Sunday, September 14, 2008

"tis time bek to Kuching..."

Jayden's mummy :- "We had a long stay in Kuching tis trip back. It was for nearly a month. We went back to Kch on the 14th of Aug and came bek to Kota Kinabalu again on the 11th of Sept. A few days after we were bek to Kch, SH traveled to China for more than a week. When he came bek from China, he departed for Kota Kinabalu again 2days later and flew back to Kch again on the 4th of Sept. Instead of having ah Den traveling here n there, we opted for him to stay in Kch and spent some time in his grandparent's home.... of cuz, wid me by his side and being together wid him.

Tis round back to Kuching, we all can witnessed how naughty ah Den really is. Provided the space and attention he can get in Kuching, he had learnt and accomplished so many new tasks. On the 1st nite in our bedroom, he had successfully climbed up our bed on his own. Besides that, he had oso learnt how to slide down from the top of the bed - feets first - and stood up firmly when both his feet successfully touched the ground. While still holding to our bed, he'll laughed and chuckled happily at his own accomplishment. =))

Besides that, he oso had a spacier place to perform his crawling skill. Unlike the carpeted floor in Casuarina, our parquet floor back in Kuching provides him extra mobility as he can half crawl n half glide around. That time, he still crawl on his belly and all limbs on the floor. He was amazed when he used all his strength to crawl on the floor and found tat he actually moved further than expected on the new 'slippery' floor; and continued doing so going around our bedroom, exploring his new "wonderland".

The next day when we placed him downstairs in the living room in a walker, he was even more amazed at the speed he can go. With so much space plus the slippery marble floor, u can see him glide across the room at full speed. At first his little feet will be busily running - (frantically kicking backwards) - as he picked up speed, then he'll put both his feet down on the floor slightly and dragged his feet along as the walker starts to glide until his walker bangs on some furniture. When his walker came to a halt, he'll stood up slightly and turned his walker back in the direction he came, and once again he'll start to run and then glide freely and then 'BANG' and stop! He chuckled when his walker actually banged on sth hard, and watching him gliding around in the living room is like witnessing him riding in a bumper car!

Whenever we go out for breakfast, my MIL wil be sure to feed ah Den wid kolo mee. He loves to eat noodles, and finally he learnt how to say "mum-mum" when he wanted to eat sth. And oso, he learnt how to call "ma-ma" for grandma and most touching of all, he'd learnt how to call out for "mummy"! He'd accomplished so much tis trip back to Kuching, and besides feeling proud of him, i start to feel tat my baby is turning into a little naughty "monkey"! Haha... finally he learnt how to say words wid 'M' syllable - and it all happened one evening (18.08.08) when i suddenly heard him called out to me. Tat time SH was in China, and as usual around 8.30pm plus, i carried ah Den upstairs to clean him and let him changed into his pyjamas and get ready to go to bed. He was clinging onto me, and when i placed him down on his mattress, he still wanted me to carry him so he started crying. When he cried, he was actually calling out "MUM-MY" between his cries. I tot i heard wrongly, but guessed not, cox it was quite clearly pronounced. My heart melted when i heard his cute voice calling for me, so i asked him to call me again, but he stopped. Hmm... maybe he doesn't wan to please me so much!

Almost a month bek in Kuching, ah Den had grown up so fast. He can cling onto some furniture, and pulled himself up. Then he'll lower his butt, and 'thud' he'll be sitting on the floor, clapping his little hands as an applause for himself. Other than that, sometimes when he managed to pull himself up, he'll walk while holding onto that piece of furniture and going around it. He'd also learnt how to climb up the staircase, but only one way up, and still doesn't know how to climb down yet! When u say "No More", he'll shake both his little hands in a small gesture to show a sign tat some particular food had been finished. And oso he can clasps his hands together now, and shakes them up and down as a sign to congratulate "Gong xi, gong xi". Hee... We had been teaching him how to nod his head to say 'Yes' (previously he can only shakes his head to say 'No'), but his way of nodding his head is moving his body to and fro continuosly! Haha... i guess he thinks tat he's nodding his head but actually he's juz shaking his chubby little body!

Last but not least, his TEETH! He has 6 new teeth! All popping out at once, and his teeth were all so uneven. Sigh! I hope when his milk teeth drop in future, he'll grow nice and new straight teeth. Or else he'll haf to wear braces in future!"

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