Monday, December 8, 2008
my new Black Nike sandals
Short Trip to Labuan & Kundasang
29-30th November 2008 - On tis Saturday morning, we headed off for Labuan. Jayden's first time there, and mine too... and together wid ahDen's granduncle & grandaunt whole family. Honestly, ahDen was quite a good boy all thru the trip. At first i feared he couldn't stand sitting in the car for so long and after tat the ferry trip to Labuan somemore, but he gaved a pretty impressing progress tis time, so next time can consider going elsewhere liao. Hee hee....
2hrs drive from Tanjung Aru, KotaKinabalu to the Menumbok Jetty, then another 2hrs ferry trip to Labuan. Really tiring but luckily in the very packed ferry, we bought seats in the VIP Lounge and before tat although we had to squeeze in the car but we traveled in hubby's Ninja King, so honestly Jayden had quite a comfortable ride. We stayed in Hotel Pantai View in Labuan, and thanks to Uncle NgeeBang for helping us to book rooms beforehand, else we might ended up sleeping on the streets. We went to the Marine Museum in Labuan, and Jayden was amused wid all the fishes. He was pointing to all the colourful fishes swimming around and making his usual "uuu... uu... uuuu..." sound. Tat was during the speed visiting we had on the following day, Sunday, before we needed to board the ferry back to Menumbok. We went to the War Memorial too, and also another place called The Chimney Peace Park. Dunno wat's so attractive there really, juz a tall chimney standing there.
Some photos of ahDen during the Labuan trip :-
Thursday, November 27, 2008
dancing ahDen
Jayden's mummy :- " My little baby loves to dance. He'll moves his butt, shake his head, and wave his arms when he hears a tune he likes. Actually we started noticing him being attracted to music when he was pretty young, a few months old, but the dancing part... haha... i never knew he loves dancing juz like me.
The song he loves most, tat makes him shakes his butt and lately he started to improve his dancing skills by adding the 'finger-pointing' part, is the famous Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love. His daddy bought tis song when ahDen was about 3mths old, and we have the CD playing in the car most of the time so he became quite familiar wid tis song.
On another occasion, i was driving ahDen n 2 of my sisters to my eldest sis's house in 8thMile, back in Kuching. Tat time ahDen was sitting in his car seat, looking drowsy. Then my sister PeiFang, started to sing Bleeding Love. Haha.... tis is one of the usual sister-thing we'll do, we juz sing out loud together, if dunno the lyrics part we juz hum along. Then slowly ahDen raised his hands and started waving them in a slow motion. He looked drowsy, but still he enjoyed our singing. Haha... then my youngest sis, Grace saw ahDen moving his hands and asked me wat is Den doing. I told her, he's dancing. Tat really amused them. Later he even started clapping his hands!
Okie... i know for sure my darling frens will say tat it's inheritence. I finally got to record tis clip successfully. On tis afternoon, ahDen juz woke up from his afternoon nap, and i was playing the song Bleeding Love on my laptop. And there goes ahDen starting to dance. It's really, really funny!"
Monday, November 17, 2008
mani & pedi...cure!
18th November 2008 - All this while i never cut ahDen's fingernails & toenails for him before. I daren't do so, assuming i haf really slow reflex. So normally, tis is ahDen daddy's job. Even my mum and my sister, ahMing had helped to cut ahDen's nails before, for they couldn't stand to see it being so long, and yet i didn't cut it for him. Okie.... honestly i really wanted to do so, but i'm really very scared, afraid tat i'll be too clumsy and hurt him instead.
Today i finally helped him to cut his fingernails and toenails for the very first time! Hahaha..... not such a great mum right! ;)) Yes, i really haf to confess, my reflex can be real slow at time, and now tat ahDen is a bigger boy, i can gif him toys tat amused him while i held on really tight at his tiny fingers and start clipping away! Phew! First time and ahDen is oledi past 1year old... thankfully i didn't hurt my baby at all and did quite a nice job ;)) "
toddling jayden!
Last Sunday evening, 16/11/08, i finally succeeded in recording clips of Jayden walking. I really wanted to do this for quite some time now, but for some reasons i wasn't able to. First reason is tat in our small room, there isn't much space for him to walk around. So the best place to film his walking achievement will be down at the lobby. Second reason, i couldn't do it on my own meaning to say by myself alone. At this point wid ahDen's walking skill, he still haf lots of room for improvement. He can managed short distance by himself but preferably wid adult's supervision. He juz might loses his balance anytime, so i couldn't hold the camera and be guarding him at the same time. Hmm.... so it's time to call for daddy's help.
Tat Sunday evening, our original plan was to take a stroll at Bukit Padang together wid other frens. But then, it seems like it was going to rain at tat time so we canceled the jogging plan. Then hubby suggested to bring ahDen for a walk at the nearby Tanjung Aru Beach. Before we went out, we managed to haf a short time filming ahDen's walking process in the lobby downstairs. It's juz amazing at how fast kids learn. Before this, he needed ppl to hold his tiny hands for extra support before he dares to take his first steps. Now, he wanted to try walking by himself, and eventually when u hold his hands to provide him support, he'll yank them away... as if telling you, he can do it on his own!
Before this he was holding onto furniture and walls to start cruising along. He'll be moving sideways most of the time, like a baby crab ;)). Then we start to notice he dares to cross over from a piece of furniture to another within a short range. Everytime before ahDen starts walking on his own, he'll brace himself and gain his strength, confidence as well as stability. Having accumulated all these, he puts one foot in front of another, one at a time, ...sssslowly. Once in a while, he'll stop if he finds tat he starts to wobble, and when he regain his balance, he'll rush off to the "finishing line" (ermm.. his targeted piece of furniture!)
It's funny watching him learning to walk. At 14mths, tis will be ahDen's toddling progress. Enjoy viewing!
After successfully recording the above clips, hubby & I brought Jayden for a stroll at the beach. As usual, the beach was packed wid ppl on weekend, and especially now during school holidays. AhDen finds it amusing to be stepping on the soft sand, and he was chuckling to himself. Both daddy & mummy held each of his hands of cuz. He could take a few steps by himself, but not to the extend of being able to stroll by himself yet. He saw kids running around and was as excited as them. Then he pointed to the beautiful blue sea, and babbling to us at the same time.
Finally, we bought him a toy windmill. I told hubby before tat i was hunting for a toy windmill for ahDen but i haven't come across any in KK so far. I juz haf tis urge to buy him a toy windmill, for i know ahDen love looking at moving things, especially those going round & round. At the nearby stalls, we chose and bought a suitable one for him, not too big and not too small, for RM2. He was delighted when he held the windmill in his little hands. When he noticed the colourful fans turning round & round, again he was babbling and pointing to the fans! =))
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
temper tantrums
4th November 2008 - I purposely recorded this clip and posted it here so tat i can show it to ahDen next time when he grows up. This is his way of throwing his tantrum, a mild one (pls take note!) and in this clip he was asking for the papaya on top of the table.
We'd juz came back from breakfast, and i'm pretty sure the little guy was still feeling full for he ate a small bowl of noodles. However, he juz had this irresistable temptation whenever he sees papayas or bananas. I guessed most toddlers are the same, remembering the way Esther will ask for bananas whenever she sees them and oso Piang's nephew, Aiden for his devoted love towards bananas! I tried hiding the papaya from Jayden's sight, however there wasn't any more place i can hide the fruit from his view in our little room.
When he saw the papaya on top of the table, he was pointing at it and saying "mum-mum mum-mum" continuosly, while looking at me. I tried telling him after he wakes up from his nap, mummy will let him haf some papaya. It didn't work, and in the end he started to cry and was rolling on the floor. Lately he has tis habit of throwing himself on the floor and rolling around when sth tat he wanted was unmet. Tis is the story of ahDen and papaya.... ;)) enjoy viewing! "
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
new Sandals!
"Last Sunday, 2nd of November, we went shopping at Servay Hypermarket at Putatan. Hubby mentioned tat he had some groceries he needed to get for the restaurant, so we went there after our dinner at home. Well, we had been hunting for a pair of sandals for ahDen for quite a long time. After we bought him his 1st pair of shoes, we realised tat we shud get him a pair of sandals as well. Cox at times when i washed his shoes, then he'll haf another pair of footwear to wear if we go out. But then hunting footwear for my little one is really quite a difficult task. His feets are so big and finding footwear with the perfect, or near to perfect cut for him, is definately a headache.
Tonite we went to the department store on the 1st floor, and decided to haf a walk around before going to the ground floor to get our groceries. Lucky for us tonite we actually found 2 pairs of sandals suitable for ahDen's feet. But we only chose to buy a pair for him, although the other pair - a pair of Disney Babies sandals - was really cheap after discount, but he really only need a pair. Moreover, toddlers feet grows so fast.
His pair of Royale Babies sandals are pretty cute, with a giraffe head on each of the shoes. When we tried a size 4 for him, it was juz the right size but tat oso mean there wouldn't be anymore space for his growing feet. So we opted to get him a size 5 instead. For additional info, printed on the box size 4 are for 18mths babies, and size 5 for 24mths babies! Wow... another thing was tat tis pair of sandals will make 'pip pip' sound when the baby tread on it! Jayden immediately realised his sandals will make this cute noise when he stomp his feet, so he started to stomp one of his foot hard on the ground! Naughty little Jayden... "
tv addict!
31st October 2008 - Like most toddlers, Jayden has this habit of glueing himself to the tv once it's advertisements time. He'll watch the ads big-eyed, and at times he'll laugh and chuckle if he finds it funny. It is kinda funny bcox i'm pretty sure he inherited this habit of being addicted to the tv from his daddy! Yes! I'm very, very honest about this.
From the early days when i first know hubby, i oledi realised he has this habit of being addicted to the tv. If he's watching a show he likes, try talking and telling him sth, ninety-percent of the time he ended up not hearing wat u are telling him! Yes, i was really pissed off at the beginning, but now i'm oledi getting more used to it! Hahaha... and now, our son turns out to be like his daddy. Watch the way ahDen reacts whenever advertisements play on the tv. He'll stop watever he was doing, and immediately turned his head to the tv set and stayed affix staring at the tv! Sigh!
Lately there's tis Digi Ad with the cute rubber duckie quacking in front of a loudspeaker. Guess wat.... tis amused ahDen so much tat he imitates the rubber duck, dragging his quacks... but he can't pronounce 'quack' tat well yet, and ended up he'll say 'argggghhhh.......' dragging on til he's out of breath! Who says tv wont be a bad influence to ur child?!?!?!
Tis clip was taken on last Fri nite, and as usual i was at my aerobics class. So tis is the way hubby babysits when i'm not around, hmm... or was it the tv tat was babysitting??? Hahaha... ;)) "
Monday, November 3, 2008
cute noises...
29th October 2008 - Today i successfully recorded these clips of naughty ahDen babbling to himself... hmm.. or maybe he was trying to talk to me. ;)) He wanted to get inside his walker, and lately he owest wanted to get into his walker so tat he can pretend he is driving. I noticed tat he owest observes daddy whenever daddy is driving. He'll look at the way daddy steers the steering wheel, then the way daddy pushes in the gear.
AhDen's walker, being the model of an aeroplane, has a steering wheel and a tiny horn tat can makes 'beep beep' sound. So i owest showed him how to turn the steering wheel to his left and then to his right as if he is driving. So tat's wat really attracts him to his walker! He thinks he can drive! Once in a while he'll persuade us to place him inside his walker (else he'll tries to climb in himself!), and then his driving fantasy will begin. U can see him steering the wheel left and right, then pushes the horn, and also he'll push the lever on his left to & fro as if pushing in a car's gear!
Lately too ahDen will make the 'vrooomm' sound whenever he tries to associate sth to an automobile, mostly cars & aeroplanes! He'll say 'vroomm' whenever daddy's car move forward after halting, and when he sees aeroplanes flying by from our room's window, he'll point to the aeroplane and say 'vrooomm' as well. Then he creatively changes his way of saying 'vrooomm' to 'brrr brrr brrr' at times. I guessed the funny noise attracts the little guy much, and watching him making all these noises attracts his mummy even more. =)) "
Friday, October 24, 2008
Getting Smart!
24th October 2008 - Tonite was a rainy and cold nite. As usual on tis Friday evening, i went off for aerobics class. Although the weather was cool tonite, i still sweat like crazy and was terribly exhausted. My stamina had worsen so much compared to previously when i was so devoted to modern dance at PowerMoves. Wow... i felt so lack of oxygen during my workout, and after tat i felt terribly sleepy when i climbed in hubby's LandCruiser to drive myself back home. Moreover the weather was rainy and cool and wid the pitter-patter on my windscreen, i felt even drowsier. So on the way home, i took out my handphone and called ngeebang. As usual, ngeebang will make some silly jokes, and wid his laughters accompanying me, i can at least keep myself awake.
When i reached home, i dragged myself to 102. Then i greeted my hubby and my darling son. Jayden was so happy to see me, and as usual he'll crawl over to my legs to greet me. Luckily he didn't insist me to pick him up and give him a hug today, for i was terribly wet from all my sweat. Then i went over to another corner to place my bag and my stuff. When i looked at Jayden, he was standing facing our shelf, and his cute little finger pointing to my bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar while smiling mischieviously at me. Hahahaha... i couldn't help but burst out laughing. I understand immediately wat he was trying to tell me.
I bought this bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar some way back a few months ago to make seakelp pickles. I only needed a little amount of vinegar though, but apple cider are quite expensive and getting the bigger bottle was a better deal. So i bought the bigger bottle of the vinegar and ended up, I have to start drinking it before it's expiry date. I read tat consuming apple cider vinegar can oso help our health in alot of ways such as lowering blood sugar, cholesterol perhaps, maintain weight, and alot more which i couldn't really remember. So I make it a habit to drink a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with Amway's Acerola Cherry everytime after my workout when i reach home. Moreover, my throat owest feel so dry for i must be quite dehyrdrated from all the exercise, and a glass of tangling and refreshing drink definately helps me to cool down before i go and take my bath.
I guess ahDen must be monitoring me for quite some time now, without me realising. He was pointing to my bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar to ask me to start making my usual drink! He is really so, so, so cute! Somemore he was chuckling and giggling at the same time. When i told hubby wat ahDen was trying to tell me, hubby seemed a little unconvinced. So he asked Jayden, "What is ahDen trying to tell mummy?". In response, Jayden point again to the bottle of vinegar and both hubby and I bursted into laughters. Sigh... he is really starting to understand our speech more & more. Besides tat, he oso starts to pick up our daily practices and beginning to understands more.
Another cute encounter happened yesterday. I washed his shoes on Wed noon for it was very dirty now. Then yesterday morning, i brought them out to dry on our balcony, right under the hot sun. When ahDen saw his shoes outside on the balcony, he seemed confused. He must be wondering wat are his shoes doing out there on the balcony. He must had felt funny at the same time, for he was chuckling to himself while looking wide-eyed at his pair of shoes out there under the sun. After a while he went off to play wid his toys. Then i took the opportunity to ask him, trying to test if he understood wat i was saying, "ahDen, WHERE are your SHOES?"
I observed him for awhile, and then he pointed his little finger in the direction of the balcony and point to his shoes on the ground! Hahaha.... so cute! I told hubby wat ahDen juz did, and again hubby asked him the same thing and again he gave us the same response, pointing to his shoes trying to tell us his shoes were out there on the balcony. =))
Tat time i was beaming all over. Deep in my heart, not only did i feel happy bcox my baby is getting smarter day by day, ironically I oso felt a tiny pang of sadness. Knowing tat my baby is growing up day by day, I kinda miss the time when he was juz a little helpless baby, relying so much on me. Those days are bound to be over pretty soon... as a matter of fact, REAL SOON! ;( But of cuz, i need to view all these from the positive aspect. Jayden is growing up fine day by day and yes, although he's venturing into toddlerhood now, he'll forever be my little baby in my eyes! ;)) "
Friday, October 17, 2008
'monkey' in 102
13th October 2008 - Looking after ah Den is really like looking after a monkey. He never stops moving around, never stops playing, never stops to rest once he is awake and the only time he rests is when he is sleeping. Today tis little monkey even learnt how to climb up the chair. First attempt, he didn't succeed. Tat was around noon time, and i'd bathed him so i juz let him play around before giving him his nap. When i saw tat he tried to climb up the chair, i juz let him be, knowing tat he'll never give up trying unless he realised tat it's impossible for him to achieve.
However, tonite amazingly he succeeded in climbing up the chair by his own. His daddy saw it and tot how clever his son is because he can climb up the chair by himself. I told hubby tat ah Den had been trying to do so the whole day, and he oledi had lots of practices until tonite, he finally got wat he wanted, tat was to stand on top of the chair by himself. Wat really attracted him was this very laptop, seated on top of the table, as well as the mouse and the rest of the stuffs we placed on top of the table. He's bored playing wid the rest of the things in the room and now he's aiming for the stuff on top of the table - his 'unreachable' toys!
Wat a 'monkey' my son is! How come my baby is so naughty and so active? Really becoming more & more like monkey! Enjoy watching him demonstrate his climbing skills. "
1st Clip : Jayden polishing his climbing skills around noon time!
2nd Clip : Approximately 9hrs later, he finally succeeded in climbing up the very same chair!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Oct upDates
3rd October 2008 – Today we’ll be flying bek to Kch again. Tmr wil be CheeYong’s big day and we’d promised to be back for his wedding dinner. I oso lost track of count how many times ah Den had flown by air til now. Today ahDen and mummy have Express Boarding so we are among the first to board the AirAsia plane. Knowing tat it’s festive season ~ Raya ~ and the plane wil definitely be packed, we’d spent additional and paid for express boarding so we can save ahDen from the inconsiderate ppl pushing around even though there’s supposed to be a queue. Sigh!
Every time I know tat it’s time to go bek home using AirAsia, my heart starts to worry. Sigh! I really don’t understand why the airline don’t give priority to pregnant ladies and oso mummies carrying babies or toddlers. Sigh! I wonder if it’d ever come across their mind tat carrying a 10kg++ object, and yet ‘fighting’ wid the crowd to get a place in the queue, is really very tiring. Sigh! Why I say ‘fighting’… educated and civilized ppl are abundant nowadays, but whenever u r in the queue to board an AirAsia plane, u suddenly realized there are no longer any educated and civilized Malaysians! Sigh! Really very pathetic!!
Of cuz we got pretty good seats on board today - cox we paid extra. AhDen is really becoming more n more familiar flying by air. He’ll pull out all the magazines and snack menus from the seat pockets in front of him, and today amazingly he tried to turn the lock tat holds the table in place. Hubby and I both think tat he finally realized there’s a table that can be stored when not in used there. Luckily his fingers are still not tat strong yet, or else there’ll be more jobs for daddy and mummy! We bought a packet of Milo for ahDen - RM6, and daddy keep on 'bising'... hahaha - and I gave him a packet of baby rice crackers. Wow… he was really having a good time flying!
When we reached Kch tat nite, we had light dinner at home before going out to haf dinner wid my mum and sisters. It’s my mum’s birthday today, and luckily we can still make it in time to celebrate with her. My sis ahFang made reservation at Ah Tou Seafood the day before and after dinner we went back to mum’s place to cut her bday cake. Happy Birthday ‘Nye-Ma’!
Look at cute Esther sticking out her tongue!
5th October 2008 – On this Sunday nite hubby came back real late for dinner. He was very, very busy til we had dinner at 8.30pm but of cuz I let ahDen had his dinner first. After dinner, we didn’t plan to go out anymore. In the afternoon around 2.30pm, we went over to my sister’s new house at 8th Mile. AhDen had such an enjoyable time there… me too… sis ahMing purposely kept some mooncakes for me to eat when I come back to Kch. Hee! She oso made fruit salads and a nice pot of hot tea for us tat afternoon. Luckily I had a nice & full meal for teatime tat afternoon, or else I definitely wouldn’t be able to wait til 8.30pm for dinner tonite.
While resting at home tonite, ahDen made some really funny sounds. He kept on saying ‘ka ka ka ka ka… “ continuosly and it sounded really cute. So I quickly took out our camera to record it. So cute! Really wonder wat he’s saying. “Ka ka ka ka …”
Take a look at Jayden's "kakaka" video clip.
7th October 2008 – A normal and real bored Tuesday afternoon. Hubby was terribly busy rushing to get his work done b4 we haf to fly bek to KK again, so ahDen and I had no choice but to stay at home. The best place to put ahDen when babysitting him is in our room. Tis is bcox with the closed door, he’ll have limited accessible space. Sigh! As usual I let him played around before giving him his afternoon nap, and seeing him playing by himself can be pretty amusing. In this first clip, he laughed when he saw me pointing the camera towards him, then he got down on the floor, clapped his hands and moved over to look for new things to play with. Hear how he chuckled… really a naughty boy!
1st Clip - ahDen's Mischievous Laughter
Tis 2nd clip ahDen is even cuter. I was watching my normal afternoon video series on tv, so i let ahDen played around by himself. Suddenly he crawled hastily over to the place where the sunlight shone on the floor. With the curtains tied back, the afternoon sun shone right into our room, and it amazed ahDen to see a big yellow patch of sunlight on the floor! He banged on the floor, and tried catching the yellow patch on the floor. I immediately got our camera to record this but when I got back, he wasn’t playing wid the sunlight anymore but he was trying to catch floating tiny dusts in the air. At first I had no idea wat he was doing, but when I sat down beside him and with the sunlight shining in thru the window, you can actually see tiny particles flying around. Hahaha…. ahDen was trying to catch dust in the air! So funny!"
2nd Clip - ah Den playing dust-catching!
Kids are really kids! So naive lor... 'hen tian chen' lor... ;))
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
TryinG 2 StanD
Jayden's mummy :- "
1st October 2008 - Today is the first day of Hari Raya. On tis public holiday morning, we went out for breakfast wid hubby's fren, ah Pau & his wife. We planned to go visit another fren after our morning breakfast, ShouMing & his wife. His wife had juz underwent in vitro fertilisation, and she needs plenty of rest and cant move around much yet.
These are the bunch of frens we normally mix around here. Today another couple, Daniel & his wife, and of cuz not forgetting their 3mth old baby boy are unable to join us. Ah Pau & his wife will haf a baby boy son soon early Jan next year. So among all of us, hubby & I are still the youngest but our son is the eldest. Seeing ShouMing's wife having to go thru so much in order to haf their own baby, really makes me feel i'm so much more fortunate, although i feel i really underwent alot of sufferings during my pregnancy.
Today at ShouMing's house, Jayden was so happy. I guess most probably it was because he finally has a much spacier and new place to explore. When we placed him down on uncle ShouMing's wooden floor, he was so happy and started chuckling. I kinda like his living room with wooden floor, because it's really a much better place for babies to crawl around. Tiles will be a much colder surface to crawl on, and it owest makes babies hands and feet so cold and chilly.
Jayden held on to the furnitures there and started going around the living room. Then he'll get down on the floor, and crawled beneath the dining table and chairs. Oh My God... wat a little monster. He'll stayed underneath the dining table once in awhile, and chuckled to himself as he sits there looking at the bottom of the table.
We found tat ah Den tried to stand on his own today. When i sat down on the floor, he stood up while holding on to my shoulders for support. Then he slowly let go his hands, and when he found tat he can stand on his own legs without holding onto anything for a few seconds, he was amazed. You can practically see his eyes lit up and a big smile forming across his face, as he laughed loudly at his achievement. We noticed he tried letting go his hands a few times and trying to stand on his own. Hmm... i guess ah Den most probably will start to walk around pretty soon. I wonder if it'll be before 2009. ;)) "
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
crawling on 4 limbs!
22nd September 2008 - I hadn't realised cox ah Den had been cruising around lately wid his 2 little legs while holding on furniture for support, and he seldom gets down on the floor to crawl like he used to wid his on his tummy on the floor.
Tonite as usual i went for my aerobics class. When i got home, i straightaway went to shower. Jayden as usual will come looking for me, wanting me to carry and to hug him. I was all wet and sweaty and really don't feel like picking him up. So instead i went straight to take my bath. Tat time, hubby said he saw ah Den crawling really fast, on 4 limbs towards the bathroom door in order to look for me! haha....
Tat nite we had Western meal for dinner. Hubby asked our restaurant chef to prepare lamb chops wid mint sauce, chicken chop wid mushroom sauce, creamy mushroom soup, and we still have half a bottle of red wine which we opened the day before, just perfect to go wid our lovely dinner. How wonderful... the bottle of red wine was a gift from a friend and the wine was really so heavenly... i really enjoy drinking wine so much! Yummy...
I fed ah Den wid his dinner and when he's full, he wanted to get down from his baby chair so tat he can walk around by himself. Since it's our own restaurant at Casuarina, we put him down so tat he can venture around by himself. He was holding onto the chairs there and starts to cruise around. I was enjoying my dinner, and cutting my lamb chops slowly wid my fork & knife, when ah Den suddenly squat down on the floor, and wid his hands and knees on the floor, he crawled as fast as he could, as if making an escape from the restaurant, crawling wid all his might towards the entrance of the restaurant, heading towards our hotel lobby! Tat time it didn't come across my mind tat he was crawling on 4 limbs... no wonder he can crawl so fast in his attempt to escape from us. All i had in my mind then was to chase him back and to finish my lovely dinner. =)
I guess now tat he knows he can crawl faster on 4 limbs, he definately will not crawl wid his tummy on the floor again like previously. Now he can crawls faster than he used to, tat mean i'll haf to chase him faster next time! "
Friday, September 19, 2008
My New Shoes!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Jayden!

Instead of holding the dinner at the main hall, sis said she helped us to book the 1st floor of the lounge cum Western restaurant - better known as MUS Grill & Lounge. It's a smaller hall and definately more private. Besides that, she oso helped to arrange for the 2main tables to seats 15 person, and the 3 other tables to seats 12 guests. She said although we don't haf tat many ppl, don't worry so tat all our guests will haf a much spacier place and needn't squeeze. She purposely ordered another small table to be placed at the end of the room for kids to eat there, or to play there if they want to. On tat day itself, some of ah Den's cousin even bring their colour pencils and do their colouring there! (How thoughtful my sis-in-law is!)
Actually there wasn't really tat much to do, bcoz most of the things were oledi settled before tat day. I ordered ah Den's bday cake from Taka King Centre. The 'taukeh' is my sis's fren so she can get discount for me. I ordered a big cake - 3.5kg - of vanilla fruit cake. All my family members love the vanilla fruit topping cake from Taka because it's not too sweet, and my sis normally request for the 'taukeh' to make the cake on the very day itself, so tat the cake wil be so-very-very soft and FRESH! Another request is to gif us more fruits, but i think wid the design i chose for ah Den's cake tat day, he couldn't put too much fruit on it or else it won't be tat pretty. The 'taukeh' was supposed to send the cake over to Banquet on the day itself, but somehow he forgot, and i was oso careless too cox i din call to remind him, but luckily the cake still reach in time! Phew!!! The 3.5kg cake costs us RM 171.50 wid the wordings "Happy 1st Birthday Jayden" nicely written on it. Tat was the price before discount... hehe... i purposely post it here so tat next time ah Den can pay me back! =))
ah den's 1st bday cake!
For the dinner that nite, I went thru the menu months ago and cracked my head to come up with the perfect list of dishes to be served to our guests. Sounded very "kua-cheong" rite, haha.... Actually we always have dinner at The Banquet, so i kinda haf a rough idea wat dishes might be nice. Of cuz besides from the dishes being presentable, the prices of the dishes also haf to be within our budget. Tat nite we had a 10 course meal - and for a total of 5 tables the bill was RM2095 with free flow of soft drinks and chinese tea.
Everyone was so full and it was a relief tat all our guests had more than enough to eat. =)) Besides that, a lot of our guests oso commented tat the dishes were very tasty and unique. There were some very new and unique dishes, like the prawns wid wasabi on the Cold Plate, and oso the Hot & Sour Midin which they only blanched the midin in hot water without 'stir-fry'ing the veggie beforehand. The list of dishes for that nite was :-
- 5 Variety Dishes Combination
- Fried Longevity Noodles with Shredded Chicken
- Braised Shark's Fin with Seafood Soup
- Hot & Sour Midin
- Deep Fried Fish Fillet with Butter
- Braised Mushroom & Vegetable
- Deep Fried Boneless Chicken with BBQ Sauce
- Baked Fresh Prawns
- Crispy Beancurd with Salad Cream
- Sweetened Yam Paste & Sweet Corn in Coconut Milk
I dressed ah Den up in his new Poney T-shirt & Khakis which all the 'da jie-jie' from KL, namely yunnyi, hiewming, karhooi & seelee got for him. I purposely keep tat set of new clothes for him so tat he can wear it on his 1st bday celebration. There were the lovely gift packets tat we made for all the guests who attended the dinner tat nite, as a token of appreciation.
Another big THANK YOU to my mum and my big sis Ah Ming, for the trouble helping me wrapped all the gift packets. Ah Ming sis even helped me to print 'thank you' cards wid the cute cartoon 'Pocoyo & friends' on it and placed it in each of the gift packets. The contents of the thank you gifts are chocolates and wafers which i asked nb to help me to buy from Labuan, egg muffins or better known as 'kay neng ko' in hokkien which we purposely import from Sibu, and oso red egg. All the children were thrilled with the chocolates, and kids are really so cute... they immediately noticed the different types of chocolates and wafers in each packets. =))
Below are photos of ah Den's gift packets which his auntie ah Ming helped to make:-
Tat nite, ah Den received a lot of gifts and angpows from friends and relatives. When we got home after the dinner, we brought home some of the balloons used for deco. He was thrilled wid the metallic white & purple balloons. Haha... U can actually see how his eyes lit up when he saw the balloons. When we helped him to unwrap his presents, his excitements grew even more. He was busy playing wid everything. =))
Jayden was so happy tat nite and he went to bed really late... almost midnite at 11.30pm. He still wan to play wid all his toys and the new stuffs he got. Great-grandma from Sibu couldn't make it tat day, but she purposely asked hubby's bro to bring along ah Den's gift from Sibu. She bought ah Den a gold necklace - pure 999 gold which costs almost RM700. Sigh... her health wasn't tat good lately and she owest saved up her money and at times even feel heartache to use her own money to pay for her medical bills, but if it's to buy a gift for Jayden, she never hesitated. So hubby & I thought over and we agreed to gif grandma an angpow in return. Hopefully we can find some time to travel back to Sibu to visit her next time. She'll be very happy to see ah Den being a big boy now!

My baby is finally 1 year old. How fast time seems to zoom past by... previously the tiny & fragile bb lying besides me during my confinement period, is now so big and so active, owest trying to climb here & there & everywhere!"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
"tis time bek to Kuching..."
Tis round back to Kuching, we all can witnessed how naughty ah Den really is. Provided the space and attention he can get in Kuching, he had learnt and accomplished so many new tasks. On the 1st nite in our bedroom, he had successfully climbed up our bed on his own. Besides that, he had oso learnt how to slide down from the top of the bed - feets first - and stood up firmly when both his feet successfully touched the ground. While still holding to our bed, he'll laughed and chuckled happily at his own accomplishment. =))
Besides that, he oso had a spacier place to perform his crawling skill. Unlike the carpeted floor in Casuarina, our parquet floor back in Kuching provides him extra mobility as he can half crawl n half glide around. That time, he still crawl on his belly and all limbs on the floor. He was amazed when he used all his strength to crawl on the floor and found tat he actually moved further than expected on the new 'slippery' floor; and continued doing so going around our bedroom, exploring his new "wonderland".
The next day when we placed him downstairs in the living room in a walker, he was even more amazed at the speed he can go. With so much space plus the slippery marble floor, u can see him glide across the room at full speed. At first his little feet will be busily running - (frantically kicking backwards) - as he picked up speed, then he'll put both his feet down on the floor slightly and dragged his feet along as the walker starts to glide until his walker bangs on some furniture. When his walker came to a halt, he'll stood up slightly and turned his walker back in the direction he came, and once again he'll start to run and then glide freely and then 'BANG' and stop! He chuckled when his walker actually banged on sth hard, and watching him gliding around in the living room is like witnessing him riding in a bumper car!
Whenever we go out for breakfast, my MIL wil be sure to feed ah Den wid kolo mee. He loves to eat noodles, and finally he learnt how to say "mum-mum" when he wanted to eat sth. And oso, he learnt how to call "ma-ma" for grandma and most touching of all, he'd learnt how to call out for "mummy"! He'd accomplished so much tis trip back to Kuching, and besides feeling proud of him, i start to feel tat my baby is turning into a little naughty "monkey"! Haha... finally he learnt how to say words wid 'M' syllable - and it all happened one evening (18.08.08) when i suddenly heard him called out to me. Tat time SH was in China, and as usual around 8.30pm plus, i carried ah Den upstairs to clean him and let him changed into his pyjamas and get ready to go to bed. He was clinging onto me, and when i placed him down on his mattress, he still wanted me to carry him so he started crying. When he cried, he was actually calling out "MUM-MY" between his cries. I tot i heard wrongly, but guessed not, cox it was quite clearly pronounced. My heart melted when i heard his cute voice calling for me, so i asked him to call me again, but he stopped. Hmm... maybe he doesn't wan to please me so much!
Almost a month bek in Kuching, ah Den had grown up so fast. He can cling onto some furniture, and pulled himself up. Then he'll lower his butt, and 'thud' he'll be sitting on the floor, clapping his little hands as an applause for himself. Other than that, sometimes when he managed to pull himself up, he'll walk while holding onto that piece of furniture and going around it. He'd also learnt how to climb up the staircase, but only one way up, and still doesn't know how to climb down yet! When u say "No More", he'll shake both his little hands in a small gesture to show a sign tat some particular food had been finished. And oso he can clasps his hands together now, and shakes them up and down as a sign to congratulate "Gong xi, gong xi". Hee... We had been teaching him how to nod his head to say 'Yes' (previously he can only shakes his head to say 'No'), but his way of nodding his head is moving his body to and fro continuosly! Haha... i guess he thinks tat he's nodding his head but actually he's juz shaking his chubby little body!
Last but not least, his TEETH! He has 6 new teeth! All popping out at once, and his teeth were all so uneven. Sigh! I hope when his milk teeth drop in future, he'll grow nice and new straight teeth. Or else he'll haf to wear braces in future!"
Saturday, July 12, 2008
like Father, Like son!
Luckily all my hair started to grow back and some had even grown so long. Mummy gave me my first haircut when i was about 5mths old... well, it was oso mummy's first time to cut someone else's hair besides her own fringe, so it wasn't tat perfect.
Tis time bek to Kch, mummy & daddy decided to bring me for a haircut at a saloon. They brought me to Jenne Saloon at Hui Sing Garden. It's the saloon mummy owest goes to and she's more familiar wid the hairstylists there. Moreover, cousin sister Esther oso has her haircut there. When we were there, all the stylists were busy attending to their customers so we waited. When it was our turn, a young guy approached mummy and told her tat it was our turn, and mummy nervously asked if he's going to be the one cutting my hair! Hahaa.... then the guy asked if we haf any prefered stylists and mummy immediately answered "yes"! My mummy doesn't trust young stylist and especially guys, to handle bb's haircut. Why??!!?? Bcox she said, only women who are others mum will be more caring and careful when cutting bb's hair. Only mummies or those who'd taken care of babies before know tat they can't expect a bb to sit really still when getting their haircut.
I was nervous when the pretty auntie cut my hair. She used a shaver to shave the side and back of my head. The shaver was so ticklish and i juz couldn't keep still! Though mummy was holding me in her arms, i was still frantically moving and squirming around. The pretty auntie told mummy tat most of my hair is still baby hair, and i need to cut off those before my hair can grow longer. Okie... so she cut off most of my hair. I was crying and crying. I admit i was making a real fuss, but i was quite nervous. My haircut costs daddy RM8, and daddy said it was even more expensive than his haircut! Haha... but the most funny thing is tat i look so much more like my daddy after my haircut. We had the same hair style, and even daddy couldn't help but keep on laughing once in a while when he turned back and look at me, seated in the backseat while he was driving us back home. All the while mummy owest say i had my daddy's head, and now wid the same hairstyle, i look so much more like Siew Hung Jr. ! Wahahaha.....

09/07/08 - @ Kuching International Airport.
Ah Den in his pyjamas, getting ready to board our flight from Kch to KK.
Friday, July 11, 2008
proud of my bb!
5th July 08 – We came bek to Kuching again on the 3rd. It was an unplanned trip, and definitely out of our budget. Though it did burned a huge hole in our pockets, but hubby’s health is above anything else. As long as he’ll alright, everything else is secondary.
Today baby Jayden made another great achievement. Both daddy & mummy had to go to Kuching Specialist Hosp tat morning and hospitals are definitely not a place for babies. We tot of leaving ah Den back at home wid my mum-in-law, since he’s closest wid her here, but the day before, my mum-in-law hurt her fingers. She had her wound bandaged, and we really don’t want her to haf to carry ah Den around and it’ll juz cause her fingers to bleed some more. In the end we decided to leave ah Den wid ‘nye-ma’ (my mummy) instead. Tat morn, we placed ah Den in Esther’s baby carseat, which I borrowed from my sis the day before. It’s his first time to sit in a baby carseat, and he was chuckling when we buckled him up. He looked so cute sitting there and giggling to himself. I drove to mum’s place tat morn while ah Den’s daddy sat in the back seat. Looking once in awhile to my baby seated beside me while I was driving, I really felt tat my baby is a big boy now. He can seat by himself now, and he was being a good boy not making any fuss while seated there. He enjoyed looking at all the traffic and the view he was getting.
When we reached mum’s place, we quickly carried ah Den inside and I made some milk for him. While he was drinking his milk, both daddy & mummy quickly sneaked out while ‘nye-ma’ looked after him. We were running late for daddy’s appointment at the hospital, and I really hope my baby will be fine under the care of his other grandma tis morn.
At the hospital while waiting for hubby, I kept on calling bek home to check on my baby. My sis told me tat ah Den’s fine, and he was playing wid them. Wat a relief when I heard tat. After a while, I called bek again. I juz couldn’t help feeling so worried about my baby. Sis told me tat they are planning to go out and bringing ah Den along for a car ride. Sounds like Jayden was doing fine and I heaved another sigh of relief. Some time later, I called bek again (My mind was so troubled tat I lost track of time) to check on my bb. Tis time mum answered and told me tat they were still in the car but on their way bek home. Jayden fell asleep in the car and was sleeping soundly in her arms at tat time. Okie… another sigh of relief from me when I heard tat.
When hubby’s checkup was done, we quickly go to haf our breakfast. It was already almost noon, and I felt like I hadn’t seen my baby for such a long time. =)) After breakfast at Foody Goody, we walked over to Sweet Babies to buy a baby gift hamper for hubby’s fren’s newborn. There, my sis called me. I asked her how is Jayden doing, and she said he was fine. My mum had helped to bathe him, and now he was playing wid them. I felt so relief tat my baby was being such a good boy. Really felt so proud of him. When we reached mum’s place to pick up Jayden, he was all smiling when ‘nye-ma’ carried him in her arms and when he saw us. He didn’t cry but instead kept on smiling at daddy & mummy as if greeting us. I really felt so proud of my little baby… ah Den is really growing up now. I really hope I can train my baby to be more familiar wid his relatives, and not too clingy to daddy & mummy. We had such little time spent wid our families here in Kuching, I really hope he can develop close bonding wid them whenever we haf the chance. "
finally CRAWLiNG???
Jayden's mummy: "
1st July 08 – My 9m+ baby is finally learning to cruise around by crawling…. or is tat considered as crawling, I’m wondering. Last 2 days I noticed tat ah Den can moved a few inches in front of him by kicking his feet and pulling himself forward wid his little arms. He was trying to grab hold of any object in front of him within his reach. When I placed him in a sitting position between my thighs, he’ll slowly lower himself on the mattress by placing his arms slightly further away from his body in front of him. Then he’ll make himself fall gently on the mattress and ‘thud’ he’ll be laying on his tummy and face!
After tat he’ll start to grab at the bedsheet covering our mattress wid both his hands and he’ll pull at it real hard while kicking his legs to make himself move forward. He looks as if he’s swimming! Whenever he’s near the edge of the mattress, tat’s even better. He’ll juz grabbed and hangs on to the edge of the mattress, and since it’s a firmer hold than juz a piece of cloth; he can pulled himself forward much further. Soon half his body was oledi out of the mattress! Way to go my little baby!!! 'Jia you, jia you!' "
bek to KCH again!
19th June 08 – Coming back to Kuching this time, my little baby had shown some improvements. He’s more familiar wid his Kch home and oso closer to his grandparents now, especially wid his grandma. Seeing him being able to adapt to the different ‘home’ and lifestyle here, I really felt tat my baby is growing up.
On tat Saturday noon, I’d promised to go to a supposed-facial session wid my sister. I had hesitated to go at first, wondering if ah Den would be okie without me here in grandpa’s house. My hubby insisted me to go and willingly offered to baby sit ah Den.
However, at the very last minute, he’d to go to settle some stuff and he told me to leave ah Den wid his mum if I really had to go out before he’s bek. It was oledi past 1pm and our appointment was timed at 2pm. After I bathed and fed ah Den, I told my mum-in-law tat I really had to go out then cox I was running late. My mum-in-law carried ah Den in her arms and brought him outside to wave goodbye at me. I was so worried tat he’ll cry if he saw me driving away so I told my in-law to carry him inside and not let him see tat I was going out. But my mum-in-law insisted tat it was okie and asked ah Den to wave goodbye at me. Luckily when I drove away, ah Den juz stared surprisingly at me. (Maybe he had never seen me drive before.. haha)
When I reached my mum’s place to pick up my sis, I quickly grabbed my handphone to call hubby. He said he had reached home and ah Den was doing fine. He was playing wid his grandparents and moving around in his walker. =)) I felt so relieved. It was a big step for me, leaving my baby behind in the care of others and to go out to pamper myself. ;)) It was a big achievement for me as well as for Jayden. I guess it’s time tat I start to do tis more often and not to let myself being tied down tat much wid my baby. Although I din get to do my facial tat Sat afternoon cox my sis messed up wid the appointment, I felt happy all the same to being able to take the first step out and to learn to ease my grasp on my baby a little. "
Monday, June 16, 2008
recent Updates
At 1Borneo, hubby told me tat he noticed tat ah Den keep on eyeing other kids' balloons. Not only 1Borneo but alot of other shops were giving out balloons in celebration of their grand opening, so almost every kid has at least one balloon. Ah Den really seems to be attracted to the floating balloons, and seeing him glaring at other ppl's balloons really make both me & hubby wanting to get one for him. So we walk around trying to hunt for free balloons but it was kinda hard cox the place was packed wid ppl.
From left to right: ah Den's grandaunt, great-grandma & grandma
8th June 2008 - ah Den wid great-grandma @ 1Borneo
8th June 2008 - ah Den wid grandma @ 1Borneo
~ Photos of Jayden wid his balloons ~
3rd June 2008 – Pictures of ah Den wid ‘chat (7) chai’. We went to Miri on 31st May to attend SH’s cousin brother’s wedding dinner on the 2nd June. We stayed at Park City Everly Hotel, a 4-star hotel, and since it was Gawai during tat period, the hotel was packed. The first few days there at Miri we were really tired out, and meeting a lot of his other relatives whom little Jayden hadn’t seen b4.However, on the 1st, which was hubby’s bday, his aunts & relatives purposely held a simple bday celebration for him. It was simply unforgettable. We were supposed to dine at Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club where the wedding dinner will be held the next day. SH’s uncle purposely invited all the relatives to dine there to show them the venue for the wedding dinner and also to let everyone comment on the dishes. Before the dinner started, hubby’s 3rd aunt brought out a cake and lit 28 candles for him. Then they all gathered around us and we all sang bday song. It’d been a really long time since so many ppl celebrated hubby’s bday for him. Since his b’day is on Gawai Day, almost every year it’s either we r not at home or he’d to work at hotel to replace the Iban staffs on leave. It’s his 1st bday celebrated wid ah Den around tis year. Jayden keep on looking at his daddy’s cake, and he was smiling when he saw all the lit up candles. After hubby cut his b’day cake, his aunts had another surprise for him. They gave him a big soft toy – CJ7, and it was really such a funny gift for a grown-up man like him. Everyone had such a good laugh, and ah Den again keep on staring at CJ7 (‘chat chai’) and of cuz tat belongs to him now. =))
After dinner tat nite, we stopped by SH’s cousin’s new house and after tat both of us, together wid ah Den of cuz, sneaked down to town to Coffee Bean to buy 2 pieces of yummy cake and an ice-blended Caramel back to our hotel for another b’day celebration of our own. So tat’s how ah Den got his new ‘chat chai’ lor… and luckily he’s not afraid of it. Juz tat he’ll feel quite ticklish of his furry head, and sometimes he’ll shudder when we stroke him wid CJ7’s fur! "
Friday, June 6, 2008
Some new tricks
At the age of 6mths plus, ah Den had learnt how to shake his head. And yes, he had also learnt to recognize his name. If u called out ‘Jay-den’ or ‘ah-Den’, he’ll turn and look at you. He can sit up by himself now, although still not tat stable and he’ll tumble over once in a while. He loves to watch his nursery rhymes video CDs and whenever I played it for him, he’ll keep on shouting at the tv once in awhile whenever he sees a familiar picture… or perhaps he’s trying to sing together wid them… I have no idea!
Another funny thing is how he sucks his pacifier. Lately he has tis habit of sticking his finger into the hole in his silicone pacifier. It’s like he can suck both his pacifier and his finger at the same time, and he really enjoys it. One more wonderful gesture he had learnt is to wave. When we say ‘bye-bye’ to him and start to wave at him, he’ll respond by trying to wave his arm as well. Haha… maybe bcox when we go out for breakfast every morning, the ladies at the reception counter downstairs will wave and greet him ‘bye-bye’. So slowly ah Den had also learnt to wave back at them. Babies do learn really fast… way to go!"
Some recent snapshots :-
22nd May 2008 - ah Den playing wid his pacifier, see the way he sucks his pacifier now! Really creative!
4th May 2008 - ah Den chewing his Patrick the Red Dog!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Stranger Anxiety
Then tis morning when mummy let another fren carried me, I started to cry. At first when tis auntie carried me in her arms, I was still okie. But when i saw my daddy, then i started crying. Probably because i finally realised it was someone else carrying me at that moment. So after awhile when tis auntie picked me up again, she quickly carried me outdoor. Hmm... maybe if i din see my mummy or daddy, i'll be quite okie. But it doesn't work. I started wailing a few moments later, and she rushed back in to look for mummy or daddy. ;))
How naughty I was! I juz don't want to be separated from mummy or daddy. ;))
Jayden's mummy: "Maybe because my baby is with me almost every single moment, and whenever i'm absent or no where to be seen within his sight, he starts to panic. I've read tat it's normal for babies to develop stranger anxiety. Tis is because at this stage, they realised tat there is only ONE mummy and oso only ONE daddy in the whole wide world. How sweet it sounds!
Well, it's kinda sweet tat's my baby is clingy to me, but at times it can be quite difficult as well. Like for example, our last visit back to Kuching, things were really so hard. Ah Den juz didn't want to be left alone. When i put him in his cradle or Esther's cradle, he'll start to notice if i'd leave him. If i simply took one step away from the cradle, he'll start to whimper. Experts say to try to tolerate with tis sensitive reaction from babies. Don't force ur babies to 'get used to' strangers. In fact, learn to protect ur baby from too much exposure.
Another wonderful thing he had learnt about 3 weeks ago back in Kuching (7mths old) was to start babbling. He would say "ta-ta-ta-ta" repeatedly, and no more "ang koo" now. Haha... even when he cries for 'milk-milk', he'll follow his cries wid "ta-ta-ta-ta te-te-te" and it really sounded as if he's complaining! ;)) So funny to listen to him doing tis."
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
my Little Toes..
My little toes & me : "Look at me making a grab at my feet!" (15.04.2008)
Jayden is 7mths old now. Last week we brought him to see his pediatrician again. In less than a month, he had been sick twice and again it’s cough, flu, runny nose and wheezing. It’s the wheezing tat really terrifies me, cox he sounded as if he’s having difficulty breathing and u can actually hear him wheeze from the very end of a hall! Wheezing is one of the symptoms for asthma.
In 3 mths time he oledi had tis wheezing episodes 3 times. When we went to see Dr. Liaw, he explained tat it’s very likely Jayden has “viral-induced asthma”. If a baby had tis attacks for more than 3 times in a period of less than 6 mths, then he’ll be diagnosed wid viral-induced asthma, meaning to say if anyone around haf cold or flu, then he’ll most likely catch it easily and start to wheeze. Sigh!!
Dr. Liaw said tat there’s a medication for tis type of asthma and baby will need to take a medicine called ‘Singulair’ for a period of 2mths and after tat we won’t haf to worry if he’ll catch a cold easily in future. Ah Den took tis medication before for a period of 7days when he was only 3mth old, and oso he had to use a nebulizer then. I took a friend’s helpful advice of recording baby’s entire medication intake in a handy notebook; the consumption period, dosage, etc. It’s really a very good practice cox u’ll be able to monitor if your child is allergic to any specific medication and also if u happen to change his current pediatrician, then it’ll really help to haf all his previous medication record. So when the doc mentioned ‘Singulair’, I immediately remembered Jayden took tis medicine before. Though the doc said the only side effect of tis medicine is its cost, I still hope my baby doesn’t haf to consume medicine daily for such a long period so I opted to juz stay to his normal medicine for cough n runny nose for the time being.
Tis ah Den is really getting naughtier n naughtier. He’s owest so happy when he see Dr. Liaw, even though he’s sick. Most probably because the doc has a very friendly face and he’ll keep smiling and looking at him. Now he even starts to pull at the doc’s stethoscope when the doc carried him around, =)) til Dr. Liaw commented tat he’s one ‘Happy Wheezer’! Ha ha…
After 1 week Jayden is getting better. After he finished his ‘Ventolin’ and ‘Cetirizine’ syrup, I tot of bringing him bek to see his doc to get some more medicine because he still doesn’t get any better. Luckily we consulted a church friend who is also an experienced mum after service last Sun, and she suggested not giving ah Den too much medication, instead bring him to see a chinese physician or juz let him drink more water. So we brought ah Den to see a chinese physician straight after church.
Well, the chinese physician here is kinda different from wat we normally haf in Kuching. I don’t quite trust him actually. He told me to go home tat nite and smashed a shallot, then add some sesame oil, and rubbed tis mixture on ah Den’s back in the motion of left hand side up, and right hand side down. It’s like rubbing in a circular motion on his back. I followed his advice since it’s not harmful so it’s worth a try. Once again my ah Den became “Orang Bawang” cox he smelled of onions whole nite long!
Besides tis, the chinese physician oso prescribed us with a packet of herbal tea called “7 Star Tea” and oso another small bottle of powder which can be bought over the shelf in almost any Chinese medicine store. Tat small bottle of powder is really expensive, it costs RM18.80. It is common tat these chinese medical powder are expensive, probably bcox of its herbs content. Just like the small bottle of “Jing Feng Shan” we bought for ah Den last time, one small bottle costs RM19.90.
When I opened the packet of herbal tea, I was so shocked. One of it’s content was some kind of dried insects. It looks like wasps to me. So we threw the whole packet of “7 Star Tea” (‘chi xing cha’) away. I don’t even dare to drink it myself, what more to give to ah Den. Yucks!! Luckily the powder is effective, and very fortunately ah Den seems to like it. The Chinese physician said ah Den might throw up if we feed him wid the bitter powder so he suggested us to rub it on his gum and tongue. Ha ha… but when I rubbed it on the inside of his mouth, he was sucking and smiling at the same time. I wonder if he finds the powder tasty or he juz like the feeling of my finger inside his mouth. ;)) I did taste the powder myself; it’s a bit salty and bitter at the same time. After a few consumption, it seems to reduce the phlegm in his throat. Perhaps Chinese medication suits him more… but anyway, I juz hope he gets really, really fine soon.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
m rolling over & over!
I stared at him, thinking maybe it's juz a coincidence tat he suddenly know how to do it. Then for safety measure i placed him on the far left end of the bed when i went to prepare his bath water. When i get back, he was lying in the middle of the bed on his back. Hmm... tat seems to be quite far from where i'd placed him. So i carried him back to the end of the bed once again and stood aside watching him. First he rolled from his back to his left side then successfully landed on his tummy. After tat, he start to tilt his head back towards his right and TA-DA, he managed to land on his back again! I started laughing when i saw him doing tat. I was so proud of him. He is finally rolling over and over... but tat oso mean i must be extra careful when i leave him alone on the bed right now. Hooray! Today ah den finally mastered another skill! "
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
my 1st yummy 'mum-mum'
Well, lately his appetite seems to grow and he starts to be curious at wat we eat. He’ll be eyeing our plates at the dinner table every time we carry him in our laps during our meal and sometimes he’ll even reach out to make a grab at our plates. Before this, I did try to give ahDen Rusks biscuits (which is considered as semi solid food) to chew on bcox my sis told me tat it helps babies teething process. He likes the biscuits, and it seems to soothe his gums when we rubbed the biscuit on his gum and he was giggling while trying to chew on it. Ha ha… My mum told me to try give him a grain of rice to see if he’ll swallow it. But everytime I try, ahDen wil juz either leave the rice on his tongue while staring blankly at us or push it out wid his tongue. I read tat tis is called the “extrusion reflex”, and when babies had learnt to keep the solids in their mouth and swallow it, meaning to lose tis reflex of theirs, then they are ready for solid food. Welcome to the world of the grown ups then!
When we brought ahDen to his pediatrician here in Kota Kinabalu a week ago because he wasn’t feeling well, Dr. Liaw advised tat we can start giving him solids. So I planned to start introducing ahDen to solid food after he gets well. Finally today, he had his first taste on solid food and tis is how the experience went for him."
25th March 2008 - Today i haf my first taste of solid food. Mummy cooked some porridge from the Bario fragrant rice which she bought for Rm5.70 per kg. She dunno what rice is the best to cook porridge with, so she juz get the best rice for
me. After the porridge was cooked, she mashed it somemore by filtering it thru a sieve to make my baby food really 'gooey' and sticky for me.
Mummy placed me in my walker around 3pm and fed me. After tat around 7pm, mummy reheated the porridge and fed me some more. Mummy said i did quite well today cox i finished about 2 tablespoon of my 'gooey' porridge. Haha... sometimes when mummy fed me, i blew the porridge on my spoon making bits of my food flying around. I know i'm being naughty, but i juz couldn't help myself by trying to blow my food on the spoon. It makes such a wonderful sound! Hee... and some of the porridge will be splattered on mummy's face!