Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3rd Day @ Glory Kids Child Care Ctr

Jayden's mummy :- "Jayden woke up about an hour earlier than usual today. He juz wouldn't want to go back to sleep. We were worried tat he might be fussy at school later if he's sleepy. At breakfast, he doesn't eat much either. I was worried tat he'll starving if he doesn't want to eat anything at the school later.

When we reached the school, he wasn't tat excited to get into the class like he was the day before. The kids are playing with blocks today and hubby carried ahDen in his arms into the class when he saw tat he was kind of reluctant to go in. I waited outside cause the principal forbides too many parents into the class with the reason tat we'll scare the other newcomers. Hubby took his time with Jayden inside, talking to him and 2 other kids.... a boy and a gal. When hubby waved goodbye to ahDen, the other 2 kids waved back at him. Hahaha.... so funny. The cute gal keep on looking at hubby and wave at him while ahDen was barely paying attention to his dad.

Then hubby came out of the classroom. We peeped secretly into the class on our way out to the carpark. AhDen was trying to get out of the classroom when he saw his daddy was no longer there. But the principal was standing at the doorway, blocking him from running out and when he saw tat he couldn't run past her, he immediately turned and went back inside to play. ;))

Today hubby was extremely busy so i went by myself to pick ahDen up. When i reached, i was already running late. It was around 11.50am and the usual classroom where we pick up our kids was empty. I must be pretty late today and i started to worry if ahDen is alright. Will he be crying when he saw tat no one was picking him up??? I went on in towards the other classrooms trying to find Jayden but he was no where to be found. One of the teacher asked who was i looking for, and suddenly there's my son, coming out from another corner around the coridor. Hmmm... wat was he doing there?

There was a teacher behind him, was he playing wid her? When he saw me, he pretend to run past me and ignoring me. After awhile, he came back and pulled me by my hand towards the carpark. Then i told him we had to go and get ur bag and basket. So off he lead me back inside to get his stuffs. I asked the principal how was he today and she said everyone was good today. She said ahDen sat down & ate with the others. Phew! Thank goodness he does have some progress and then ahDen waved goodbye at the principal.

When he was in the car, i noticed again tat he didn't drank much water today. I told him to sit nicely since mummy had to drive today, and he sat down well and I fasten the safety belt around him. Helped to wipe off some of his sweat and when i gave him his bottle, he juz drank and drank from the bottle non-stop. I chatted with him on the way home but he was totally quiet compared to his usual self. He seems to be more calm down and a little more disciplined than before, and i really wonder if he's happy at school or not.

He didn't really look at me much during the whole trip home. He was just sucking on his bottle and looking outside the car. I really wonder if my son is angry with me for sending him to school. Well, if he can learn to be more discipline at school it is really good. But if he really doesn't want to go to school yet, i wont force him either. Let's juz see how will the outcome be by the end of this week!"

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