Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'little monk!'

Jayden’s mummy :- “ 8th December 2009 - I was totally speechless after the haircut. It was an accident... a mistake! My boy struggled so much during his haircut, even when he was held down by three men. Can u imagine how strong ahDen is? At first we decided to shave his hair like little army boy (the previous cut) but halfway through he banged his head on the shaver and the clip came off. The shaver went right through his hair and touching his scalp, leaving a big hole in his hair. *_* "'

OMG!!! I was speechless and i juz stared at him, sighing deeply in my heart. OMG! OMG! The chant went on in my heart.... This time is really little monk! Jayden is bald! After we came back, i was still kind of shock. But after a night’s rest, today i’m more used to his new hairstyle. Bald or not... still we love him as much! This i really have to remember. Mummy is going to show you all these photos one day, ahDen! ”


Xiao Yu said...

Dear YingYing, I love the way you say "Bald or not... still we love him as much!", it touches my heart! Jayden is so blessed with a mummy like you! May God continue to give you wisdom and strength as you walk with Jayden in this meaningful parenting journey! (小雨 Xiao Yu)

sophia tie said...

hi Xiao Yu, ;))
Thanks! U are a great mum yourself, and if compared to you, i really have so much more to learn!