally has a much spacier and new place to explore. When we placed him down on uncle ShouMing's wooden floor, he was so happy and started chuckling. I kinda like his living room with wooden floor, because it's really a much better place for babies to crawl around. Tiles will be a much colder surface to crawl on, and it owest makes babies hands and feet so cold and chilly.

Jayden held on to the furnitures there and started going around the living room. Then he'll get down on the floor, and crawled beneath the dining table and chairs. Oh My God... wat a little monster. He'll stayed underneath the dining table once in awhile, and chuckled to himself as he sits there looking at the bottom of the table.

We found tat ah Den tried to stand on his own today. When i sat down on the floor, he stood up while holding on to my shoulders for support. Then he slowly let go his hands, and when he found tat he can stand on his own legs without holding onto anything for a few seconds, he was amazed. You can practically see his eyes lit up and a big smile forming across his face, as he laughed loudly at his achievement. We noticed he tried letting go his hands a few times and trying to stand on his own. Hmm... i guess ah Den most probably will start to walk around pretty soon. I wonder if it'll be before 2009. ;)) "

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