Wednesday, November 5, 2008

temper tantrums

Jayden's mummy :- "

4th November 2008 - I purposely recorded this clip and posted it here so tat i can show it to ahDen next time when he grows up. This is his way of throwing his tantrum, a mild one (pls take note!) and in this clip he was asking for the papaya on top of the table.

We'd juz came back from breakfast, and i'm pretty sure the little guy was still feeling full for he ate a small bowl of noodles. However, he juz had this irresistable temptation whenever he sees papayas or bananas. I guessed most toddlers are the same, remembering the way Esther will ask for bananas whenever she sees them and oso Piang's nephew, Aiden for his devoted love towards bananas! I tried hiding the papaya from Jayden's sight, however there wasn't any more place i can hide the fruit from his view in our little room.

When he saw the papaya on top of the table, he was pointing at it and saying "mum-mum mum-mum" continuosly, while looking at me. I tried telling him after he wakes up from his nap, mummy will let him haf some papaya. It didn't work, and in the end he started to cry and was rolling on the floor. Lately he has tis habit of throwing himself on the floor and rolling around when sth tat he wanted was unmet. Tis is the story of ahDen and papaya.... ;)) enjoy viewing! "


Unknown said...

wah.. so cute....

sophia tie said...

aiyoh... hiewming, like tat is cute'kah'? 'Guling-guling' on the floor cute ar? ;))

ping said...

hiew ming! ah ying can do better lo! hehe, she can roll on the floor with me against the music song =D

sophia tie said...

ah piang yee, ahemm... tat is history lor... now no more guling-guling on the floor. Oledi passed down to ah den!

Unknown said...

pass to ah den... hmm.. so he will roll on the floor when he hears music next time.. i wonder what kind of music...

sophia tie said...

hahaha... hiewming, actually i juz discovered sth about ahDen lor. When he hears nice music, especially Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis, he starts to shake his butt and wave his arms! =))