Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Belated Xmas Present!

Jayden's mummy :- "Hubby got ahDen this box of Thomas train set a day after Christmas so i labeled it as belated xmas gift for him. Jayden loves train.... and he loves Thomas. The day before when we went to Uncle Pau's place, he wanted to bring Nathan's train back home. When we said no, he really broke down into tears. Since hubby had been promising to get him a train set long time ago, we finally bought one for him at Little Me Suria Sabah tat nite.

He was thrilled with it and wanted to carry the big box by himself at the shopping complex. We didn't let him play wid the train set when we got home, for he had been a naughty boy while we were shopping. So we waited til the next day and assembled the train set for him. He was thrilled and excited, juz looking at the train making circles on its tracks. Hopefully he'll love his new toy! "

ahDen looking fierce! Can't wait to open the box!

mummy : Haf to pose nicely... else take again ar!

piggy face! Really cant wait to open his present!

Some photos of the assembled tracks... the cow doesn't come wid it, i placed it there in the wagon!

Christmas 2009

Jayden's mummy :- "25th December 2009 - On this date, Jayden has officially been in Kota Kinabalu for 2years. Wow... how fast 2years had gone by juz like tat. We had agreed to have him baptized today. He's 2+ years old now, and perhaps we should had brought him to be baptized earlier, but there were too many things tat kept us wondering if it is the 'right' time yet! Thank God, we finally overcame all our doubts and pick this special baptism date for him.

It was really a very hard job to keep him still on the stage before the pastor baptized him. He was struggling as usual, and when the pastor placed her hand on his forehead, he was trying to move away from her. ;))

So on this special christmas, ahDen was baptized - 25th December 2009 at Inanam Methodist Church. A memorable date to be remembered by us and we hope that Jayden will continue to grow in Christ! "

Monday, December 21, 2009

another new song!

Jayden's mummy :- "21st Dec 2009 - Tonite while we are on our way to Karamunsing, ahDen amazingly sung 'Amazing Grace'! He is brilliant.... at least hubby & I think he is!

Well, not the whole song but honestly i didn't teach him this song. I do sing it out loud sometimes. Actually hubby found this great song mixture of 'Amazing Grace & Jesus Loves Me' on Youtube and he let ahDen watch it quite often, but none of us actually taught him how to sing the song.

He was sitting at the back passenger seat and i was starting to sing 'Amazing Grace' at a very slow pace. Then i purposely left out some of the wordings and he filled up all the wordings correctly! Both hubby & I exchanged glances when he got one after another of the words correctly!

Hubby & I love 'Amazing Grace'. This song just calm our hearts and it is so soothing. Now, ahDen loves this song too! It's all God's Grace!

The wonderful site to share :- Amazing Grace/Jesus Loves Me "

xmas gift from 'nye-ma'!

Jayden's mummy :- "This 'nye-ma' the older she gets, the more 'pattern' she has! hahaha... My sister-in-law whole family came to KK last 2weeks, and 'nye-ma' immediately bought a xmas present for ah Den and asked my SIL to bring it over for him!

I've grown so old but never got any xmas present from my mum yet... hahaha... ahDen is juz so fortunate, getting so much love and attention from ppl around!

When ahDen saw the present, he juz can't wait to open it. We let him do so, and when he saw tat it was a box of puzzles, he was very happy. He even wanted to hug tat box of puzzles to bed! "
so 'show-off ' de face!

mummy : "Quickly pose & take photo. After tat, then u can open ur present!"
ahDen : ~so troublesome...~

a box of educational puzzle from 'nye-ma'

Whose baby is this??!!??!Anyone want me??

xmas09 round d corner!

Wonderful christmas deco at 1Borneo this year. Last year the deco was magnificent, and this year it's as wonderful too. You'll feel like you've stepped right inside the magical xmas land. It's so pretty... with the giant xmas tree decorated wid teddies, and giant nutcrackers & giant bears & reindeers & ornaments...!

ahDen smiling cheerfully... he juz cant wait to play wid the toys at the kid's corner there!

ahDen wid Cheryl 'jie-jie' on Santa's giant chair!

wid the rest of the 'jie-jie's!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'little monk!'

Jayden’s mummy :- “ 8th December 2009 - I was totally speechless after the haircut. It was an accident... a mistake! My boy struggled so much during his haircut, even when he was held down by three men. Can u imagine how strong ahDen is? At first we decided to shave his hair like little army boy (the previous cut) but halfway through he banged his head on the shaver and the clip came off. The shaver went right through his hair and touching his scalp, leaving a big hole in his hair. *_* "'

OMG!!! I was speechless and i juz stared at him, sighing deeply in my heart. OMG! OMG! The chant went on in my heart.... This time is really little monk! Jayden is bald! After we came back, i was still kind of shock. But after a night’s rest, today i’m more used to his new hairstyle. Bald or not... still we love him as much! This i really have to remember. Mummy is going to show you all these photos one day, ahDen! ”

Thursday, December 3, 2009

5th & Final Day @ Glory Kids CC

Jayden's mummy :- "Today was pretty bad. Sigh! Jayden was crying so hard when we left him at the school. When hubby carried him inside the classroom, he was reluctant to let go of daddy's hand. And when daddy said goodbye to him, he was clinging onto hubby's hand even harder. Finally when daddy went out, he was wailing.

Sigh! Both of us felt terrible. We stood outside the classroom, listening to him. He didn't stop crying yet when we left. Hubby said we'll come back to get him earlier today.

Around 11.30am, we were there at the school again. This is most probably the last time i'll ever step into Taska Glory again. The most important thing is Jayden doesn't like it there. When he saw his daddy, he was so excited and happy, pulling daddy's hand and waving goodbye to everybody! The principal juz asked me if he was on medication today, i said 'yes! He was on medication for the whole week okie!" He had runny nose & cough and i'd said tat to her the first day we brought him there. She juz told me Jayden was extremely grumpy today and cox they were celebrating someone's bday today and he couldn't wait for the cake!

Tis afternoon we'll bring ahDen for his assessment. Hubby discussed with me last nite and told me tat even if ahDen is fine, we'll let him go to playschool later and we'll look for another school. I can sensed tat he was really unhappy. He said the principal kept on saying tat other ppl paid to have holiday fun at the school and it wasn't fair tat ahDen was ruining it! Money! Money! Money! So hubby said it's pretty clear tat they find ahDen a nuisance. Even if we were to let him go back to the school, the teachers will most probably treat him differently.

Sigh! I just hope my son is okie. Even if he doesn't go to playschool and i will have to take care of him, I really don't mind. I juz pray tat he's fine.... "

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

4th Day @ Glory Kids Child Care Ctr

Jayden's mummy :- "Today when we reached the school, Jayden again showed some signs of reluctance of going into the class. So hubby handed him over to me and i hugged him inside the classroom. All the other kids were playing wid toys and he didn't show any signs of interest but to continue clinging onto me.

The principal was there and she greeted Jayden. He just ignored her and pretend to look elsewhere. Aunt Joan tell us tat he owest pretend not to see her. Hahaha.... Then Jayden was looking at the toy cars on the floor, so Aunt Joan asked another kid if he's wiling to share the cars with ahDen. The kid nodded okie and ahDen was looking at the toy cars. He seemed alright so i told him tat mummy gotta go now, but i'll be back to pick him up later. He didn't respond to my statement although i tried to tell him tat again. So i assumed tat it's okie for me to leave.

When i left the room, he turned and saw tat i wasn't there, Jayden started crying. Tis is the first time he cried when it's time to part wid his parents. Hubby & I juz walked off and hid outside the classroom. We saw tat Aunt Joan was talking to him but still he dashed outside of the class. Later a male teacher was entertaining ahDen wid some kind of toys on his hands, and ahDen juz stood there looking at him. He had stopped crying and I dare not let him sees me juz in case he started crying again. When i saw tat he was okie, i left. Hubby said tat we shall return to the school earlier today to check on him.

We reached the school pretty early today, before 11.30am. We stood outside, not wanting to disturb the other kids. We were chatting wid an auntie there, who was waiting for her boss's daughter. She told us ahDen was very happy there, keep on running around the school like it is his house and he loves to play hide and seek. Then she told us tat we can ask the principal if they'll recruit our kid today. So in we went, to spy on little Jayden. Hubby was hiding outside the classroom again and peeping inside. One of the teacher saw hubby and she called Jayden and tell him tat his daddy is here. Then we saw Jayden came out of the classroom and he came running. He was delighted when he found us hiding in the corner. Hahaha.... he's so cute!

When i ask Aunt Joan about whether ahDen's being recruited, she told me tat she need to discuss further wid me. Sigh! Bad sign. So hubby took the desperate ahDen to the car first, and i went in the office wid the principal. Aunt Joan say from wat she observed these few days, Jayden got a bit of 'autism'. She said tat he'll scream, not really socialising wid the other kids, then it's either no-focus or too-focus onto sth. Besides tat he's always running around, and being hyperactive. She said from wat she would say is he's categorise into the 'special children' group. I was really holding back tears. I wasn't worried if the school doesn't want him, juz tat i was worried for ahDen.

Aunt Joan recommended us to bring ahDen for an assessment first before they consider if they'll take him in. Sigh! She gave me a number of another member of the church whose running this centre for special children. I've made an appointment. Tmr afternoon we'll bring ahDen there for an assessment. We all do pray hard tat he's fine. No matter wat, we still love Jayden very much! "

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3rd Day @ Glory Kids Child Care Ctr

Jayden's mummy :- "Jayden woke up about an hour earlier than usual today. He juz wouldn't want to go back to sleep. We were worried tat he might be fussy at school later if he's sleepy. At breakfast, he doesn't eat much either. I was worried tat he'll starving if he doesn't want to eat anything at the school later.

When we reached the school, he wasn't tat excited to get into the class like he was the day before. The kids are playing with blocks today and hubby carried ahDen in his arms into the class when he saw tat he was kind of reluctant to go in. I waited outside cause the principal forbides too many parents into the class with the reason tat we'll scare the other newcomers. Hubby took his time with Jayden inside, talking to him and 2 other kids.... a boy and a gal. When hubby waved goodbye to ahDen, the other 2 kids waved back at him. Hahaha.... so funny. The cute gal keep on looking at hubby and wave at him while ahDen was barely paying attention to his dad.

Then hubby came out of the classroom. We peeped secretly into the class on our way out to the carpark. AhDen was trying to get out of the classroom when he saw his daddy was no longer there. But the principal was standing at the doorway, blocking him from running out and when he saw tat he couldn't run past her, he immediately turned and went back inside to play. ;))

Today hubby was extremely busy so i went by myself to pick ahDen up. When i reached, i was already running late. It was around 11.50am and the usual classroom where we pick up our kids was empty. I must be pretty late today and i started to worry if ahDen is alright. Will he be crying when he saw tat no one was picking him up??? I went on in towards the other classrooms trying to find Jayden but he was no where to be found. One of the teacher asked who was i looking for, and suddenly there's my son, coming out from another corner around the coridor. Hmmm... wat was he doing there?

There was a teacher behind him, was he playing wid her? When he saw me, he pretend to run past me and ignoring me. After awhile, he came back and pulled me by my hand towards the carpark. Then i told him we had to go and get ur bag and basket. So off he lead me back inside to get his stuffs. I asked the principal how was he today and she said everyone was good today. She said ahDen sat down & ate with the others. Phew! Thank goodness he does have some progress and then ahDen waved goodbye at the principal.

When he was in the car, i noticed again tat he didn't drank much water today. I told him to sit nicely since mummy had to drive today, and he sat down well and I fasten the safety belt around him. Helped to wipe off some of his sweat and when i gave him his bottle, he juz drank and drank from the bottle non-stop. I chatted with him on the way home but he was totally quiet compared to his usual self. He seems to be more calm down and a little more disciplined than before, and i really wonder if he's happy at school or not.

He didn't really look at me much during the whole trip home. He was just sucking on his bottle and looking outside the car. I really wonder if my son is angry with me for sending him to school. Well, if he can learn to be more discipline at school it is really good. But if he really doesn't want to go to school yet, i wont force him either. Let's juz see how will the outcome be by the end of this week!"

Monday, November 30, 2009

2nd Day @ Glory Kids Child Care Ctr

Jayden's mummy :- "We told Jayden over & over again tat he'll be going to school, and after a few hours at school, daddy & mummy will go pick him up. We did tat since yesterday afternoon, since sis said we should let him know and be mentally prepared. Which we did, and amazingly today he went to school without any hassle!

We assumed it'll be a harder day today, since he know tat we'll leave him there for a few hours. But no, when we reached the school compound, he juz let go of his daddy's hand and marched himself in the direction of the classroom. Then he juz went in and played wid the toys on the floor juz like the day before.

I gave his bottle to one of the teacher there, reminding him to give ahDen some water from time to time cox he's having flu & cough. After tat, we went to look for the principal. I asked her if i should stay cox i fear tat ahDen will be angry like the day before when he realised tat we were gone, but the principal strongly disagreed. So off we went, but before we go, i went in to tell ahDen tat mummy & daddy will be leaving then but we'll be back for him later. He showed no response to wat i was saying and continued playing, so hubby & I juz left.

Around 11.30am, we were there at the school once more. Some of the children were still crying and wailing, and when i peeped inside the room, I saw Jayden sitting on the floor together wid the principal and some other kids. Thank God he wasn't the one tat was crying. I didn't went in to get him yet, juz observing him for a while longer. He was sitting with his back to me so i don't know wat he was doing there. He paid totally no attention to those crying kids. When more n more parents came to get their kids, i went to the classroom door as well. No wonder the room was kind of dark, there wasn't any electricity then. So I called to Jayden and when he turned and saw me, he smiled and walked towards me while holding his hanky in one hand. =)) He looked so cute!

One of the teacher told me tat he did cried for awhile in the morning, but after tat he was okie. I asked the principal if he ate today, she said he still doesn't want to sit down wid the rest to eat. When the principal asked if he wants milk, Jayden replied her 'no' so she didn't make any milk for him. I juz hope he'll behave himself at school these few days, and after i thought over last nite, I really don't mind if he's not being recruited to the school this time. Perhaps he's still too young and not ready yet. If so, we'll juz wait til the next semester to give him a try again. Let's juz see for the next few coming days.

When we were in the car, ahDen was starving. He saw some apples in the car and insisted on eating it then. But i said no and let him finished my half cup of yogurt, and after tat he was chomping on the chic floss bun which he didn't finish during breakfast. When he saw the box of rice which daddy went to buy for ahDen's lunch, he wanted to eat rice then. We told him to wait til we reach home. He must be really, really hungry. ;))

Praying hard again tat tomorrow he'll be better at school and sit down to eat wid the others so he wouldn't haf to starve himself! But he did drink alot of water at school today, Thank God!"

Sunday, November 29, 2009

1st Day @ Glory Kids Child Care Ctr

Jayden's mummy :- "Today the trial class began at Glory Kids Child Care Centre. It's a one week class especially for preschoolers, where the teachers will grade and observe the kids, and if they'll recruit them. Classes starts at 8.30am and ends at 12pm.

When we reached the church at 8.30am tis morning, Jayden was pointing excitedly at the playground and saying sth tat sounds like 'playground'. Then we took him to the classroom areas and saw tat at one of the playarea a big group of kids are already there busily playing wid toys on the floor. Jayden immediately rushed in to join them.

The teachers told me to leave ahDen's things and if our kid wasn't crying and starting to play around, it'll be better for the parents to leave immediately. After telling the teacher where his bottle and hanky and other stuffs are, we sneaked away from the school. Sigh! Maybe we should haf said goodbye to ahDen and tell him we'll be coming back to get him later.

When we went back for him around 11.45am, we saw a lot of parents are already leaving with their child. We walked into the classroom area and when Jayden spotted us, he immediately rushed out and grab hold of his daddy by the arm. Then i went to talk to the principal and got some really bad comments about Jayden.

The principal said that he didn't want to sit down and eat wid the others. He juz ran around. She said she's not sure what we normally gave him at home, but he was juz not interested in eating. Then he threw things around, and was shouting and rolling on the floor when they told him not to. Sigh! She said he was a really bad influence to all the other kids.

I was awfully disappointed. Then hubby figured it out when we came home. He said maybe ahDen was angry when he couldn't find us. That was most probably why he threw his tantrum and was shouting and throwing things around. So when the teachers stopped him, he was unhappy and started rolling on the floor. For goodness sake of cuz he wasn't allow to behave like tat at home, but when i told him not to, he'll juz shout n cry everytime. Hard hard....

When the principal said they really need to observe him for a few more days, and if they find tat he really wasn't suitable for school yet, then we'll haf to take him home and enrol him later. Sigh! Part of the reason i wanted school for him was because i knew he was a hard child to teach, very bad-tempered and always want to get everything his way. I thought at least by sending him to school, he learn to mingle wid others and learn some basic things like being toilet-trained, eating wid spoon, and other stuffs. Anyway, tat's wat schools are for right? I've tried teaching him all tat i can at home, not to say i totally ignore teaching him all this things. It was juz tat he didn't wan to listen to me and then i thought of other solution tat is to send him to school.

Juz hope tmr he'll behave better at school. Let's juz pray hard!"

Monday, November 23, 2009

Jayden's mummy :- "This was a gift from AhKai 'qiu-qiu' frens who came over to KK last week. When ahDen saw the nicely wrapped up gift, he was so excited and pestered us to open it immediately. We did, in order to calm him down, and in it we found tis wonderful box of jigsaw puzzles. He simply adores all the different types of transport tat he sees... pointing to the planes and helicopter and train.

Thanks alot to all the 'yee-yee's & 'suk-suk's or maybe shud call 'jie-jie's & 'ko-ko's. Hope you all did had a wonderful time here in KK!"

Piggy eating Pork Bun

Jayden's mummy :- "Last Friday, 20th Nov, hubby bought some famous pork bun from Mengatal for us. Tis ahDen can finish 1 & a half bun by himself! I played his favourite Madagascar dvd for him, and he was off chewing the bun while watching his favourite show on tv. He juz went chomp, chomp & chomp non-stop, until he couldn't eat no more! Wat a little pig!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

'poo' phobia

Jayden's mummy :- "Today i feel so bad about myself... actually i had been feeling so for the whole week. Sigh! I wonder if i am really pushing ahDen too hard. I tried all i can to teach him how to pass motion everyday and yet he is so afraid of passing motion. He must have really bad 'poo' phobia.

Since last month i had been spending time with him everyday in the toilet, hoping tat my encouragement and patience of squatting together with him in the toilet will eventually make him a habit of having to poop everyday. In the end, my effort still goes to waste.
I don't expect him to use the potty yet, all i want is him not being constipated. Last month the incident of poor ahDen being badly constipated was really a heartache to both hubby & me. He didn't go poo-poo at all for 7 continous days, and when he finally had to poop, he was screaming, crying and straining so hard for nearly 2 hours... and all tat came out was a small round poo as hard as pebble!

As a mother, i felt like i'm a failure. I tried all i can to make him pass motion as frequent as he can. I tried giving him prebiotics, yogurt, vitagen, prune juice, fruits, make sure he drinks enough water.... everything tat i can think of, as long as he doesn't haf to depend on medication to pass motion. At first it started off well, he did poop at least once a day. But i dunno why after 2weeks of such practice, he finally goes back to not wanting to try at all. He'll juz sit at the potty or squatting down at times and not focusing at all.

I told piang & nb about how bad i feel, and they just tell me i can't make him poop if he doesn't want to. I know it sounds crazy but 3days of not poo-ing, he'll start to be constipated again. So what should I do? I am really at the verge of giving up. We had juz had a bad toilet session for 2hours juz now, and not only ahDen feel exhausted, i am feeling very suffocated as well now! Sigh! At times, i'll ask myself why do I haf such a hard-to-train child?

Starting on Sunday noon, I stopped giving him his pacifier when he naps or when he goes to bed. I told him it is as a punishment for him not wanting to poop. Sigh! I dunno if it's a fair action or not, but he'll haf to quit his pacifier one day too. Might as well start training him now... and now he can goes to sleep without sucking on his pacifier for 5 continous nights. I'll still give it to him if he wakes up in the middle of the nite so tat i too can get more sleep. I can juz comfort myself tat tis is some sort of an achievement as well.

The purpose i blog tis down was to remind myself of all the hard time i had to go thru, bringing up my child. I understand tat it's different for every child, and I shouldn't compare him to other children. All I can tell myself is tat i still need to continue trying, with more patience and more love. I juz hope i can do it, and ahDen too can learn how to 'poop' without so much trouble one day!"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hooray for ANMUM!

Jayden's mummy :- "14th November 2009 :- This was what came in through the post today afternoon. Hooray! Support ANMUM! Hahaha... 5 boxes of 650g free milk powder for Jayden.

At first i wondered if the redemption was for real cause I sent in the redemption forms together wid the end portion of the scoops i collected during the final week of October, and the free milk powder hadn't arrived until today. I didn't win the 32" Phillip LCD TV though but these free milk powder was good enough. Hahaha... hubby was so happy too and he told me must be more 'housewife' next time so tat can save more money!"

Ikea Lack coffeetable!

Jayden's mummy :- "Lately we had been table hunting. What a pity there's no Ikea in Kuching or KK, and we couldn't find any suitable table for Jayden. There wasn't any proper table in our room and lately ahDen had been lining up his toys on any proper surface tat he can find. At times he'll try to squeeze all his toys on my laptop table, right in front of my laptop; or he'll play at the small table where we place the milk powder, cereal, milk bottles and flask. Sigh! Poor boy! There's still no proper home for him until now!

Finally we found this Ikea Lack coffeetable at Asia City. We remembered seeing the same table at Karamunsing but when we went there last week, it was totally sold out. I know tat the Lack coffeetable was selling for RM39 now in Ikea, and the one we got was RM80 after discount. Considering the trouble of having anyone helping us carrying this bulky table all the way from KL, we bought the table eventhough it wasn't the best bargain. My brother did say he can help me get a table from Ikea and bring it all the way to KK from KL, but hubby consider it too much a hassle.

Too bad there's no longer any Mammut table from Ikea (why would they stopped the production of such a nice kid's table?!?!).... so we'll haf to settle for tis coffeetable as a study & play table for ahDen. Such a pity tat choices of proper kids tables are so few nowadays. "

Lil' Copter

Jayden's mummy :- "8th November 2009 - Since i have some Parkson vouchers tat i need to use by today, off we went to shop at Parkson Grand Wawasan Plaza tis Sunday after noon. Although hubby asked me to shop around and use the vouchers buying some new garments for myself, i really don't know wat i wanted to buy for myself nowadays. It'll always be buying things tat Jayden needed rather than for myself.

He was having so much fun over at the toys section. He was lining up the Mega Bloks Dump Truck, Helicopter, Fire Engine & Boat which he got off from one of the shelves. Seeing him having such a good time there really made me wanna get him one of the Mega Bloks toys.

Finally we picked the Helicopter or known as Mega Bloks Lil' Copter. It was priced RM69.90 before discount. After the discount and the vouchers, it only costs RM25.90. Such an expensive toy, and without the vouchers I'm sure both hubby & I wouldn't have bought tat for him. I tot of uploading the pic of the helicopter here, before it got spoiled by Jayden in future. He still haf a tendency of throwing his toys about... as in really
'throwing' them. Sigh! Might as well take a photo of it when it's still in one good piece."

@ CoffeeBean Damai

31st October 2009 - My first time having tea at CoffeeBean. Thanks to Auntie Piang & Uncle NgeeBang's Coffeebean voucher, mummy & daddy brought me to coffeebean tat afternoon. We had Belgian Choc Ice Blended, Mocha Ice Blended & also a slice of chocolate cheese cake. However, i still intended to run around the shop more than enjoying my slice of cake. Finally mummy couldn't stand it no longer, and home we went after finishing the cake!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

'Shoe shoe mei mei!'

Jayden's mummy :- " Last Thurs, i got a missed call from Glory Church Day Care. Thank God i actually saved the principal's hp no in my SIM. I returned her call and found out tat she actually called to inform me tat i can bring Jayden for their trial class which will start end of tis month, on the 30th Nov til 4th Dec.

Honestly i felt blurred after the call and my mind was racing. OMG... ahDen's going to school soon, and it felt unbelievable. ;)) Time really flies, and it's nearly the end of 2009. But Jayden seems to be so young still.... "will he be able to get use to the school environment? will he be bullied there? will he cry non-stop juz because mummy's not wid him?" .... Frankly, i freaked out! When i told hubby about the news, he was as nervous as me!

Daddy said tat ahDen's feet are growing out of his old shoes, so it's time to get him a new pair. One which he can put on by himself, and take it off on his own as well. When he goes to school, we couldn't be there to help him wid tis simple task of putting on his shoes for him. It's time for him to learn.

So last nite, off we went to Crocs 1Borneo and daddy got him tis lovely pair of Crocs Electro. It certainly was a blast to our pocket, and after picking and trying on pairs of Crocs, we finally settled for tis pair of citrus/navy Crocs (size C10) for RM129. I decided to get him 2 cute Jibbitz, each for one of the shoes, cox i think it's pretty adorable seeing these cute pins on a kid's crocs! Finally we settled for the pair of Mickey ears (RM6) & and a brown monkey (RM8.90). Total damage was RM143.90.

Mickey' ear Jibbitz on left croc!

Brown monkey Jibbitz on right croc!

When we got home, we actually felt a bit of a heartache at the money we spent on his new shoes. But daddy said to take tat as an investment, and hopefully it'll remain in good shape for later siblings! Jayden love his new Crocs, and tis time it is ahDen's turn to 'shoe shoe mei mei!'

Trust me, he really said 'shoe shoe mei mei' by himself!"
Gotcha! Can see the little hand behind tat's playing
wid the Mickey ear's Jibbitz?

Twinkle, twinkle little star!

Jayden's mummy :- "Just as a simple note for reminding myself of ahDen's latest achieved nursery rhyme. Other than his favourite 'Row, row, row your boat', he can now sing 'Twinkle, twinkle little star'.
The 'twinkle, twinkle' part is quite clear... then '...how I...' & 'Up a...' was clear enough too. It's funny when u hear kids singing, missing out alot of words in between... but u'll still feel tat they are doing a pretty good job. ;))
He can sing part of 'Baa, baa black sheep' as well. Guess tis little angel just adores music. SiewHung's aunt made a comment about Jayden last week. She said 'he's trying to learn how to sing even before he can master his speech!' Hahaha... "

baa, baa... yellow Goat!

Jayden's mummy :- " Tis adorable yellow goat came all the way from Kuching to Kota Kinabalu! Can u imagine tat?!?!? It was a gift from Auntie Ming to darling Jayden, and since ahDen really like the goat so much... daddy & mummy will haf to bring it onboard the plane and fly together with our family by crook or by hook!

Kids are just awesome. I need not teach ahDen how to play wid his goat, he knew exactly how to play wid it by riding on its back the instant he saw it! Now the yellow goat sits in our bedroom, in ahDen's tiny play area! Thanks sis for buying him the goat. I guess poor Esther must be missing this yellow goat-goat alot! Baa!"