Monday, November 17, 2008

toddling jayden!

Jayden's mummy :- "

Last Sunday evening, 16/11/08, i finally succeeded in recording clips of Jayden walking. I really wanted to do this for quite some time now, but for some reasons i wasn't able to. First reason is tat in our small room, there isn't much space for him to walk around. So the best place to film his walking achievement will be down at the lobby. Second reason, i couldn't do it on my own meaning to say by myself alone. At this point wid ahDen's walking skill, he still haf lots of room for improvement. He can managed short distance by himself but preferably wid adult's supervision. He juz might loses his balance anytime, so i couldn't hold the camera and be guarding him at the same time. Hmm.... so it's time to call for daddy's help.

Tat Sunday evening, our original plan was to take a stroll at Bukit Padang together wid other frens. But then, it seems like it was going to rain at tat time so we canceled the jogging plan. Then hubby suggested to bring ahDen for a walk at the nearby Tanjung Aru Beach. Before we went out, we managed to haf a short time filming ahDen's walking process in the lobby downstairs. It's juz amazing at how fast kids learn. Before this, he needed ppl to hold his tiny hands for extra support before he dares to take his first steps. Now, he wanted to try walking by himself, and eventually when u hold his hands to provide him support, he'll yank them away... as if telling you, he can do it on his own!

Before this he was holding onto furniture and walls to start cruising along. He'll be moving sideways most of the time, like a baby crab ;)). Then we start to notice he dares to cross over from a piece of furniture to another within a short range. Everytime before ahDen starts walking on his own, he'll brace himself and gain his strength, confidence as well as stability. Having accumulated all these, he puts one foot in front of another, one at a time, ...sssslowly. Once in a while, he'll stop if he finds tat he starts to wobble, and when he regain his balance, he'll rush off to the "finishing line" (ermm.. his targeted piece of furniture!)

It's funny watching him learning to walk. At 14mths, tis will be ahDen's toddling progress. Enjoy viewing!

After successfully recording the above clips, hubby & I brought Jayden for a stroll at the beach. As usual, the beach was packed wid ppl on weekend, and especially now during school holidays. AhDen finds it amusing to be stepping on the soft sand, and he was chuckling to himself. Both daddy & mummy held each of his hands of cuz. He could take a few steps by himself, but not to the extend of being able to stroll by himself yet. He saw kids running around and was as excited as them. Then he pointed to the beautiful blue sea, and babbling to us at the same time.

Photos of ahDen & daddy at Tanjung Aru Beach!

Finally, we bought him a toy windmill. I told hubby before tat i was hunting for a toy windmill for ahDen but i haven't come across any in KK so far. I juz haf tis urge to buy him a toy windmill, for i know ahDen love looking at moving things, especially those going round & round. At the nearby stalls, we chose and bought a suitable one for him, not too big and not too small, for RM2. He was delighted when he held the windmill in his little hands. When he noticed the colourful fans turning round & round, again he was babbling and pointing to the fans! =))

Photos of ahDen & daddy with ahDen's new toy windmill!

It's embarassing to say, tis was only the 2nd time we brought ahDen to the beach. The beach is so near to us, juz a 5minutes walk, and yet, we are forever tat lazy to bring him there. It was a nicely spent weekend, with a valuable happy family time together. "

Finally, snapshots of ahDen & mummy!


Unknown said...

ying.. u look thinner now.. yr wish come true...

sophia tie said...

hahaha.... thanks hiewming darling. But hor, can still be thinner.... hard work le.