Saturday, March 20, 2010


Jayden's mummy :- "This post is going to be about ahDen's mischief in pee-ing. Now tat he really masters his pee-ing skills, sometimes he juz finds so many different ways to amuse himself whenever he pee-pee. It does not only amuse him, it even made his parents laugh at wat he is doing, although we don't encourage it. Sometimes u juz find it hard to withhold your laughter at all his silly ideas of turning his pee session into fun.

Oh, by the way, we bought him a toilet stool so tat he can stand on it and pee straight into the toilet bowl. A church fren told me to get one if you are training a boy, so tat they'll know tat they are suppose to pee into the toilet bowl next time. Before tis, the toilet was scary to my boy but now, he's pretty use to it. The stool costs us RM25 but it was worth an investment.

Incident 1 :- He had learnt how to hold his urine and 'shooting' them out again into the toilet bowl/potty. So sometimes when he pees, he'll start to count how many time he can 'shoot' his urine into the toilet or his potty. He'll pee then stop and count "one", pee again then stop & count "two", and continuosly until all he finished urinating! Once he successfully count until "eleven" and when he's done, he'll end it with a "YEAH!" Hahaha... honestly, we didn't teach him this kind of trick!

Incident 2 :- Sometime during last week, he told his dad he wanted to pee during dinner time. Since his dad was lazy to bring him to the toilet, daddy juz brought him outside to pee by the roadside. So tis cheeky boy aimed his little birdie to the right side first and pee-ed... then he stop, and aim again to his left side and shoot! When he's done, he pointed and said "Wow.... heart shape!" at the pattern he created on the ground. Daddy looked down and couldn't help laughing cox it does kinda look like a heart shape! Can u imagine how cheeky he is?!?!

Incident 3 :- Okie, another funny incident is when ahDen pees, he'll imitate the sound of a motorcar, going 'vrooomm....' according to the speed he's peeing! Hahahaha...."

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