Thursday, November 27, 2008

dancing ahDen

Jayden's mummy :- " My little baby loves to dance. He'll moves his butt, shake his head, and wave his arms when he hears a tune he likes. Actually we started noticing him being attracted to music when he was pretty young, a few months old, but the dancing part... haha... i never knew he loves dancing juz like me.

The song he loves most, tat makes him shakes his butt and lately he started to improve his dancing skills by adding the 'finger-pointing' part, is the famous Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love. His daddy bought tis song when ahDen was about 3mths old, and we have the CD playing in the car most of the time so he became quite familiar wid tis song.

On another occasion, i was driving ahDen n 2 of my sisters to my eldest sis's house in 8thMile, back in Kuching. Tat time ahDen was sitting in his car seat, looking drowsy. Then my sister PeiFang, started to sing Bleeding Love. Haha.... tis is one of the usual sister-thing we'll do, we juz sing out loud together, if dunno the lyrics part we juz hum along. Then slowly ahDen raised his hands and started waving them in a slow motion. He looked drowsy, but still he enjoyed our singing. Haha... then my youngest sis, Grace saw ahDen moving his hands and asked me wat is Den doing. I told her, he's dancing. Tat really amused them. Later he even started clapping his hands!

Okie... i know for sure my darling frens will say tat it's inheritence. I finally got to record tis clip successfully. On tis afternoon, ahDen juz woke up from his afternoon nap, and i was playing the song Bleeding Love on my laptop. And there goes ahDen starting to dance. It's really, really funny!"

Monday, November 17, 2008

mani & pedi...cure!

Jayden's mummy :- "

18th November 2008 - All this while i never cut ahDen's fingernails & toenails for him before. I daren't do so, assuming i haf really slow reflex. So normally, tis is ahDen daddy's job. Even my mum and my sister, ahMing had helped to cut ahDen's nails before, for they couldn't stand to see it being so long, and yet i didn't cut it for him. Okie.... honestly i really wanted to do so, but i'm really very scared, afraid tat i'll be too clumsy and hurt him instead.

Today i finally helped him to cut his fingernails and toenails for the very first time! Hahaha..... not such a great mum right! ;)) Yes, i really haf to confess, my reflex can be real slow at time, and now tat ahDen is a bigger boy, i can gif him toys tat amused him while i held on really tight at his tiny fingers and start clipping away! Phew! First time and ahDen is oledi past 1year old... thankfully i didn't hurt my baby at all and did quite a nice job ;)) "

toddling jayden!

Jayden's mummy :- "

Last Sunday evening, 16/11/08, i finally succeeded in recording clips of Jayden walking. I really wanted to do this for quite some time now, but for some reasons i wasn't able to. First reason is tat in our small room, there isn't much space for him to walk around. So the best place to film his walking achievement will be down at the lobby. Second reason, i couldn't do it on my own meaning to say by myself alone. At this point wid ahDen's walking skill, he still haf lots of room for improvement. He can managed short distance by himself but preferably wid adult's supervision. He juz might loses his balance anytime, so i couldn't hold the camera and be guarding him at the same time. Hmm.... so it's time to call for daddy's help.

Tat Sunday evening, our original plan was to take a stroll at Bukit Padang together wid other frens. But then, it seems like it was going to rain at tat time so we canceled the jogging plan. Then hubby suggested to bring ahDen for a walk at the nearby Tanjung Aru Beach. Before we went out, we managed to haf a short time filming ahDen's walking process in the lobby downstairs. It's juz amazing at how fast kids learn. Before this, he needed ppl to hold his tiny hands for extra support before he dares to take his first steps. Now, he wanted to try walking by himself, and eventually when u hold his hands to provide him support, he'll yank them away... as if telling you, he can do it on his own!

Before this he was holding onto furniture and walls to start cruising along. He'll be moving sideways most of the time, like a baby crab ;)). Then we start to notice he dares to cross over from a piece of furniture to another within a short range. Everytime before ahDen starts walking on his own, he'll brace himself and gain his strength, confidence as well as stability. Having accumulated all these, he puts one foot in front of another, one at a time, ...sssslowly. Once in a while, he'll stop if he finds tat he starts to wobble, and when he regain his balance, he'll rush off to the "finishing line" (ermm.. his targeted piece of furniture!)

It's funny watching him learning to walk. At 14mths, tis will be ahDen's toddling progress. Enjoy viewing!

After successfully recording the above clips, hubby & I brought Jayden for a stroll at the beach. As usual, the beach was packed wid ppl on weekend, and especially now during school holidays. AhDen finds it amusing to be stepping on the soft sand, and he was chuckling to himself. Both daddy & mummy held each of his hands of cuz. He could take a few steps by himself, but not to the extend of being able to stroll by himself yet. He saw kids running around and was as excited as them. Then he pointed to the beautiful blue sea, and babbling to us at the same time.

Photos of ahDen & daddy at Tanjung Aru Beach!

Finally, we bought him a toy windmill. I told hubby before tat i was hunting for a toy windmill for ahDen but i haven't come across any in KK so far. I juz haf tis urge to buy him a toy windmill, for i know ahDen love looking at moving things, especially those going round & round. At the nearby stalls, we chose and bought a suitable one for him, not too big and not too small, for RM2. He was delighted when he held the windmill in his little hands. When he noticed the colourful fans turning round & round, again he was babbling and pointing to the fans! =))

Photos of ahDen & daddy with ahDen's new toy windmill!

It's embarassing to say, tis was only the 2nd time we brought ahDen to the beach. The beach is so near to us, juz a 5minutes walk, and yet, we are forever tat lazy to bring him there. It was a nicely spent weekend, with a valuable happy family time together. "

Finally, snapshots of ahDen & mummy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

temper tantrums

Jayden's mummy :- "

4th November 2008 - I purposely recorded this clip and posted it here so tat i can show it to ahDen next time when he grows up. This is his way of throwing his tantrum, a mild one (pls take note!) and in this clip he was asking for the papaya on top of the table.

We'd juz came back from breakfast, and i'm pretty sure the little guy was still feeling full for he ate a small bowl of noodles. However, he juz had this irresistable temptation whenever he sees papayas or bananas. I guessed most toddlers are the same, remembering the way Esther will ask for bananas whenever she sees them and oso Piang's nephew, Aiden for his devoted love towards bananas! I tried hiding the papaya from Jayden's sight, however there wasn't any more place i can hide the fruit from his view in our little room.

When he saw the papaya on top of the table, he was pointing at it and saying "mum-mum mum-mum" continuosly, while looking at me. I tried telling him after he wakes up from his nap, mummy will let him haf some papaya. It didn't work, and in the end he started to cry and was rolling on the floor. Lately he has tis habit of throwing himself on the floor and rolling around when sth tat he wanted was unmet. Tis is the story of ahDen and papaya.... ;)) enjoy viewing! "

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

new Sandals!

Jayden's mummy :-

"Last Sunday, 2nd of November, we went shopping at Servay Hypermarket at Putatan. Hubby mentioned tat he had some groceries he needed to get for the restaurant, so we went there after our dinner at home. Well, we had been hunting for a pair of sandals for ahDen for quite a long time. After we bought him his 1st pair of shoes, we realised tat we shud get him a pair of sandals as well. Cox at times when i washed his shoes, then he'll haf another pair of footwear to wear if we go out. But then hunting footwear for my little one is really quite a difficult task. His feets are so big and finding footwear with the perfect, or near to perfect cut for him, is definately a headache.

Tonite we went to the department store on the 1st floor, and decided to haf a walk around before going to the ground floor to get our groceries. Lucky for us tonite we actually found 2 pairs of sandals suitable for ahDen's feet. But we only chose to buy a pair for him, although the other pair - a pair of Disney Babies sandals - was really cheap after discount, but he really only need a pair. Moreover, toddlers feet grows so fast.

His pair of Royale Babies sandals are pretty cute, with a giraffe head on each of the shoes. When we tried a size 4 for him, it was juz the right size but tat oso mean there wouldn't be anymore space for his growing feet. So we opted to get him a size 5 instead. For additional info, printed on the box size 4 are for 18mths babies, and size 5 for 24mths babies! Wow... another thing was tat tis pair of sandals will make 'pip pip' sound when the baby tread on it! Jayden immediately realised his sandals will make this cute noise when he stomp his feet, so he started to stomp one of his foot hard on the ground! Naughty little Jayden... "

tv addict!

Jayden's mummy :-

31st October 2008 - Like most toddlers, Jayden has this habit of glueing himself to the tv once it's advertisements time. He'll watch the ads big-eyed, and at times he'll laugh and chuckle if he finds it funny. It is kinda funny bcox i'm pretty sure he inherited this habit of being addicted to the tv from his daddy! Yes! I'm very, very honest about this.

From the early days when i first know hubby, i oledi realised he has this habit of being addicted to the tv. If he's watching a show he likes, try talking and telling him sth, ninety-percent of the time he ended up not hearing wat u are telling him! Yes, i was really pissed off at the beginning, but now i'm oledi getting more used to it! Hahaha... and now, our son turns out to be like his daddy. Watch the way ahDen reacts whenever advertisements play on the tv. He'll stop watever he was doing, and immediately turned his head to the tv set and stayed affix staring at the tv! Sigh!

Lately there's tis Digi Ad with the cute rubber duckie quacking in front of a loudspeaker. Guess wat.... tis amused ahDen so much tat he imitates the rubber duck, dragging his quacks... but he can't pronounce 'quack' tat well yet, and ended up he'll say 'argggghhhh.......' dragging on til he's out of breath! Who says tv wont be a bad influence to ur child?!?!?!

Tis clip was taken on last Fri nite, and as usual i was at my aerobics class. So tis is the way hubby babysits when i'm not around, hmm... or was it the tv tat was babysitting??? Hahaha... ;)) "

Monday, November 3, 2008

cute noises...

Jayden's mummy :- "

29th October 2008 - Today i successfully recorded these clips of naughty ahDen babbling to himself... hmm.. or maybe he was trying to talk to me. ;)) He wanted to get inside his walker, and lately he owest wanted to get into his walker so tat he can pretend he is driving. I noticed tat he owest observes daddy whenever daddy is driving. He'll look at the way daddy steers the steering wheel, then the way daddy pushes in the gear.

AhDen's walker, being the model of an aeroplane, has a steering wheel and a tiny horn tat can makes 'beep beep' sound. So i owest showed him how to turn the steering wheel to his left and then to his right as if he is driving. So tat's wat really attracts him to his walker! He thinks he can drive! Once in a while he'll persuade us to place him inside his walker (else he'll tries to climb in himself!), and then his driving fantasy will begin. U can see him steering the wheel left and right, then pushes the horn, and also he'll push the lever on his left to & fro as if pushing in a car's gear!

Lately too ahDen will make the 'vrooomm' sound whenever he tries to associate sth to an automobile, mostly cars & aeroplanes! He'll say 'vroomm' whenever daddy's car move forward after halting, and when he sees aeroplanes flying by from our room's window, he'll point to the aeroplane and say 'vrooomm' as well. Then he creatively changes his way of saying 'vrooomm' to 'brrr brrr brrr' at times. I guessed the funny noise attracts the little guy much, and watching him making all these noises attracts his mummy even more. =)) "