Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Do Not Feed The ANIMALS!"

Jayden's mummy :- "This afternoon we went to Joseph's daughter full moon party at SuperTanker. In order to make ahDen sit down quietly at the table before the food was served, i gave him a packet of Mamee to eat. He sat there in his high chair happily chewing on his Mamee. Then i asked him to share some with Yumi & NaiChen. He reluctantly pinched a bit of the Mamee and handed it over to Yumi jie-jie while saying "Do Not Feed The ANIMALS!" Hahahaha... this one i really laughed out loud after hearing him saying tat.

The other guests at the table oso started laughing and their next question was "You brought him to the zoo often is it?".... Actually he got tat verse from watching Popcorn Panic - The Penguins of Madagascar cartoon. Bad ahDen... still need to practice sharing wid friends! "

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