Monday, November 17, 2008

mani & pedi...cure!

Jayden's mummy :- "

18th November 2008 - All this while i never cut ahDen's fingernails & toenails for him before. I daren't do so, assuming i haf really slow reflex. So normally, tis is ahDen daddy's job. Even my mum and my sister, ahMing had helped to cut ahDen's nails before, for they couldn't stand to see it being so long, and yet i didn't cut it for him. Okie.... honestly i really wanted to do so, but i'm really very scared, afraid tat i'll be too clumsy and hurt him instead.

Today i finally helped him to cut his fingernails and toenails for the very first time! Hahaha..... not such a great mum right! ;)) Yes, i really haf to confess, my reflex can be real slow at time, and now tat ahDen is a bigger boy, i can gif him toys tat amused him while i held on really tight at his tiny fingers and start clipping away! Phew! First time and ahDen is oledi past 1year old... thankfully i didn't hurt my baby at all and did quite a nice job ;)) "

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