Jayden's mummy :- " My little baby loves to dance. He'll moves his butt, shake his head, and wave his arms when he hears a tune he likes. Actually we started noticing him being attracted to music when he was pretty young, a few months old, but the dancing part... haha... i never knew he loves dancing juz like me.
The song he loves most, tat makes him shakes his butt and lately he started to improve his dancing skills by adding the 'finger-pointing' part, is the famous Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love. His daddy bought tis song when ahDen was about 3mths old, and we have the CD playing in the car most of the time so he became quite familiar wid tis song.
On another occasion, i was driving ahDen n 2 of my sisters to my eldest sis's house in 8thMile, back in Kuching. Tat time ahDen was sitting in his car seat, looking drowsy. Then my sister PeiFang, started to sing Bleeding Love. Haha.... tis is one of the usual sister-thing we'll do, we juz sing out loud together, if dunno the lyrics part we juz hum along. Then slowly ahDen raised his hands and started waving them in a slow motion. He looked drowsy, but still he enjoyed our singing. Haha... then my youngest sis, Grace saw ahDen moving his hands and asked me wat is Den doing. I told her, he's dancing. Tat really amused them. Later he even started clapping his hands!
Okie... i know for sure my darling frens will say tat it's inheritence. I finally got to record tis clip successfully. On tis afternoon, ahDen juz woke up from his afternoon nap, and i was playing the song Bleeding Love on my laptop. And there goes ahDen starting to dance. It's really, really funny!"