Jayden's mummy :- "25th December 2009 - On this date, Jayden has officially been in Kota Kinabalu for 2years. Wow... how fast 2years had gone by juz like tat. We had agreed to have him baptized today. He's 2+ years old now, and perhaps we should had brought him to be baptized earlier, but there were too many things tat kept us wondering if it is the 'right' time yet! Thank God, we finally overcame all our doubts and pick this special baptism date for him.
It was really a very hard job to keep him still on the stage before the pastor baptized him. He was struggling as usual, and when the pastor placed her hand on his forehead, he was trying to move away from her. ;))
So on this special christmas, ahDen was baptized - 25th December 2009 at Inanam Methodist Church. A memorable date to be remembered by us and we hope that Jayden will continue to grow in Christ! "
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