Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mamil Gold!

Jayden's mummy :- " On day3 of CNY (16th Feb 2010) after visiting aiwei's house, we came back with a can of free Mamex Gold milk powder. I'd been sharing wid aiwei how ahDen's constipation problem had really made me so stressed and pressured everyday... i'll be keeping count of when's the last time he poop-ed, and wondering everyday if I should give him the Duphalac (stool softener) or not! Aiwei had told me before maybe i should tried changing milk powder, but Mamil Gold is really not cheap. Juz incase i bought the whole can and ahDen doesn't want to drink it, then tat'll really be a waste.

Since then, honestly ahDen's poop problem really does seems to be better. Perhaps the Oligosaccharide in Mamil Gold really is working, or it could be because of the Bio-Life Probiotix which he had been taking since before CNY.... no matter what I juz hope they'll continue to help!
This can of 1.6kg of Mamil Gold really costs a lot more compare to Anmum Essential.... i forgot how much we bought it for, should be about RM80. For the same weight, Anmum Essential will have costs us around RM54. So currently ahDen is drinking Anmum Essential + Mamil Gold, since i still have 2 big cans of Anmum Essential. "

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