Friday, November 13, 2009

Ikea Lack coffeetable!

Jayden's mummy :- "Lately we had been table hunting. What a pity there's no Ikea in Kuching or KK, and we couldn't find any suitable table for Jayden. There wasn't any proper table in our room and lately ahDen had been lining up his toys on any proper surface tat he can find. At times he'll try to squeeze all his toys on my laptop table, right in front of my laptop; or he'll play at the small table where we place the milk powder, cereal, milk bottles and flask. Sigh! Poor boy! There's still no proper home for him until now!

Finally we found this Ikea Lack coffeetable at Asia City. We remembered seeing the same table at Karamunsing but when we went there last week, it was totally sold out. I know tat the Lack coffeetable was selling for RM39 now in Ikea, and the one we got was RM80 after discount. Considering the trouble of having anyone helping us carrying this bulky table all the way from KL, we bought the table eventhough it wasn't the best bargain. My brother did say he can help me get a table from Ikea and bring it all the way to KK from KL, but hubby consider it too much a hassle.

Too bad there's no longer any Mammut table from Ikea (why would they stopped the production of such a nice kid's table?!?!).... so we'll haf to settle for tis coffeetable as a study & play table for ahDen. Such a pity tat choices of proper kids tables are so few nowadays. "

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