Jayden's mummy :- "8th November 2009 - Since i have some Parkson vouchers tat i need to use by today, off we went to shop at Parkson Grand Wawasan Plaza tis Sunday after noon. Although hubby asked me to shop around and use the vouchers buying some new garments for myself, i really don't know wat i wanted to buy for myself nowadays. It'll always be buying things tat Jayden needed rather than for myself.
He was having so much fun over at the toys section. He was lining up the Mega Bloks Dump Truck, Helicopter, Fire Engine & Boat which he got off from one of the shelves. Seeing him having such a good time there really made me wanna get him one of the Mega Bloks toys.
Finally we picked the Helicopter or known as Mega Bloks Lil' Copter. It was priced RM69.90 before discount. After the discount and the vouchers, it only costs RM25.90. Such an expensive toy, and without the vouchers I'm sure both hubby & I wouldn't have bought tat for him. I tot of uploading the pic of the helicopter here, before it got spoiled by Jayden in future. He still haf a tendency of throwing his toys about... as in really 'throwing' them. Sigh! Might as well take a photo of it when it's still in one good piece."
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