Jayden's mummy :- "Hubby got ahDen this box of Thomas train set a day after Christmas so i labeled it as belated xmas gift for him. Jayden loves train.... and he loves Thomas. The day before when we went to Uncle Pau's place, he wanted to bring Nathan's train back home. When we said no, he really broke down into tears. Since hubby had been promising to get him a train set long time ago, we finally bought one for him at Little Me Suria Sabah tat nite.
He was thrilled with it and wanted to carry the big box by himself at the shopping complex. We didn't let him play wid the train set when we got home, for he had been a naughty boy while we were shopping. So we waited til the next day and assembled the train set for him. He was thrilled and excited, juz looking at the train making circles on its tracks. Hopefully he'll love his new toy! "