Thursday, December 3, 2009

5th & Final Day @ Glory Kids CC

Jayden's mummy :- "Today was pretty bad. Sigh! Jayden was crying so hard when we left him at the school. When hubby carried him inside the classroom, he was reluctant to let go of daddy's hand. And when daddy said goodbye to him, he was clinging onto hubby's hand even harder. Finally when daddy went out, he was wailing.

Sigh! Both of us felt terrible. We stood outside the classroom, listening to him. He didn't stop crying yet when we left. Hubby said we'll come back to get him earlier today.

Around 11.30am, we were there at the school again. This is most probably the last time i'll ever step into Taska Glory again. The most important thing is Jayden doesn't like it there. When he saw his daddy, he was so excited and happy, pulling daddy's hand and waving goodbye to everybody! The principal juz asked me if he was on medication today, i said 'yes! He was on medication for the whole week okie!" He had runny nose & cough and i'd said tat to her the first day we brought him there. She juz told me Jayden was extremely grumpy today and cox they were celebrating someone's bday today and he couldn't wait for the cake!

Tis afternoon we'll bring ahDen for his assessment. Hubby discussed with me last nite and told me tat even if ahDen is fine, we'll let him go to playschool later and we'll look for another school. I can sensed tat he was really unhappy. He said the principal kept on saying tat other ppl paid to have holiday fun at the school and it wasn't fair tat ahDen was ruining it! Money! Money! Money! So hubby said it's pretty clear tat they find ahDen a nuisance. Even if we were to let him go back to the school, the teachers will most probably treat him differently.

Sigh! I just hope my son is okie. Even if he doesn't go to playschool and i will have to take care of him, I really don't mind. I juz pray tat he's fine.... "

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