Jayden's mummy :- "This afternoon we went to Joseph's daughter full moon party at SuperTanker. In order to make ahDen sit down quietly at the table before the food was served, i gave him a packet of Mamee to eat. He sat there in his high chair happily chewing on his Mamee. Then i asked him to share some with Yumi & NaiChen. He reluctantly pinched a bit of the Mamee and handed it over to Yumi jie-jie while saying "Do Not Feed The ANIMALS!" Hahahaha... this one i really laughed out loud after hearing him saying tat.
The other guests at the table oso started laughing and their next question was "You brought him to the zoo often is it?".... Actually he got tat verse from watching Popcorn Panic - The Penguins of Madagascar cartoon. Bad ahDen... still need to practice sharing wid friends! "
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
KFC supper-Time!
Jayden's mummy :- "20th March 2010 : Last nite after a walk at Suria Sabah, we decided to buy one set of KFC Dinner Plate home for supper. Hubby had been working really hard lately, and food owest cheers him up! I always wonder why kids love KFC or McD, and even adults love them too!
Well, for ahDen he really is not the veggie-eater type, but for KFC coleslaw he can finish them all by himself! We purposely ordered one Original Recipe Drumstick for ahDen and the other 2 pieces of chicken were Hot & Spicy. Can really see how ahDen is enjoying his supper last nite. He must be wondering why we had such good supper tonite... hehe.... so i immediately took out the camera and snapped a few shots of him showing signs of fulfillment on his face!"

Well, for ahDen he really is not the veggie-eater type, but for KFC coleslaw he can finish them all by himself! We purposely ordered one Original Recipe Drumstick for ahDen and the other 2 pieces of chicken were Hot & Spicy. Can really see how ahDen is enjoying his supper last nite. He must be wondering why we had such good supper tonite... hehe.... so i immediately took out the camera and snapped a few shots of him showing signs of fulfillment on his face!"

Jayden's mummy :- "This post is going to be about ahDen's mischief in pee-ing. Now tat he really masters his pee-ing skills, sometimes he juz finds so many different ways to amuse himself whenever he pee-pee. It does not only amuse him, it even made his parents laugh at wat he is doing, although we don't encourage it. Sometimes u juz find it hard to withhold your laughter at all his silly ideas of turning his pee session into fun.
Oh, by the way, we bought him a toilet stool so tat he can stand on it and pee straight into the toilet bowl. A church fren told me to get one if you are training a boy, so tat they'll know tat they are suppose to pee into the toilet bowl next time. Before tis, the toilet was scary to my boy but now, he's pretty use to it. The stool costs us RM25 but it was worth an investment.

Incident 1 :- He had learnt how to hold his urine and 'shooting' them out again into the toilet bowl/potty. So sometimes when he pees, he'll start to count how many time he can 'shoot' his urine into the toilet or his potty. He'll pee then stop and count "one", pee again then stop & count "two", and continuosly until all he finished urinating! Once he successfully count until "eleven" and when he's done, he'll end it with a "YEAH!" Hahaha... honestly, we didn't teach him this kind of trick!
Incident 2 :- Sometime during last week, he told his dad he wanted to pee during dinner time. Since his dad was lazy to bring him to the toilet, daddy juz brought him outside to pee by the roadside. So tis cheeky boy aimed his little birdie to the right side first and pee-ed... then he stop, and aim again to his left side and shoot! When he's done, he pointed and said "Wow.... heart shape!" at the pattern he created on the ground. Daddy looked down and couldn't help laughing cox it does kinda look like a heart shape! Can u imagine how cheeky he is?!?!
Incident 3 :- Okie, another funny incident is when ahDen pees, he'll imitate the sound of a motorcar, going 'vrooomm....' according to the speed he's peeing! Hahahaha...."
Oh, by the way, we bought him a toilet stool so tat he can stand on it and pee straight into the toilet bowl. A church fren told me to get one if you are training a boy, so tat they'll know tat they are suppose to pee into the toilet bowl next time. Before tis, the toilet was scary to my boy but now, he's pretty use to it. The stool costs us RM25 but it was worth an investment.
Incident 1 :- He had learnt how to hold his urine and 'shooting' them out again into the toilet bowl/potty. So sometimes when he pees, he'll start to count how many time he can 'shoot' his urine into the toilet or his potty. He'll pee then stop and count "one", pee again then stop & count "two", and continuosly until all he finished urinating! Once he successfully count until "eleven" and when he's done, he'll end it with a "YEAH!" Hahaha... honestly, we didn't teach him this kind of trick!
Incident 2 :- Sometime during last week, he told his dad he wanted to pee during dinner time. Since his dad was lazy to bring him to the toilet, daddy juz brought him outside to pee by the roadside. So tis cheeky boy aimed his little birdie to the right side first and pee-ed... then he stop, and aim again to his left side and shoot! When he's done, he pointed and said "Wow.... heart shape!" at the pattern he created on the ground. Daddy looked down and couldn't help laughing cox it does kinda look like a heart shape! Can u imagine how cheeky he is?!?!
Incident 3 :- Okie, another funny incident is when ahDen pees, he'll imitate the sound of a motorcar, going 'vrooomm....' according to the speed he's peeing! Hahahaha...."
yummy GRAPES!
Jayden's mummy :- "Before i had kids, i owest tell myself tat i'll never peel grapes or even de-seed them for my children cox it juz spoils them. Hmm... but i'm doing it now, i peeled all those grapes and took out each and every seeds in it... WHY? the reason is because he wanted to eat those grapes, juz tat when he chews on the skin and if he can't swallow them, he'll spit everything out again, including the grapes and wasting his food. In the end, mummy had to peel them so tat Jayden can enjoy eating his grapes! And from the video u can see how obvious it is tat he IS enjoying them!"
Thursday, March 18, 2010
snapshots update!
Jayden's mummy :- "Can definately see how obvious mummy is slacking in updating ahDen's blog, and even checking wat photos i have inside my camera! Before tis ahDen was ill, and after tat it was CNY and finally now i have some time to update wat i'd wanted to do for so long."
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mamil Gold!
Jayden's mummy :- " On day3 of CNY (16th Feb 2010) after visiting aiwei's house, we came back with a can of free Mamex Gold milk powder. I'd been sharing wid aiwei how ahDen's constipation problem had really made me so stressed and pressured everyday... i'll be keeping count of when's the last time he poop-ed, and wondering everyday if I should give him the Duphalac (stool softener) or not! Aiwei had told me before maybe i should tried changing milk powder, but Mamil Gold is really not cheap. Juz incase i bought the whole can and ahDen doesn't want to drink it, then tat'll really be a waste.
Since then, honestly ahDen's poop problem really does seems to be better. Perhaps the Oligosaccharide in Mamil Gold really is working, or it could be because of the Bio-Life Probiotix which he had been taking since before CNY.... no matter what I juz hope they'll continue to help!
This can of 1.6kg of Mamil Gold really costs a lot more compare to Anmum Essential.... i forgot how much we bought it for, should be about RM80. For the same weight, Anmum Essential will have costs us around RM54. So currently ahDen is drinking Anmum Essential + Mamil Gold, since i still have 2 big cans of Anmum Essential. "
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