18th September 2008 - Yippee! Today i finally got a pair of shoes. Mummy & daddy had been hunting for a suitable pair of shoes for me since a long time ago. I have really BIG feet for my age, and it's tremendously hard to find suitable shoes for me. Since i'm juz learning how to walk, mummy said i should wear shoes with soft soles meant for younger babies. It's because my feet are still growing and if i put on hard soles shoes when i'm still learning to walk, it's not good for my growing bones.
Mummy & daddy really took so much time to find the perfect pairs of shoes for me. However, all the local made shoes are so tiny in size, and those soft soles shoes normally are juz of size 1 or 2. But i need size 3 shoes and most the size 3 shoes are hard-soles! I guess i'm juz way bigger in size than most other babies... haha...
Once mummy & daddy found a pair of shoes of the right size for me at Poppies, The Spring Kuching. But tat shoes costs RM89.90 and it was way too expensive for a pair of baby shoes. The reason it is so expensive was because it was made in New Zealand. Mummy said they'll haf to find shoes made in western countries for me because i'm an 'ang mo' size baby, so i will need to wear 'ang mo' size baby shoes!
Tonite mummy & daddy brought me to City Mall, Kota Kinabalu. It'd been so long since we came shopping at City Mall and also i miss riding in my stroller so much. After mummy & daddy had dinner at KFC, they immediately went to hunt for my shoes at the baby stores there. They found the perfect shoes for me at the first shop we went to - Peekaboo!
I was amazed when i saw the very big teddy bear sitting on the floor of the shop and i kept on chuckling at the big bear. When mummy asked the sales attendant for baby shoes, the 'tau-ke-nio' of the shop immediately brought mummy a pair of 'Next' baby shoes. Daddy says 'Next' is a popular brand in United Kingdom. Haha... 'ang mo' size again. Once i tried it on, it's juz of the right size; not too big and not too small. There's still some room for my growing little feet, so when the lady said the price was RM45.90, mummy & daddy immediately agreed to get it for me.
Daddy said to juz let me wear the shoes immediately, and no need to pack my new shoes back into the box again. So after tat i went shopping around in my stroller, wearing my nice pair of new shoes!
My First Pair of Shoes!

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